Posts by kingblood

    anyway we wont get this because of Mithras/Fatality tyvm selfish people that wanted help for DN on first week of letting it open

    So when im play i cant try to complete dn becouse if i do i´m a selfish? :huh: Dont blame the guilds that close dn, thing of how your guild can improve the time for farm dn stone or close dn. Also you cant start whit other accesories? They are accesories from mems, myths, hos. I thing many ppl on this server started without dn accesories, believe me if you start from 0 like everyone did not break your computer. :thumbup:

    The fault is not the seller, if someone wants to pay 35k or 90k its fine because are their diamonds.
    But if you do not have the gear strong enougth, think the way:
    1_ recruit more ppl
    2_join your guild whit another
    3_ use buffers
    4_ enter whit sigil
    Also if you get to the 3 boss you go well, do not expect to get the ring in 1 day
    I have also read arguments like "should help the comunity" but people who say that ("not all"). I dont see warning when they kill Mandara, Blind Hackman to help people who need elites, and dont warn because want to exploit it for win myths, and i dont judge them, if they can kill Mandara fast, well for them gz.
    Its a Game, you are supposed to improve to get better things. Imagine starting a new job and demand the position of "head of the company", new car, two women secretaries :thumbup: , just because you are new XD
    To finish, continue improve make a strong guild, farm the lasted instance and change those AH price.

    i suggest you (its whit respect)
    1)make a magic gear whit yellow stat you and your friends guild
    2)farm hos
    3)make a strong gear whit purple stats
    3) make a strong guild
    4) and close dn whit your guild
    Or do you want to start a game whit the latest accesories last weapons ?. You must try your best to get the best, start from 0
    we all started like you. Here the only things free and whitout effort are: the golden hammer, runes transport and golden eggs.
    You need time and effort or money for recharge diamonds
    Come on you can do your best !! :)