If there are things you would like to see in the weekend sales for Paradise please post them up here
Paradise Item Shop Suggestions
- Sappheire
- Closed
our suggestions would be201141 Phoenix Redemption (maybe package of 10)
201139 Angel's sigh (maybe package of 10)
202434 Daily Reset Tickets
Zodiac Pets (legendary...or all of them
Transformation Potions (like e.g. 203416)
Malatina/Goblin badges - although i'm not a fan of giving away this kind of stuff, many other titles have been sold in IS, and Malatina likes to make people's clients crash very often, so Malatina repeat ticket does not help, but only consume the items....
we'll think of some more suggestions...
Malatina cards and goblin badges.I want only titles.I don't need shells.
would love to have the equipment expansion slot tickets so you can have more then 3 sets of gear on a character
Stabilization Stones ?
Runes for next promo would be nice.
Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming
Make please İtem-Shop promo ;
204235 Powerful Pet Growt Potion202881 Purified Fusion Stone
Thanks you GM Team
Would like to have something like a portable Merchant for selling stuff when not close to a town, something similar to the portable mailbox or portable auction house
Would like to have something like a portable Merchant for selling stuff when not close to a town, something similar to the portable mailbox or portable auction house
you could always buy the 30 day guild transport rune and sell stuff to the guild housemaid
Zodiac Pets (legendary...or all of them
Transformation Potions (like e.g. 203416)
How about some cheap perma mounts; 50 dia mounts and/or 500 P-tokens?
Maybe the 60% speed or 65% speed mounts for this to help newer players (and alts?) get a mount for pretty cheap!
10kk Ep orbs again?
Healing sigils
Transport package
Sacred Phoenix
House Chests (20 places)
Plussing Stones (perfect AND normal ones)
Daylie Ticket (for 10 dias each)
Hardwork Chrystals
Crafting Furnitures
Music Instruments (put them into a package so they can be bought ahead)
House contractsNaturally not everything on the same weekend.
And you should move this thread into the "Suggestions" section.
only thing i want to see is the 10mil xp/tp orbs back in IS. heard yesterday while on countduke ziddy saying if there were 10mil orbs. well beat you do it wabbit
Zodiac Pets (legendary...or all of them
Transformation Potions (like e.g. 203416)
If you need more IDs for the other transformation potions or zodiac pet, pls tell me
Cards for Hardcore
ID: 771313 http://www.rom-welten.de/database/?r=3qu
ID: 771674 http://www.rom-welten.de/database/?r=i5shttps://gyazo.com/1ade03a45d0251f4a234744655ceef37
i mean
So i ask my Guild what Cards we can link here too... I hope the ID is enough.... no time to search all
771556,770227,770692,771705,770759,771707,771390,770147,770146,770161~combined posts to help make suggestions easier to read
~Thor -
Thank you for all of the suggestions.
I am not too sure about future zone cards being released in item shop though and/or easily farmable cards.
Also did some cleanup / condensing to try and keep it neat here.
~Thor -
Please consider add the material in Crafting festival to IS,we have so many awesome recipe from the festival but cant use it at all
The material have ID range from 240066 to 240077
The Recipe have ID range from 551661 to 551728
Added in material IDs from post
~Thor -
It would be nice http://www.rom-welten.de/database/view.php?id=206698
Perma bags III -VI. if there are no in IS -
I did not find them -
It would be nice http://www.rom-welten.de/database/view.php?id=206698
Perma bags III -VI. if there are no in IS -
I did not find themThese are not always in the item shop but they do appear in weekend sales from time to time 8)
The plussing stones were in along with weekend promo but we will see about adding.
Thank you for suggestions; will forward these
House chests (20 places)
And it is ok to make the new plussing stones more expensive, but you should at least change them so you get 10 each for the current price
1. ID: 241090
2. ID: 202520
3. ID: 207149
4. ID: 202930
5. ID: 202434 -
1. ID: 241090
2. ID: 202520
3. ID: 207149
4. ID: 202930
5. ID: 202434Thank you for suggestions; but please take a moment to give us item name too when providing suggestions in the future.
1. ID: 241090
2. ID: 202520
3. ID: 207149
4. ID: 202930
5. ID: 202434Thank you for suggestions; but please take a moment to give us item name too when providing suggestions in the future.
I thought the ID´s are enough, but for the future i will add the names too...