Raksha Temple

  • This instance is located in Northern Janost Forest.

    To enter the Angren area which is required to reach Raksha Temple, you are required to complete a quest chain in Northern Janost Forest.

    There are a total of 7 bosses.

    This instance can be done in the following mode & has 2 sets of gear. Normal mode gear and Bronze-Diamond mode gear.

    Easy - Drops temple stats with green stats such as Stormstrike XII

    Normal - Drops normal mode temple gear, this is - Head/ Chest/ Shoulders & Boots with set skill.

    Bronze - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear. The gloves for each class

    Silver - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear. The belt for each class

    Gold - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear. The earrings for each class

    Platinum - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear; the legs for each class & the knight's hard mode weapon

    Diamond - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear; the diamond weapon for each class except for knight. The knight's sword with added % is dropped in 6th boss or last boss in platinum mode.

    As you increase each level of difficulty, the drops from the previous difficulty gets pushed up. For example, the 7th boss in bronze drops the hard mode gloves. In silver, which is the next level of difficulty, the 6th boss will be dropping it and so on..as you increase the difficulty.


    Tank - 90k - 100k physical defense with Enhanced Armor - HP buffed up to 60-70k

    DPS - 25k physical attack unbuffed, tier 8+ level 60 weapon

    Priest - 30k-35k group heals

    Druid - 12k-15k Mother Earth's Fountain, Recover hits for atleast 20k with a 4k hot afterwards.

    Raksha Temple - First Boss Yawaka

    The boss hits the tank extremely hard so if you are the tank just heading into this instance for the first time, use all the food you got.

    He has an attack called "Cat Claw Whirlwind Attack" - This is an AOE around him which can be problematic to melee dps. Range dps are safe if they stand at max range.

    Now to the important part; adds.

    Leonine Warrior and Leonine Priests.

    The warrior must be aggro'd by the dps immediately otherwise he will put a skill on the tank that will reduce the tank's defense. (look at image below)

    The priest must be killed immediately because they will cast silence and unable healers to heal or tank to use holy shield.

    Win or Lose moment:

    Boss will scream out "NO ONE CAN SURVIVE.....(image below)"

    This will hit you 3 times for 90% of your HP within 5 seconds.

    The "proper" way is to loot a special costume that the adds drop and use it but this does not work properly (Unsure if they fixed it in chapter 4)

    A way to stop this is Holy Shield from the tank, Holy Candle Shield (Bubble) from priest or "Rainbow Crystal Candy" which can be made.

    As soon as you see this text, use one of the above.

    The usual order is

    Tank's holy shield > priest bubble > food

    Tank's holy shield > food (no priest)

    Raksha Temple - Second boss Shadoj

    Shadoj is pretty much a tank and spank. At random times shadoj will say "This should make you understand how weak you truly are" where Shadoj will then summon totems on the ground. The number increases as the fight lengthen. There are three different kinds, Death, Terror and Healing.

    The death totem will damage players near it
    Terror will fear people near to it
    Healing totem will heal the boss

    During fight, one random party member will get skill, the skill is used to absorb the red crystal to enhance the player's damage and defense for a while. In order to do this, you must stand next to the red crystal and click on the skill.

    Raksha Temple - Third boss Paicha

    Paicha, the third boss which is one of the most fun boss for me as a healer (others may differ). It is tough and challenging and requires a lot of communicate and requires you to be focused on the fight the entire time.

    Before fighting the boss you must organize where everyone in the party will stand, if there is more then one healer who will cleanse who and most importantly understanding the fight before hand to make it easier.

    Everyone in the party must spreadout and decide where they are going to stand before hand. The reason for this is, similarly like to 4th boss in Warneken Arena, the boss will put black clouds on the ground on certain players.

    As soon as you see the black clouds on the ground, move away from it. If you do not move, you will get 1 stack of lightning.

    The lightning will put a second debuff on you called "Paralysis" which will stop you from casting any skills. The duration and intensity of lightning increases the more stacks you have.

    Once in a while, Paicha will decide to put a bubble cage on one person. The bubble cage is similar to the hand at Sirloth in Hall of the Demon Lord. You must target the person that has bubble and dps it down. While stuck in this state, the person is unable to move or attack. If the bubble cage is on the player for too long, the player will get a debuff called Electrification. Having the debuff Electrification on you and not moving out of the black clouds on the ground will surely lead to a death if you have low magical defense.

    About every 20 to 30 seconds, Paicha, will 3 random people in the party a debuff called "Difficulty Breathing". This is a harmful effect debuff which can be cleansed by priests, druid/scout, mage/priest, scout/priest & scout/mage. It must be cleansed as soon as possible as it decreases movement speed and casting speed. The higher the stack, you slower you get.

    Once you have 3 stacks of difficulty breathing, you will have a debuff called "SUFFOCATION", this debuff will make you useless for the whole fight unless you have a person in the party that can cleanse "Curse", NOT "Harmful Effect".

    For example, a druid, priest/mage, mage/priest or scout/mage. The best way to not get suffocation debuff and get interrupted from casting skills is to avoid the black clouds on the ground all together.

    Raksha Temple - Fourth boss Lijinda

    This boss is pretty simple except when he has the Lion buff on him. First of all, he has a frontal AOE call "Soul Fury", tank must face him away from the party otherwise the group will most likely to wipe.

    Here and there he will cast "Animal Transformation". He does this two times; a 1 second cast which you can ignore and a 2 seconds cast. When it is the two second cast "Animal Transformation" he will get a buff on him and his aggro will also reset.It is advised you pause attacking after he finish casting the skill so the tank can get a chance to get aggro again.

    Tanks becareful when he does this casting. Just back off a little bit incase he gets the lion buff and 1 shot you. It is best to stand back and if you do see lion buff, whirlwind shield (if k/m) to slow the boss down and kite or holy shield and try to get aggro for a few seconds before kiting. There are three buffs in total. Mages/Priests/Scouts use your slow skills such as Lucky chance, ice fog, joint blow to help.

    Lion- In Lion form, he will 1 shot the tank because the buff give him a 300% damage boost. It is best for healers and ranged DPS to stand in the middle while the tank kites it around the circle.
    Ape - In ape form, he will fear the party and after fear he will cast "Brut Force Smash". Everyone must stack up immediately after fear so the damage can be divided. If you do not stack up you will get hit for 90k.
    Gazelle - In Gazelle form, he will charge at one random person and put a bleed on them.

    Raksha Temple - Fifth boss Raksha

    There will be two adds spawning on the left and right of your screen. The proper way is to kill these adds to get the debuffs off you. But most parties i've been in ignored them and just dps the boss.

    Sometimes he will cast "EMIT SPORE" it is a 2 seconds cast and after this cast he will put a debuff on two players which will decrease their HP by 30% every 2 seconds.

    The best way to prevent the buff is to use magic immunity food or have phirius potions ready.

    A skill call "Flower Bud Guard" which is approximately like 5-8 seconds cast will also be cast. It will put a protective shield on him and put a two buff again on two person. You must do enough dps to get rid of the shield on him. If the group fails to dps the shield down, he will kill the two people with the debuff. He will reset aggro once the shield is down so give the tank about 2-3 seconds to get aggro back.

    Raksha Temple - Sixth boss Naylodas

    Food up completely before the fight starts because consumables are disabled during this fight.

    There are 3 types of adds that spawn.

    Nature's Bolgu - This add drains your mana, focus, rage & energy. They cannot be killed so the best way is if they are aggro'd on you run around and heal/attack until they loose aggro. For casters, it is advised that you have the Dalanis set skill Elemental Spirit Stone Essense for this fight to regen your mana.
    Spirit of Nature - "little trees" - Attacks and put debuffs on you reducing the healing you receive.
    Spirit of Life - "big trees" - They basically heal the boss and needs to be killed asap.

    Kill the trees asap when they come out.

    The boss will put three shields on him and you need to bring it down by clicking the blue crystals on the ground to get rid of it. When you click on the blue crystal, you will get another skill that appear on your screen. Target yourself and click on that skill. Another skill will now pop up. Target the boss and hit that skill. Look at screenshots below


    Tank should kite whenever your HP is low so healers can have enough time to regen their mana and heal you.

    Healers try to stay in a corner or run around the outside of the area to not aggro/ lose aggro on Nature's Bolgu

    Raksha Temple - Seventh Tyda

    He will cast a skill call lightning cross, it is about 5-6 seconds long. Everyone in the party will get a color debuff like in HOS (Blue, Green or Red). The proper way is you are suppose to run to the right color but the way this boss design is there are multiple Blue/ Green or Red and you only have a 25-50% survival rate. Magic damage immunity food will be used instead because this boss design sucks.

    What happens if you do not land on the right color or use immunity food after lightning cross ends is you get a 5 seconds count down debuff and once it ends you will explode and take out whoever is near you.

    Second Phase: Bubble

    The boss will summon a huge bubble and if you are out of that bubble you will get a dot on you which also reduces movement speed.

    He will call out someone's name. "XXXX the end is nigh!"

    What this does is it will silence that person and whoever is standing next to them. Disabling all attacks.

    To get rid of this silence, the player must run to a red crystal and white strike it.

    Resource: Kabal guild (USA server)
    Aneyiaa - Anepedia.proboards.com