Posts by mcghee2011
This is not for one special person, but for many.
Years ago, we played together for a very long time.
At this time real live and game were pretty mixed and I often got a whatsapp msg to join in and kill something... a worldboss or players of another guild or something like that^^
We sure were no angels and our Leader Battle needed to join other guilds ts/Discords to appologize for his members from time to time.... but we had a great time.
Sure, we also had our troubles between members - but as soon as someone wrote something in word chat about someone of us, we stand together as one.
I miss this time. I miss you.
Live came between us - family, job, and so on ... and most of you quited the game. We are still in touch via whatsapp, but I miss you ingame.
So, this love letter is for all of you:
Battle, Claudi, Aohla, Fubi, Joa, Brummi, Steffi, Lines, Flieger and all the others
With love, Ghee