Patch 16 July

  • Bugfixes
    *Quest TP have been fixed finally - you will gain 10x TP per quest
    *General setskills "No matches found" has been fixed

    Other changes
    *All your skill talent points will be reset, you will have to redistribute them all over your skills
    *Negative talent points will be removed, everyone with negative TP will have 100kk TP remaining
    *Server rates changes - All values will be x10 from now (combat exp/tp, quest exp/tp, gold, drop)

    *Max level housemaids only now! Buy a housemaid now and it will instantly have ALLskills on level 100!
    The event will last at sunday, 19th July 23:59h.

    *Free daily Badges of the Trial have been raised to 15

    We are aware alot of players exceeded the tp cap and are unable to now level some skills.

    If I have any further information I will update.

  • All Buff Npc's are back from their research tour.

    They can now be found in the following areas (currently on channel 1)
    Masters of Skills => Varanas Lower City West
    Master of Experience => Varanas Lower City East
    Master of Treasure Hunter => Varanas Gates
    Master of Absolution => Varanas Gates