Posts by robopoke

    Arena of Darkness

    • Reduced Nero Millionaire title offhand damage gain to 15% from 20%.

    It would be nice for people who bought this title from AoD for this reason that they get back get back 5000 AoD-Coins. Will this be possible? Because now you can just use DC Title 532093 which is literally the same for Badgesystem.


    Changed Assassins Rage to increase main hand weapon damage instead of physical damage.

    You took probably the worst classspecific burstbuff and made it even worse. I understand the intention to nerf Rogues who do offhand damage (RWl, RW and RM) but you also nerfed Katana Rogues. Here is why:

    Before it was 12% Damage buff which everybody knows translates to ~15% - 18% increased damage because of dmg from Gear, Robot etc. and depending on how many %dmgbuffs you stack (unique behavior for % pdmg buffs).

    Now it is a 12% mainhandweapon buff which means all dmg from Gear does not get affected. So you literally just boost by 12%.

    If the goal was to just nerf offhand Rogues I suggest to increase the value from 12% to 18%. If the goal is to nerf offhand Rogues and other Rogues, keep it. But from reading the other notes I assume the nerfs are targeted directly at offhand Rogues so please consider increasing the value to based on the explanation given.


    Changed Premeditation to increase Wound Attack damage by 50% instead of 20, decreased duration to 10 seconds from 15.

    Can you please also fix that in Dark Core you have combat almost permanently? This skill is useless most of the time unless you play Rogue/Mage.

    With only 10 seconds uptime and the time needed to wait until tank pulls mobs together, realistically you only can make use of 3 seconds bufftime. Also classes like Rogue/Warden and Rogue/Warrior need to use 2-3 Global Cooldowns to buff up their pdmg/patk before they can even start their bleed rotation. If anything, remove the Wound Attack boost completely and increase duration to 20 seconds.

    Another option is to make Premeditation usable in Combat with no Global CD (like Rogue/Mage) and to make Rogue/Mage Elite useful by decreasing CD from 40 to 30. In that case, a 10 second uptime is justified.

    With the movementspeed Update, meleeclasses now have a harder time to to dps because Rangeclass can inflict most damage before melee can reach it.

    The Champion Class suffers from this the most, because of required whitehits (20 range).

    Therefore I suggest to modify Disasembly Mode to additionally increase movementspeed by 50%. With the new calculation formula this results in about ~20% movement speed in most cases which is not gamebreaking and arguably still too little.

    Furthermore (slightly offtopic) the main Tank of the party should have more movementspeed as well, preferably by boosting % movementspeed from Hoto/Necro Set.

    Hey! After some small tests, I noticed an interesting bug, namely, when I have a t17 dagger with WB, it has fewer included damages than a t16 dagger with DC when I equip it in the off-hand. Considering the attack speed and weapon damage, the WB weapon should have significantly more off-hand damage. Please check this, and if it's a bug, please fix it :)

    Not a bug. You are comparing dmg, but you should be comparing dps. In your picture The Murk has ~48.6% more dps.

    Looking at dmg means that in fullburst, The Nocturne would actually be better. But with the elemental dmgboost, The Murk wins.

    This just means your sustaindps is boosted significantly, but your burstdamage is only slightly stronger with the Murk.

    If on the other hand you want The Murk to be boosted the same way as Dark Core weapons are boosted in DC, then I guess this is something the devs will have to decide.

    Is it intended, that skills like Joint Blow and Vampire Arrow (Range 50) on Scout/Champ do no damage with -42 Range Robot? I accidentally had this Robot active and was very surprised. Interestingly enough, if I use +20 Range Title and increase the Range from 8 to 28, it suddenly does damage again.

    This phenomenon does not apply to Rogue/Scout and Champ/Scout so I assume this bug is exclusive to the combination low range skill+Robot+Distand Friend.

    I think a bugfix should come in the future with low priority because a Scout should not use this Robot anyway so it never is a concern. But it would be interesting to understand, why this happens.

    I have to admit, I am not aware of how much gold is needed to do cards because as mentioned, I do not farm or roll for cards. It seems to me that the gold needed is quite high. I assume this is one of the reasons, I might have less gold problems than the top high-end player with cardsystem etc.

    Unfortunately, I am not qualified to give my opinion on the gold topic in that case because I am not aware of the gold actually needed for card system.

    Assuming the gold required everyday does not get drastically reduced with free guild tower buffs and thus diaprice for gold does not get drastically reduced, I guess I can see myself supporting this idea. But only the devs know how much gold we are actually talking about and I hope they will make the right decision regarding this.

    Personally, I do not farm cards because I choose to not use my time for content, I do not enjoy doing. My cardsystem is also bad, because I do not enjoy the RNG factor with rolling for cards. So technically, I am not a high-end player.

    However, if any way farming cards would be fun for me, I would do it. I think you would agree with that if goldfarming was fun, as well. So I do not see how it is ridiculous to introduce fun ways to farm gold.

    I do not look at this topic in black and white. There is a gradient of grey when considering any change. I place a big value in the potential for new players being able to farm gold and to sell them for diamonds. Any change that allows highend players to spend less gold will inevitably reduce the need of gold which will decrease the diaprice for gold in AH.

    The real question is:

    How much goldbenefits (for example via reduced cost) can we give highend players, so that the consequential reduction in diaprice for gold is acceptable enough, that newbies can still make good diamonds? My honest answer: I do not know.

    But I fear, that removing goldcost for guildtowerbuffs will move the needle way to far towards highend players.

    I think the safest option is to introduce multiple goldfarming methods with max 90kk gold / 60 minutes / person, which is also accessible by newbies. This way newbies can still benefit, and highend players have multiple farming opportunities to fight off boredom.

    You are looking at it from the wrong point of view.

    Every day you probably need around 50 million Gold on average. With Ryzeks idea, you save 18million Gold with free Guild Tower buffs. With this, all your Gold needs are satisfied with Agnes alone!

    This will kill the current business for newbs who can make good diamonds from highend players in need of Gold.

    Right now farming Gold is a very valuable, lowbudget and riskfree entry business for all newbs. With comparably very little investment, you realistically earn around 90kk Gold / hour which you can sell for around ~1300 dias in Ah with the current rate.

    I am not against any change to the current gold policies but so far any suggestions mentioned will easily destroy the goldfarmindustry.

    Let me ask you this:

    Imagine about a NPC where you can buy 1x Dirty T12 for 500 dias each day. This would not destroy the economy for tierfarming, actually. But now a player comes and gives the suggestion: "We need moar". Devs listen and now suddenly you do not need to farm tierstones at all. From one point of view, this is amazing! Who wants to farm tierstones anyway, right? It is boring!. But now you took a farming strategy for newbs or people who wanna play more F2P. Same thing with Gold.

    You can still buy Gold from AH though.

    The inconvenience and lack of Gold for high-end players is real and will always be a valid concern. Personally, I suffer from it as well. However, I think this inconvenience is outweighed by the convenience for new players to make additional dias.

    Knowing this allows you to to save 6million Gold in most cases:

    Here is my tips to make this easier for all of us:

    1) Always buy your 30mill Gold from Agnes

    2) Keep crafting buffood yourself. It is cheaper to buy Gold from AH to craft buffood, than it is to buy buffood.

    3) Consistently do Atlas on the weekend and use your Atlas Coins for the Gold Gasha.

    4) Have multiple Raid XIII or Curse XIII runes for all your weapons to prevent extraction costs.

    5) Consider which Guild Tower buff you actually need.

    6) If you still do not have enough Gold, by Gold from AH/global chator farm Gold

    Here is an example sellmacro for lazy people who do not want to clean up their inventory. This works for the given strings, for singular items and for quality 1 and 2 (iirc for blue and green items only). No responsibility!

    Add as many as you like:

    Gotta do three Perfect Slices in a row with perfect timing. Good Job, here a 900k DoT. Oh you play Rogue/Scout? Ok you get 1.5kk DoT but don't mess up the timing with your 1.5 second Channel skill that misses anyway.

    In all seriousness, the DoT damage does not reflect the effort of aquiring the DoT. There are other Classes who do 1 single attack and get 20kk DoTs.


    I wanna come back to this post and just further illustrate my point. Here is a scrut of Warrior/Champ doing organs within ~30 secs (no SA from pt).


    In comparison, Perfect Slice after skillfull timing and three hits does maybe 1-2kk dps and you can only do it on one target at the same time.

    Also with the introduction of the new dagger there is 0 reason to play with Katana anymore.

    Right now I do around ~10% more dps with Katana (if I hit all Perfect Slices) over 2x Dagger for non-offhand based classes like Rogue/Warden, Rogue/Priest in singletarget. I think this is a fair dmgboost considering the skill and risk needed to play with Katana.

    With the offhand elemental boost + patk you will do the same and require less skill and no luck. You have very low aggro in burst, higher precision for classes like Rogue/Bard in Dark Core and can use this Dagger for other classes like Scout/Rogue and Bard/Rogue.


    Restore the ~10% dps advantage for skillfull gameplay and look deeper into the bleed damage especially comparing it to other bleeds.

    While the new World Boss Dagger might make class like Bard/Rogue viable, it will boost class like Rogue/Mage and Rogue/Warrior way too much.

    I am not convinced that Rogue/Warlock will benefit alot from this if you are a good Katana player.

    Vampire Arrow is unique because the first hit is based on DPS of your Bow or XBow but the Bleed damage is actually based on your main hand weapon. So if you upgrade your main hand weapon you should see an increase

    Regarding Katana.

    Katana is too good allaround on Warrior. The double whitehit generating rage, the extra AoE+Skill and strong bleed damage makes it the best choice. Even Warrior/Bard uses Katana even though it is supposed to be 1h Axe+Talisman.

    In my opinions other weapons like 2h Sword or 2h Hammer should be equally viable.


    1) Make Morale Slash usable by all weapons

    2) If using 2h Hammer, make all bleeds do 0 dmg and or reduce dps of singleskills but make all AoE-skills stronger (-15% single, +15% AoE)

    3) If using 2h Sword allow AoE-Spells to be weaker, but boost singleskills (-15% AoE, +15% single). However keep bleed weak.

    4) Katana stays the same being allaround good choice for single and AoE.

    5) 2h Axe stays same but all skills get a 15% chance to stun the target. Remove stuns from other skills.

    Very Interesting. Then I suggest this workaround for continuous cost of skills:

    Add back what would have been reduced by the increase in cost reduction. For example -10 Rage + 3 Rage

    Regarding Champion/Warlock.

    The class is strictly underperforming atm, both compared to the best Champion class (Ch/Wd) and almost all Warriors.

    The damage gap gets even worse in a fast group, where mobs die way to quickly to a) reliably build Forge/Rune Drive stacks and b) hit Shock Overload procs.

    This is ofc a general issue with Champion (except with Ch/Wd, which doesn't use Shock Overload), but since I can't think of a solution that wouldn't fundamentally change the core mechanics of the class, I suggest the following.

    Change Heart Collection Rune to a 15minute buff (and remove the cooldown). It currently has a theoretical uptime of 50% anyway (30sec duration + 60sec cd).

    You know how Blast of Remorse (the aoe teleportskill) gives target that silence debuff for 2 seconds? How about if all damageskills from Ch/Wl gets doubled or tripled in that short timeframe. Consisdering Global CD you would have around 1.3 seconds time. This way you can stack your Forge stacks and whenever you are ready use teleport and explode for 1.3 seconds.

    Could be a problem with bad Fps/ping though (rip laptop players)

    Good luck and feel free to share your experience as well!

    Warden/bard seems quite well. especially regarding the additional support comparing to warden/rogue. But it's weaker than r/s ^^

    Nice scrut :)

    In addition to Knight/Champ you can try to use Bard/Knight as support in group 2 for the % atkbuff as well. Just an idea since we are on the topic of maximizing raid setup.

    But the danger of these scruts are, that devs assume certain classes are too strong. Tank playstyle and raidsetup influence scrut alot.

    For example Scout/Rogue or Scout/Champ (already strong classes) can be crazy op if Tank always only pull 2 mobs.

    Rogue/Warlock (already strong) can be extremely op if Tank only pulls 1 mob and does not do many big CDs.

    Knight/Warlock (already strong) can be extremely op if Tank pulls 15 mobs and does many big CDs.

    etc. etc.

    While a good tank uses certain pull behavior and strategic CDs to maximize dps of raid I would not conclude that a class is too strong if it excels only in these scenarios. Imo this is the case for Warden/Bard. Strong in certain setups/tankplaystyles but below average in most cases. Warden/Rogue for example would still be strong in your raidsetup but still be strong in any other raidsetup thus deserving a nerf more.

    Good luck and feel free to share your experience as well!

    If it is just curiosity then I am happy to share my experience with you.

    To be precise, only critical hits of Sonic Chop trigger Sepal Stab. Also it being a front AoE makes it less effective than if it was a regular AoE Skill. It also has a 2 sec AoE while Warden/Druid especially in the first second can spam three powerful AoEs instantly which results in high dps. Most of the time mobs are dead within 2 seconds of AoE burst in Dark Core.

    Tamb boosts Pet damage by ~33%, even though Tamb is just 15%. Lets call this effect "double effect" (btw this also applies to Cenedril)

    Warden/Rogue has many double effect buffs which results in very high pet damage. iirc three buffs with 10%, 18% and 24% effect. This is a multiplicator of x2.59 for pet (1.1^2 * 1.18^2 * 1.24^2).

    Warden/Bard only has one double buff (Perfect Harmony) which boosts petdmg by ~33%.

    Even if Warden/Bard has many more Sepal Stabs than Warden/Rogue in Dark Core, the hits themselves are just too weak. From what I recall we are talking 20kk vs 7kk. While in AoE-Burst situation Warden/Bard might be stronger, Warden/Rogue will easily dominate thanks to its regular hits being quite strong by themselves, overpowered singletarget burst and high sustain damage in singletarget.

    Unrelated but also worth mentioning:

    With Scout/Bards Musical Shot recent change from 10% pdmg 10% mdmg to 10% increased dmg, Pets were indirectly nerfed. Now instead of making use of the double effect (21% dmg) Pets only do 10% more damage.

    But with this you also nerf innocent classes who are not overperforming as dps like Warden/Warrior, Warden/Bard, Warden/Mage.

    isn't the warden/bard the warden, which has an Oakwalker that can hit every mob in AoE? Like it is for the mdps warden/druid?

    I mean, such Oakwalker should be the strongest instead of wrd/rogue :/

    Warden/Druids pet triggers Sepal Stab on every single skill while Power of the Oak is active.

    Warden/Bard only triggers on one Front AoE called Sonic Chop.

    Warden/Rogue also has much more buffs compared to Warden/Bard. So even if overall Warden/Bard has more hits of Sepal Stabs, the hits themselves are very low. Maybe something like 20kk Sepal Stab vs 7kk Sepal Stab.

    I hope this helped you to understand my post above. If you knew anyway and just wanted controversy, I hope this satisfies you as well.


    Dark Core

    • Increased Oak Walker attack loss to 20% from 10%.
    • Reduced Spirit of the Oak attack loss to 5% from 10%.
    • Reduced Punisher Guardian attack loss to 5% from 10%.
    • Increased Chiron the Centaur attack loss to 20% from 10%.

    It would be nice that nerfs target specific classcombination, not the general Warden Class. For example Warden/Rogue has the strongest damage out of all Oakwalker Wardenclasses and it is justified to nerf its pet. But with this you also nerf innocent classes who are not overperforming as dps like Warden/Warrior, Warden/Bard, Warden/Mage.

    Nerfing Chiron from 10% to 20% is a massive deal. Reason for this is Chiron does not have very high physical atk. So while Oakwalkers attack might have been nerfed from 9kk atk to 8kk atk, Chiron gets nerfed from 4.5kk atk to 4kk atk. From a pure % perspective, the nerf is equal. But according to the attack to defense formula for calculating damageloss from atkloss, you nerfed Chiron way harder than Oakwalker. If this is intended, I assume that in your observations Warden/Scout is far superior than Warden/Rogue. I can respect that even though I do not agree with it. However if unintended, consider increasing the Chiron atkloss nerf from 10% to 15% instead of 10% to 20%.

    How did devs come to the conclusion that a good class like Rogue/Scout needs a buff?


    And when we ask for Warrior/Rogue slight buff it gets nerfed to oblivion.


    Maybe we should say that Bard/Warrior and Champ/Mage are best dps?


    You can expect changes based on our observations and feedback provided from the community over the next few months.

    If possible, can you explain the observations made to justify the decisions above? Are you using usage statistics. Are you analyzing average scruts? I am genuinely curious.

    Is it intended, that "Fast Draw" is missing like 70-80% of the time in Dark Core and when you are doing worldboss? I´d rather take normal precision instead of the 100% crit-rate.

    Rogue/Scout is one of the best classes overall in this game but for Fast Draw you need to use +300% Precision in Titlesystem