Posts by Megaswarden

    This instance is located in Northern Janost Forest.

    To enter the Angren area which is required to reach Raksha Temple, you are required to complete a quest chain in Northern Janost Forest.

    There are a total of 7 bosses.

    This instance can be done in the following mode & has 2 sets of gear. Normal mode gear and Bronze-Diamond mode gear.

    Easy - Drops temple stats with green stats such as Stormstrike XII

    Normal - Drops normal mode temple gear, this is - Head/ Chest/ Shoulders & Boots with set skill.

    Bronze - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear. The gloves for each class

    Silver - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear. The belt for each class

    Gold - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear. The earrings for each class

    Platinum - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear; the legs for each class & the knight's hard mode weapon

    Diamond - In this mode, from 3rd boss onwards, the boss will drop 2 purple items instead of 1. The 7th boss will drop a piece of hard mode gear; the diamond weapon for each class except for knight. The knight's sword with added % is dropped in 6th boss or last boss in platinum mode.

    As you increase each level of difficulty, the drops from the previous difficulty gets pushed up. For example, the 7th boss in bronze drops the hard mode gloves. In silver, which is the next level of difficulty, the 6th boss will be dropping it and so you increase the difficulty.


    Tank - 90k - 100k physical defense with Enhanced Armor - HP buffed up to 60-70k

    DPS - 25k physical attack unbuffed, tier 8+ level 60 weapon

    Priest - 30k-35k group heals

    Druid - 12k-15k Mother Earth's Fountain, Recover hits for atleast 20k with a 4k hot afterwards.

    Raksha Temple - First Boss Yawaka

    The boss hits the tank extremely hard so if you are the tank just heading into this instance for the first time, use all the food you got.

    He has an attack called "Cat Claw Whirlwind Attack" - This is an AOE around him which can be problematic to melee dps. Range dps are safe if they stand at max range.

    Now to the important part; adds.

    Leonine Warrior and Leonine Priests.

    The warrior must be aggro'd by the dps immediately otherwise he will put a skill on the tank that will reduce the tank's defense. (look at image below)

    The priest must be killed immediately because they will cast silence and unable healers to heal or tank to use holy shield.

    Win or Lose moment:

    Boss will scream out "NO ONE CAN SURVIVE.....(image below)"

    This will hit you 3 times for 90% of your HP within 5 seconds.

    The "proper" way is to loot a special costume that the adds drop and use it but this does not work properly (Unsure if they fixed it in chapter 4)

    A way to stop this is Holy Shield from the tank, Holy Candle Shield (Bubble) from priest or "Rainbow Crystal Candy" which can be made.

    As soon as you see this text, use one of the above.

    The usual order is

    Tank's holy shield > priest bubble > food

    Tank's holy shield > food (no priest)

    Raksha Temple - Second boss Shadoj

    Shadoj is pretty much a tank and spank. At random times shadoj will say "This should make you understand how weak you truly are" where Shadoj will then summon totems on the ground. The number increases as the fight lengthen. There are three different kinds, Death, Terror and Healing.

    The death totem will damage players near it
    Terror will fear people near to it
    Healing totem will heal the boss

    During fight, one random party member will get skill, the skill is used to absorb the red crystal to enhance the player's damage and defense for a while. In order to do this, you must stand next to the red crystal and click on the skill.

    Raksha Temple - Third boss Paicha

    Paicha, the third boss which is one of the most fun boss for me as a healer (others may differ). It is tough and challenging and requires a lot of communicate and requires you to be focused on the fight the entire time.

    Before fighting the boss you must organize where everyone in the party will stand, if there is more then one healer who will cleanse who and most importantly understanding the fight before hand to make it easier.

    Everyone in the party must spreadout and decide where they are going to stand before hand. The reason for this is, similarly like to 4th boss in Warneken Arena, the boss will put black clouds on the ground on certain players.

    As soon as you see the black clouds on the ground, move away from it. If you do not move, you will get 1 stack of lightning.

    The lightning will put a second debuff on you called "Paralysis" which will stop you from casting any skills. The duration and intensity of lightning increases the more stacks you have.

    Once in a while, Paicha will decide to put a bubble cage on one person. The bubble cage is similar to the hand at Sirloth in Hall of the Demon Lord. You must target the person that has bubble and dps it down. While stuck in this state, the person is unable to move or attack. If the bubble cage is on the player for too long, the player will get a debuff called Electrification. Having the debuff Electrification on you and not moving out of the black clouds on the ground will surely lead to a death if you have low magical defense.

    About every 20 to 30 seconds, Paicha, will 3 random people in the party a debuff called "Difficulty Breathing". This is a harmful effect debuff which can be cleansed by priests, druid/scout, mage/priest, scout/priest & scout/mage. It must be cleansed as soon as possible as it decreases movement speed and casting speed. The higher the stack, you slower you get.

    Once you have 3 stacks of difficulty breathing, you will have a debuff called "SUFFOCATION", this debuff will make you useless for the whole fight unless you have a person in the party that can cleanse "Curse", NOT "Harmful Effect".

    For example, a druid, priest/mage, mage/priest or scout/mage. The best way to not get suffocation debuff and get interrupted from casting skills is to avoid the black clouds on the ground all together.

    Raksha Temple - Fourth boss Lijinda

    This boss is pretty simple except when he has the Lion buff on him. First of all, he has a frontal AOE call "Soul Fury", tank must face him away from the party otherwise the group will most likely to wipe.

    Here and there he will cast "Animal Transformation". He does this two times; a 1 second cast which you can ignore and a 2 seconds cast. When it is the two second cast "Animal Transformation" he will get a buff on him and his aggro will also reset.It is advised you pause attacking after he finish casting the skill so the tank can get a chance to get aggro again.

    Tanks becareful when he does this casting. Just back off a little bit incase he gets the lion buff and 1 shot you. It is best to stand back and if you do see lion buff, whirlwind shield (if k/m) to slow the boss down and kite or holy shield and try to get aggro for a few seconds before kiting. There are three buffs in total. Mages/Priests/Scouts use your slow skills such as Lucky chance, ice fog, joint blow to help.

    Lion- In Lion form, he will 1 shot the tank because the buff give him a 300% damage boost. It is best for healers and ranged DPS to stand in the middle while the tank kites it around the circle.
    Ape - In ape form, he will fear the party and after fear he will cast "Brut Force Smash". Everyone must stack up immediately after fear so the damage can be divided. If you do not stack up you will get hit for 90k.
    Gazelle - In Gazelle form, he will charge at one random person and put a bleed on them.

    Raksha Temple - Fifth boss Raksha

    There will be two adds spawning on the left and right of your screen. The proper way is to kill these adds to get the debuffs off you. But most parties i've been in ignored them and just dps the boss.

    Sometimes he will cast "EMIT SPORE" it is a 2 seconds cast and after this cast he will put a debuff on two players which will decrease their HP by 30% every 2 seconds.

    The best way to prevent the buff is to use magic immunity food or have phirius potions ready.

    A skill call "Flower Bud Guard" which is approximately like 5-8 seconds cast will also be cast. It will put a protective shield on him and put a two buff again on two person. You must do enough dps to get rid of the shield on him. If the group fails to dps the shield down, he will kill the two people with the debuff. He will reset aggro once the shield is down so give the tank about 2-3 seconds to get aggro back.

    Raksha Temple - Sixth boss Naylodas

    Food up completely before the fight starts because consumables are disabled during this fight.

    There are 3 types of adds that spawn.

    Nature's Bolgu - This add drains your mana, focus, rage & energy. They cannot be killed so the best way is if they are aggro'd on you run around and heal/attack until they loose aggro. For casters, it is advised that you have the Dalanis set skill Elemental Spirit Stone Essense for this fight to regen your mana.
    Spirit of Nature - "little trees" - Attacks and put debuffs on you reducing the healing you receive.
    Spirit of Life - "big trees" - They basically heal the boss and needs to be killed asap.

    Kill the trees asap when they come out.

    The boss will put three shields on him and you need to bring it down by clicking the blue crystals on the ground to get rid of it. When you click on the blue crystal, you will get another skill that appear on your screen. Target yourself and click on that skill. Another skill will now pop up. Target the boss and hit that skill. Look at screenshots below


    Tank should kite whenever your HP is low so healers can have enough time to regen their mana and heal you.

    Healers try to stay in a corner or run around the outside of the area to not aggro/ lose aggro on Nature's Bolgu

    Raksha Temple - Seventh Tyda

    He will cast a skill call lightning cross, it is about 5-6 seconds long. Everyone in the party will get a color debuff like in HOS (Blue, Green or Red). The proper way is you are suppose to run to the right color but the way this boss design is there are multiple Blue/ Green or Red and you only have a 25-50% survival rate. Magic damage immunity food will be used instead because this boss design sucks.

    What happens if you do not land on the right color or use immunity food after lightning cross ends is you get a 5 seconds count down debuff and once it ends you will explode and take out whoever is near you.

    Second Phase: Bubble

    The boss will summon a huge bubble and if you are out of that bubble you will get a dot on you which also reduces movement speed.

    He will call out someone's name. "XXXX the end is nigh!"

    What this does is it will silence that person and whoever is standing next to them. Disabling all attacks.

    To get rid of this silence, the player must run to a red crystal and white strike it.

    Resource: Kabal guild (USA server)
    Aneyiaa -

    Party Makeup and Reqs (my best guesses):

    Tank - 100k HP buffed, 120k Defense buffed, 22k pattack, T8 level 60+ weapon

    Healer - 38k HP unbuffed, X heals

    DPS - 38k HP unbuffed, 28k pattack/mattack unbuffed, T8 level 60+ weapon(s)

    Trash Mobs - To Boss #1

    Trash Clear Execution - There isn't really anything special about the mobs on the way to 1st boss. Depending on your tank's stats and your heals, you can either straight-up tank the groups of mobs or use crowd control and the druid's "turn" skill Spirit Guidance to your advantage. Make sure you closely watch the start and endpoints for every patrol in relation to each other and pull at the opportune time. A badly-timed pull can kill even an overstatted group easily, so be careful not to just power through the trash mobs.

    Spirit Guidance - This druid skill will turn an enemy mob into your ally for a set period of time. If you use it on a mob with other mobs in close proximity to it, the other mobs will attack it for the duration of the debuff. If you use this skill at the right times and on the right groups, you can clear entire rooms with ease. The mobs that can be turned on the way to 1st boss are Tomb Guards and Tomb Guardians, the others mob types are immune to the skill.

    Boss #1 - Guzala Angerfang (10 million HP, 9 mementos)

    Adds - There are coffins on the side of the boss room. During one complete phase of this boss encounter, 4 adds will one by one appear and attack the party. The adds will switch aggro randomly, "ping-ponging" between each member of your party. These adds are also invincible and will stack a debuff on players they attack that reduces their max HP and damage. You can prevent yourself from getting this debuff by kiting, so move around often if the adds aggro on your often and your skill rotation allows. There is a way to damage and kill these adds: by dragging them through traps.

    Traps - Shortly after beginning this boss fight, 3 traps will appear on the floor in random places around the room. The purpose of these traps is to make the adds vulnerable to damage by dragging them through them. The traps will go off (and disappear) if a player, the boss, or an add steps on them; it is very important to make sure that the adds are the only ones that set foot in the traps. Once an add sets off a trap, it will scream in say chat and become vulnerable to attack. Make sure the add is killed immediately - if you take too long it will become invulnerable again.

    Curse Explosion - The boss will cast a skill called Curse Explosion at certain points in the fight. If you have used all the traps successfully you should have 1 add left when the boss casts this skill. Don't worry, this skill will kill one (and only one) add. Unfortunately, this skill also does massive damage to players. The best thing to do when you see this skill being cast is to run away from the boss, as it is a short range attack and only has a range of 50 or so (if I had to guess).

    Boss Fight Execution - The easiest way to do this fight is to circle the largest concentration of traps with your entire party. Once the trap or traps you are surrounding have been expended, move to next closest trap. Be very careful not to step in them yourself - if you mess up and waste a trap you will have at least 1 unkillable add running around the rest of the fight. You need to make use of the traps fairly quickly, as they will disappear right before the boss casts curse explosion (~1 minute after the traps first appear). After curse explosion, the cycle begins again and a new set of traps and adds will spawn.

    Sidenote (NPC Skills) - There are two skills that an NPC can supply you right outside the boss room. The first skill allows you to "rock" yourself, causing adds to ignore you but making you unable to move or use any skills. The second skill allows you to unrock your allies by casting it on them at close range. The use of these skills is undoubtedly the way Runewalker intended this fight to work, but in practice it is much simpler and easier to ignore these skills completely.

    Trash Mobs - Boss #1 to Boss #2

    Tygistor's Son - These mobs have an attack called Fire Punishment. When you see a cast bar by that name, everyone must group up together immediately. This skill will do 120k damage on one random person divided by the amount of people grouped on top of that person. When you first aggro these mobs they will cast Fire Punishment immediately, so make sure you are grouped up before you pull.

    Boss #2 - Tygistor (8.5 million HP, 9 mementos)

    Lava Flame - This boss will put a debuff called Lava Flame on one random person in the party. The skill icon looks like flame (mage skill) and it is very important to watch out for. This debuff will silence and damage the player for 10% HP every 2 seconds for its entire duration. The person who gets this debuff needs to move away from the group to a range of 150-200 (whatever max heal range is). When the debuff ends, the player will explode and cause 60% damage to himself and anyone close to him. A fire AOE will also be placed on the ground in the location where the player was standing when the debuff ended. The healers need to do their best to keep the person with the debuff at full health or they will most likely die.

    Fire Punishment - This boss has the same skill as the Tygistor's Son trash mobs. To recap, when you see a cast bar by the name of Fire Punishment ____, everyone must group up together immediately. This skill will do 120k damage on one random person divided by the amount of people grouped on top of that person.

    Lightning - There are lightning bolts which will come from the statues on either side of the room. These do minimal damage on their own, but the damage is multiplied when your party is grouped up. Even with your party grouped the damage is almost negligible, but you will be interrupted and silenced by this skill as well.

    Boss Fight Execution - This boss fight is fairly straightforward. I usually turn the boss around (seen in the video) but I'm not actually sure if it's necessary or not, it's just habit at this point. You should have everyone in your party looking out for the Lava Flame debuff, as it is very easy to miss because of all the other debuffs you get during the fight (don't worry about these, they are just DoTs). Do this and group up for Fire Punishment and this boss is a cakewalk compared to Angerfang.

    Trash Mobs - Boss #2 to Boss #3

    Tomb Scorpion / Man-Eating Scorpion - These mobs will put a debuff on the tank called Armor Corrosion which will decrease his physical defense. If you get too many of these stacked, you should wait for the debuff to wear off before proceeding.

    Kareem - Keep following this beetle from the beginning of the hallway after 2nd boss. It will eventually grow bigger and you will have to kill it to open the door to the 3rd boss room.

    Crypt Beetles - Inside the 3rd boss room there will be beetles on either side of the room near the door. Pull these beetles into the hallway and kill them. They will put a dot on you called Bug Acid on you.

    Boss #3 - Linobia (8 million HP, 13 mementos)

    Beetles - There are two kinds of beetles that will spawn out of the coffins during this boss fight: crypt beetles and tomb beetles. The crypt beetles cast a skill which buffs the boss’s damage. The tomb beetles will explode on contact with a player and do massive damage. It is imperative that you have a dps assigned to kill the beetles 100% of the time, especially the tomb beetles. A mage is ideal and almost a requirement, but it is possible to do with other classes (you really need a spammable AOE and/or a ranged attack).

    Poison Cloud - Party members will get poisoned and a purple cloud will appear around them. It is very important to be spread out when you have this purple cloud, as it will deal damage to yourself and anyone adjacent to you.

    Boss Fight Execution - The boss fight aside from the beetle component is basically a tank and spank. The boss resides in the back-left corner of the room and it’s best to tank him in that general area and not in the middle of the coffins. In fact, it’s best to have as many party members as possible in the back of the room away from the coffins.

    Trash Mobs - Boss #3 to Boss #4

    Tomb Scorpion / Man-Eating Scorpion - These mobs will put a debuff on the tank called Armor Corrosion which will decrease his physical defense. If you get too many of these stacked, you should wait for the debuff to wear off before proceeding.

    Crypt Beetles - These mobs will put a dot called Bug Acid on you.

    Rock Guardian - This guy will slow your entire party and encase one of them in rock. The rock will wear off eventually so don't worry about it too much. Once you get into the 4th boss room, there are 4 of these mobs that must be cleared before you start the boss fight, so start working your way around the room in a circle.

    Boss #4 - Yinha (8.5 million HP, 13 mementos)

    Yinha's Red Shield - There is a red barrier surrounding this boss. Anyone standing in this barrier will take 300% more magic damage from the boss. Because of this, it is very important that whoever has aggro needs to be outside this red shield when the boss does any of his attacks. It is ideal to have a ranged DPS hold aggro on the boss, it is very dangerous for any melee dps or the tank to have aggro during this fight.

    Gravel - This skill will be repeatedly cast on whoever has aggro during this fight. This skill is just a basic attack and it nothing to worry about unless you are standing inside the boss's red shield.

    Giant Gravel - This attack will hit everyone in the party, regardless of your positioning. When you see the cast bar for this skill, anyone standing in the boss's red shield should back up out of the shield until they have taken the damage from the skill. After everyone is hit by this attack, a debuff will be put on one random party member (I'm not sure of the name, I'll edit this post later if I can get it). When this debuff ends, this person and anyone standing near them will be covered with rocks. If you notice you have the debuff, get away from your group members and do not stand in the red shield. You cannot move or cast while you are trapped in the rocks. The only way to un-rock yourself is to be hit with Heavy Invasion.

    Heavy Invasion - The boss will switch targets to one random person in the party and cast this skill,Heavy Invasion. Whoever this attack is cast on will be flung high into the air. Anyone standing near (range of 25-50) will also be flung into the air. If someone who is rocked is flung into the air, the rocks will break and that person will be free to move around and cast once more.

    Slowing Whirlpool - A grayish sand whirlpool will appear on the ground under one random person. Any players standing in this whirlpool will have a debuff put on them that slows. This debuff can stack, slowing the player more for every stack on them. Move out of this whirlpool immediately if it appears underneath you, as being slowed will ruin you over if the boss casts Sand Storm.

    Sand Storm - The boss will say "Targeting Disruption Activated" and cast this skill simutaneously. Right before he starts casting this skill, everyone will be pulled to the boss's location (WA 2nd boss style). There is no way to predict when you are going to be pulled in, so pay attention. Run out of the red shield surrounding the boss immediately. If you are not out of the shield by the time the boss finishes his cast, you will most likely be one-shot.

    Boss Fight Execution - This boss fight is pretty self-explanatory if you understand all his abilities. He will use his skills in a random order. Just make sure you remove the rocks off of people who need it and move out of the red shield when needed and you should be fine.

    Trash Mobs - Boss #4 to Boss #5

    Mummy Hallway #1 - In the hallway continuing from the 4th boss's room, there will be a pat along with coffins on the side of the room. A Limon Mummy mob will spawn from each of these coffins. These mobs will put a contagious debuff on some members of your party which will likely spread to everyone else. These debuffs can only be cleansed by the druid general skill Antidote. Once a party member is cleansed they should stay away from those who still have the debuff as it can easily be spread once again. You should do this cleansing out of battle before the next mob pulls.
    Mummy Intermission - The room following the first mummy hallway has a LOT of mobs and pats. The easiest and safest way to clear this room is by having a druid use Spirit Guidance on as many mobs as possible (guards and guardians can be turned) and clearing the remainder the typical way. If you do not have a druid, you will need to be very careful about your pulls and probably implement some kind of crowd control.

    Mummy Hallway #2 - This hallway is probably the hardest trash clear in the instance. Like the hallway before, there will be coffins lining the walls that will spawn mummies. Unlike before, the mummies will spawn infinitely while you are standing in the hallway. There is also a Giant Rune Guardian and a Sacrificer standing at the end of the hallway that must be killed before the door to the next room opens. The Sacrificer will heal the Giant Rune Guardian and the Giant Rune Guardian will cast a skill called Energized Strike that will cause a significant AOE to hit anyone near him. The best way to clear this hallway is to move slowly down the hallway moving from each set of coffins to the next and killing all mobs before you progress. Once you get to the end, kill the Sacrificer and then the Giant Rune Guardian, making sure that someone is interrupting Energized Strike cast by the Giant Rune Guardian. Once these two mobs are dead, move between the pillars on either side of the far end of the hallway and kill the remaining mummies. Do not move any farther than this as there are mobs you don't want to aggro yet in the next room. Cleanse your party of the mummy debuff and continue. There is a video below of the clearing of this room.

    Boss Room Mobs - The room after the 2nd mummy hallway is the boss room, but there are 6 mobs that need to be killed before you can start the boss fight. There should be 6 Giant Rune Guardians standing in your path, 3 on either side of the room. These mobs have a very large aggro range so make sure you only grab one at a time. As before, make sure you interrupt the skill Energized Strike and stay at range if you aren't the tank or a melee dps in case you miss. These mobs also cast Rune Reverse, which if you recall is a skill from Hall of Survivors that will reflect 4k damage each time you attack the mob with it on. It is far less lethal than it was back at level 55, so don't worry about this skill too much.

    Boss #5 - Anubis (8 million HP, 15 mementos)

    Death's Power - The boss will say "The power of darkness shall sweep over all!" and cast this skill simultaneously. This skill will fear the entire party for roughly 2-3 seconds.

    Flames of Fury - This skill works like Fire Punishment from 2nd boss. When you see the boss say "Feel the wrath of the flames!" or the cast bar, your entire party needs to group up. This skill will do 120k damage on one random person divided by the amount of people grouped on top of that person.

    Death Storm - The boss will say "Defilers of the tomb, you shall feel the stormy fury of the death god!" and cast this skill simultaneously. When cast, this skill will put a debuff on one random party member. This debuff will cause the affected player to deal damage to and interrupt any adjacent players. Keep distance between you and people with this debuff, as it can be a real nuisance and cannot be cleansed.

    Black Magic - The boss will say "Feel the suffering of my people!" and cast this skill simultaneously. All party members will be caught in a trap and rooted in place, as well as take damage every 1-2 seconds for 9 seconds total.

    Dark Bonds - The boss will say "Come forth, champion of my people!" and cast this skill simultaneously. One party member will have the Dark Bonds debuff put on them. This debuff works like a rogue's Shadow Prison and prevents the player from moving or casting anything. A Limon Warrior will spawn at the same time as the debuff is cast. The only way to get rid of Dark Bonds on the affected player is to kill the spawned add.

    Tomb Beetles - The boss will say "Come forth my minions!", there is no cast bar for this ability. Two tomb beetles will spawn. They are not much of a danger as they do not explode on contact like 2nd boss, but they should be killed quickly anyway.

    Dust Sanction - The boss will say "Suffer the punishment of the sands!" and cast this skill simultaneously. All party members will be thrown into the air and contract a debuff that slows casting speed. This debuff should be cleansed asap, especially on healers and mages.

    Boss Fight Execution - The boss seems to follow a pattern of alternating the use of Death's Power (group fear) and one random skill from this list for most of the fight. This fight is very simple to understand, but depending on the skill order of the boss it can be pretty difficult. There are debuffs that will stack up on every member of the party that decrease heals received in lieu of a enrage timer.

    In Case of Wipe... - If you wipe on this boss fight, you will most likely have to all res out of the instance. The mummies in the hallway before the boss room will still spawn infinitely, so you will have to run through as a group and kill them again.

    Source: Kabal guild (USA server)

    Level Requirements: 55+

    Tanks: 1

    Bosses: 7

    Raidable instance(12-man), can only be raided once per day per char and gives Ancient Mementos (used for stats of mana stones)



    Since the bug got fixed, this boss became slightly harder, below you can find the proper tactic.

    It's important to all stay at the bridge, closest to the side where you entered from. The tank will also pull the boss atleast to the middle of the bridge. Andriol has a few special abilities.It has an invisible stun for 2-3 secondsIt spawns 3 giant horses at the end of the bridge which leave a place of fire behind them which ticks for 4k damage per second. ONLY 1 HORSE will not run. So there's 3 paths and 1 random path will be clear. This is completly random. Make sure to avoid the fire on time to avoid death.

    |-|-|-| 3 paths, 3 horses, only 1 stays where he is and will not leave a firetrace.The statues random shoot fireballs to the players.At a low % he goes Berserk, tank has to kite a bit and DPS have to do the last bit of DPS to finish off the boss.


    Everyone has to stand in a line infront of the rightern statue. The tank will pull the boss to that line as well. The boss has no AoE so that's nothing you have to worry about. Before you start the fight, you'll need 3 CC'ers, the boss will spawn 3 kind of mobs. Horror Seeker, Hollow Seeker & 1 I lost it's name of O.o. They need to be CC'ed at their place to make sure they wont damage the group. They have pretty high damage.

    The boss will also spawn 'Hunters'. They will random attack a partymember. They don't have extreme high damage, but they do have damage. They will disappear at some point, just like the 3 spawned mobs. As long you stay in the line, CC the 3 mobs & leave the hunter alone and DPS the boss you'll do just fine.

    After you killed him, strip & die, the hunters have alot of HP and are not worth killing.


    The important thing with this boss is to kill after 6 or 7 minutes of fighting or else the doors might not open.

    This boss has 3 special abilities:AoE, so everyone has to keep stick together for the healers to group heal all the time.It spawns red balls (Like Uguda) which have to be killed ASAP. It's useful to put mages and scouts on this. If you don't kill the crystal ball on time you'll receive 14k damage.It summons a crystal which slowly goes towards him. Don't let the crystal go towards him, but kill it. After you done that EVERYONE can DPS the boss, because it will not spawn any Red crystals. After a while it spawns a new crystal. After you killed this, he'll spawn red balls again. This system goes on for a while.There are random placed circles on the ground. By standing in them you increase your DPS on the boss.


    This boss has a very huge aggro range, so make sure you all run in at the same time. This boss is a huge boss, it's floating in the air a bit. The tank tanks it in the middle. Every single DPS, ranged or melee stands as close to the boss as possible (The red circle when selecting him is big, if you stand in there you should be fine). If you don't do this, he'll kill you with his partical beam.

    Next to that this boss has some very special abilities:At some point the boss will spawn 2 players up. You're transformed into a ... weird mob with some special skills which can be seen in a special skill bar. A tiny bit above you, you can see mobs. Kill these, every mob you kill is 2% HP from the boss.Down where all the other players are it spawns mobs as well. Mages have to AoE these mobs (make sure to reg the mages, since they receive some bad damage).The mobs down drop an item called ''Core Crystal''. By selecting the transformed players up and using the crystal you grant them a buff which 1-hits a mob.At around 8 minutes fighting it goes in a ragebuff (Tank will most likely die because of this).After the 3rd set of mobs the boss attacks again, but a 4th set of mobs will spawn. Kill these as well. This thing can repeat for a while. The players who were up are transported down again and need to correct their position a bit.


    According to many people the easiest boss in Hall of Survivors. All partymembers stick together.

    It's pretty much a spank & tank boss except for 1 thing. It sometimes goes in non-attackable mode and spawns a copy of every player. Kill the copies as fast as you can and after a while you can attack the boss again. Next to that this boss also random casts a skill which causes 5k damage to everyone (Meteor). Priest can easily heal this. That's about it...

    Sydaphix & Mantarick

    A funny pretty tactical based boss. Nobodies Rum is advised here. This boss is actually 2 kind of bosses. The Horse & the person steering the horse. When you start the fight (To trigger it, there's an activation left side of the room). Kill the horse first. Noone has to focus on the the mob behind it. Please make sure to fight the boss in the middle of the room. This is important for the next step. As soon the horse is dead... 4 players get a color. In the corners of the room there are 4 crystals. Every crystal has a color (random which crystal gets which color everytime). Find the color fitting your buff (you have 8 seconds) and click on the crystal. If everyone does this on time... Then you can DPS Mantarick. If not... You can't DPS it at all. At some point it resets, and after a while people get a color again. Nobodies Rum is advised to make you run faster. It's a tricky boss and requires a bit of luck and speed


    This is a very tactical boss, but I personally think this is a boss which is really enjoyable. When you enter the room you'll see alot of different doors. It's important to write down which door has which color. Below you can find how it looks like:

    ---------Blank Gate--------




    ---------Entrance G--------

    Blue is also known as ICE

    Allright, this boss has 3 special abilities, it's always in the order written below.You need to have 6 players for the gates. Every player takes 1 gate. The boss will spawn mobs in the gates. It has a name... For example at the Gold Gate a mob named Purple Mob spawns. You have to hit the mob so you have aggro and take it to the purple gate and kill it up there. Then walk back to your own gate. This mobspawning is divided in 2x 3 mobs. Every gate will have 1 mob. Use nobodies rum to do it fast. If you fail to do it, you'll make partymembers wipe at stage 2.Once the 6 mobs have been killed gather up in middle so you can reach the gates fast. Everyone will get a color debuff. Go to the gate where your color is. Every gate where the right mob from stage 1 has been killed will have a portal. Stand in it and your debuff is gone. If someone failed at Stage 1 you'll die. If you fail to run to your gate at time, you'll die.3rd Stage, everyone can go fight the boss now. It will spawn 3 kinds of balls. Yellow Ball - Melee have to kill this. Red Ball - Everyone can kill this. Green Ball - Casters have to kill this. If you fail to kill the balls on time you'll have a (stackable) debuff -10% physical/Magical damage or both. Everyone gather up at their places again and restart stage 1-3 until you killed the boss.


    - The groups of mobs is just pull and CC (If you have a good tank, just tank all). The Elders can heal so their heals must be interrupted. The Rune Guardian Captains, searcher, etc can 1-hit DPS'ers or priests.

    - Giant Guardians, just kill them. They have 2 abilities. Rune Reverse and a skill which is easy to interrupt (Some sort of Sword Attack on tank).

    During his Rune Reverse don't attack the boss, because every bit of damage you do, will reflect in 4k damage on you.

    - Giant Rune Guardians, there are 2 kinds: The rune version has a skill called Rock Split. YOU MUST INTERRUPT THIS or else the player who is far away from the mob will die. The other mob has an AoE skill which ticks 3x 1500 Damage. Just try to interrupt as much skills as you can.

    - ''Chopper'' mobs, tanks turns them around, it has 1 special ability, Spiral Assault, which can pretty much kill any melee DPS. Make sure to jump away when casted.

    Source: Achoore (Quality Assurance of RoM)

    Grafu Castle HM

    Level Requirements: 65+

    Bosses: 7

    Raidable instance(12-man)

    Minimum requirenments (unbuffed):

    Tank: 120k hp 180k pdef, good aggro

    DDs: 45k Patt/Matt, RT dia T9 +12 weap, 60k HP

    Priest: 30k+ GH, 80k HP

    Druid: good heal, 60k HP

    Reccomended party

    1 Tank, 1 high-hp DD (130k+ buffed), 6 DDs, 3P, 1D

    I. Trashmobs

    There are quite a few different types of mobs, some of them quite deadly for the party. Pay attention when aggroing patrols.

    Castle clown - small mob that stuns and does very short range aoe. Mdam immunity food or skills (leopard, HA, shield of truth) work against their stun. Everyoune, especially tank, should use this before aggroing large groups.

    Armors (Steel Soldier)- dangerous mobs with quite high (100k+ hits on non-/k) close range "Whirlwind" AOE.

    Manipulated Steel Soldier- Either have the tank keep them away from party or assign 2 players to interrupt their "Whirlwind" skill.

    Cursed Steel Soldier- you can't interrupt these. It's highly advisable for melee to always keep an eye on them if they want to avoid countless runs to repair NPC during the run.

    Jumping Clowns - Just watch out for their skill - Heavy Shielding. Have someone interrupt it or go away, it's 1hit AOE.

    Brown Bears - Small bears that give fear. Have the tank Charge on them and the rogues SP in order to avoid getting feared.

    Purple Bears - Bigger bears that can't be CCd. Kill them fast to avoid trouble.

    Conjurer Apprentice - Treat them as 1st priority kill. Easy to kill but after some time they put a partymember in a hat. When the hat is gone, it will do high-dmg medium range AOE that usually means wipe. Better to kill before this happends.

    Keycard password for rune box (open door to boss 1)

    The keycard holder mob will have a card you can loot. This card has a code. If u enter wrong password that player will spawn "alarm mobs" to that player > you die.

    About the keycard password: look at this one for example the numbers are 58 23 35 26 11 72 19 47 94.

    Now you look on the second digit cos it tells you when first one should be used.

    The correct code would be 11 72 23 94 35 26 47 58 19 so you need to enter 172932451, hope its clear enough.


    1. Cayus

    This boss has two skills:

    1. Juggler's Trick - close range AOE, high damage

    2. What About That... - long cast. After it you enter colors phase:

    - Every party member gets a colored debuff and has 8sec time limit to click a box. You can check your debuff in 2 ways: in the debuff interface or easier by reading the yellow text on the screen.

    - At the end of the cast you'll get either fear or slowed down. Position yourself close to the middle and use "/kneel" macro if you get fear.

    Debuffs are:

    Purple Terror - you must click the box on the purple square

    Still Dusk - you must click the box on the red square

    Indigo Melancholy - you must click the box on the green square

    -Clicking the box deals 55k dmg.

    -Boss does a non-cast frontal AOE when the debuff runs out and after it will start casting Juggler's Trick.

    Good to know:

    - It's almost impossible to click boxes if boss or pets or players are on them. remove pets at first "What about that..." cast

    - use speed title/maid potion if you have

    2. Ardmond + Isaac

    Both bosses should be killed at same time and tanked separately.

    1.If Isaac is killed first Aardmond enters rage, and does high hits.

    2.If Ardmond is killed first Isaac does random charges on party members.

    Popular tactic is burning down Isaac first then Armond. When tanking Armond enraged, the tank must avoid his AOE [Feral Attack] or it's high chance he dies. It's best for tank to use Holy Shiled when Isaac is almost dead.

    3. Boro Boro Brothers

    Easy Tactic:

    The main thing you must know is - If you see your name with yellow on screen, run away from the rest. Some players will get imprisoned in stoned, kill stones when you see them.

    Full Tactic:

    In this fight, this boss talks a lot. You must pay attention at what he sais, and read the yellow text on the screen. He'll say the name of that player and what he'll do to him:

    1. , try out being imprisoned hehehe. At the end of "Iron Maiden Imprisonement" he traps in an 1M hp stone. You must kill the stone so he survives.

    2. , let the rapture of pain course through your being. He sais that then starts casting "Acupuncture Torment". At the end of the cast, will do a 90% MAX HP AOE + 4% HP dot. Him and everyone close is in danger of dying. Pop-up a phirius pot not to die, or ask priests to use SS or time the GH to hit just after the cast ends. Best is that player runs away from the party so only him will get hit.

    3. You think you can escape, ? Aggro buff.

    4. Conjurer Chapeaunoir +

    a) Hats

    This boss will randomly put 1-3 party members in hats depending on how big the party is (4-12).

    If you get teleported and find yourself in a small room search for a rabbit. Kill the rabbit. It will absorb damage at start, you keep shooting until it's dead then inform the party.

    - failing to kill the rabbit and clicking hat - you'll get out of the hat with one of these debuffs: rabbit, squirell or flower. All close to you will catch this debuff and usually ends up in wipe. It can be cleaned.

    - killing the rabbit and failing to click the hat - you'll get out of the hat and do 80% HP medium range AOE dmg

    Three people will get big and have their HP/damage lowered. If you're big, you can click the hats. Wait until the person inside kills the rabbit, then go click the hat to free him. If there's more than one person in hats, you can click on his name in raid interface and you'll have his hat selected.

    b) Boss skills

    Conjure Energy - high dmg low range AOE

    Conjure Skill - frontal AOE

    Shuffle Deck - Aggro reset. - stop DD and let tank take back aggro. Since last patch the boss casts this skill then 1s later dissapears and spawns again. Tank wait for him to respawn before taking aggro.

    Good to know:

    As tank, keep the boss not facing the party, away from hats and from ranged DD/healers.

    Keep whirlwind shield available for Shuffle Deck.

    For more than 4 people some form of teamspeak is NEEDED.

    The Road To Barkud

    After 4th boss, everyone gather at the entrance to next room, but don't enter. Do a countdown, and enter at the same time. You'll see a door closing behind.

    The mobs.

    Inside there are several types of mobs. You can only kill the bears, others will keep reviving untill you do a trick to be able to pass this room. Keep the bears CCd and kill them fast, to avoid unecessary deaths. Have the tank aggro and kite the other mobs.

    Opening the door.

    You will see several boxes scattered around the room and a torch on the left side. Your aim is to build a stair with these boxes to reach that torch. To pick-up a box, go really close to it and click it. You'll get it in your inventory. To place it, just right -click on it.

    There is an NPC? on the opposide side of the room from where you enter. Have a player go talk? to it, he'll get a [Long Stick]. Have this player climb the stair you built and click on the torch. He'll get a flame buff for few seconds. There are several (4) green mobs around the room, he has to run to them and use them. They turn into zombies, you must kill and you get either a rusty or a gold key . Repeat this untill you get the gold key. Use the gold key to open the doors, kill the mobs and you're through.

    5. Larvanger Barkud +

    Before being able to attack the boss, you'll have to kill 8 waves of mobs. They can only be killed with tactics.

    Mobs phase

    As you enter you'll see a big room with 4 pillars on the side, and tables full of food. Some items on these tables will kill the mobs. Use them in this order:

    1. meat: placed it on the ground to aggro the mobs. Place only one at a time, in the middle of the room.

    2. wine: cast on mobs to make them vulnerable to fire.

    3. candle: cast it on mobs to set them on fire. If they have wine debuff, they will eventually die.

    2a. soup: can be cast on mobs to lower their defence. Usefull in theory if you can't kill the mobs using wine/candle or you can't find them. Mobs with soup on them get full damage from attacks, but they also have 3M hp and 2-hit tank if there's no meat on the ground.

    Have your party hide themselfs behind these pillars, half on left and half on right.

    -Assign 2 people as runners - one on left, and one on right. They'll stay in the middle of the room on flanks. When mobs spawn, they'll aggro them. Have them run in "0"s with mobs after, untill meat is placed.

    -Assign one player to place meat. His job is to take a meat after each wave spawns and place it in the centre of the room.

    -Assing one player on wine. He must cast wine on mobs after they gathered on meat.

    -Assing one player on candles. After mobs have wine on them, he must cast candles.

    -Tell the others to take soups in order to make room for the other 3 required items to spawn.

    Repeat this wave after wave.

    Good to know:

    - it's best to put tank and some high hp/pdef priest as runners, so they can survive one hit.

    - runner must use speed title and preferably speed maid potion.

    - it's better to have a backup for every person doing the tactic.

    Boss phase

    After the 8 waves are done, and some time while he has his speech, the boss attacks.

    Tactic is simple, only skill you have to watch out is "Throw Poison". Have your party stay in a line and run in same direction one second after the cast is finished. Any mdam immunity skill/serenstum will give you enough time to comfortably move away from poison.

    His other skill is a debuff that kills if not cleaned. The boss sais "Pain is merely a process, [Player Name]" after he casts his debuff. You have 6 seconds to clean it, and it can only be cleaned by druid.

    6. Herl Grafu

    Easy boss. Has a buff that regens him and increases level every 2s. After 25-30s it's almost impossible to kill him. Have 2 players check on left and right side of the room and tell you if they find a puppet. Tell the tank to take the boss to the puppet and the DD to click it when the boss is close to it. After the cast is finished and the boss is close enough, it will enter rage and loose the regen. The tank has to use some kind of immunity/dmg reduction skill and run with the boss back to the party. After 20-30s, boss calms down and gets a mask buff+regen. You have ~15-20s to find another puppet or he'll 1hit tank (2x200k hits).

    For boss 4-6 you can check this video HERE.

    7. Annelia +

    Best "popular" way to fight it is in the right corner of the room.

    This boss has 4 stages.

    -Stage 1-

    Start the bossfight and wait for annelia to get transformed into demon.

    You will be able to DPS up to 90% after which anneia gets invulnerable.

    -Stage 2-

    Two bears will spawn in the middle of the room, up where the boss was before you started the fight. They need to be split and killed at the same time. Have the tank take the left side one, and another high-hp DD from 2nd group the right one. The DD takes his boss on right and keeps it up, while 2nd group goes to him. The tank takes his bear back to down-right corner. They must be killed within 2s of eachother, or you'll have to fight again.

    -Stage 3-

    After bears are killed, have your raid regroup in the down-right corner.

    Boss 6 comes. He will spawn in the same place as the bears. Tank go aggro it and kill it fast.

    -Stage 4-

    Tank&Spank heavy healing phase.

    Annelia becomes vulnerable again, with 59% HP left. From now it's mainly just tank and spank. Annelia gets a new 75% HP AOE, and stuns, and a new 400k HP bear spawns on party. He must be killed fast, as one DD becomes useless and the bear can easely kill party members.

    The fun part:

    During the whole bossfight, 4 small bears 800k HP each will spawn around the middle of the room. Each bear dissapears after 8s and does 25% HP AOE (4x25% HP aoe). You have to assign one DD with AOE to aggro and kite them away from party + one priest to heal him. If that DD fails one time, it's wipe. The bears are fairly fast. You can use serenstrum to keep you alive one wave, soulbound is usefull also.

    Good to know:

    - have all party use pheonix at the start of fight, otherwise your chance to kill at least in first tries are close to 0.

    - no AOEs except for the one assigned on small bears, unless you really like wiping

    For marked bosses "+" teamspeak is advisable or even required.

    Source: Kotoi from Blackhand Guild on Macantacht

    Boss 1. Horatio Tia

    This boss can't be DPSd normally. You will need to take him down with catas.
    Split the party in two groups. 2 people do catas, 3 dd mobs/barrels and one heals.
    Boss has 2 AOE skills = one fireball that does high damage and leaves fire on the ground. If you stay in fire, you get 5% HP/s dot. And another 20-30k HP aoe.

    Tactic for DPS:

    3 barrels and 2 mobs will come from time to time. Kill mobs fast, then barrels. Barrels must not reach catapults. One barrel does 33% hp damage on a catapult. If all 3 catapults die, party wipes. Also if you let mobs on the priest it will either die or won't be able to heal properly and again wipe.

    Tactic for catapults:

    After killing barrels they drop bombs. Go click on a bomb. You will get a new black/gold "gunpowder" buff. This will enable you to use second skill.
    Go to the catapult, enter it. Use mouse 1 to rotate the camera, then mouse 2 to target the boss. You only need to target once.
    After targeting the boss use skill combo: 2-1-2-1-2-1 etc until your gunpowder debuff runs out. Then go out and take another. Next time just enter the catapult and start shooting.

    Skill 1 is very low dmg DOT
    Skill 2 is 3% HP hit.

    Where to target:

    Put catapult totally up and in the middle of the wall of the balcony.

    Boss 2. Jacklin Sarlo

    Merging Rune can be interrupted by tank's charge. Ask the tank to interrupt 2nd Merging rune cast and you have more than one min to kill it.

    He has a little over 12m HP, doesn't hit that hard on the tank. The boss will be casting only one spell every 20 - 25 seconds and it's called, "Merging Rune". Merging Rune is about a 5 second cast and the does the following: It applies three buffs onto three random people in the party.

    The name of each of the three debuffs: Freezing Rune (Decreases Attack & Casting Speed) Melting Rune (Receives 25% More Damage) Exhaustion Rune (Recieves ??% Less Heals) Those debuffs MUST be removed otherwise when he completes his second cast of Merging Rune, the entire party will be hit for 100k damage.

    In order to remove those debuffs you need to do the following: Three traps will spawn once you are in combat with the boss their names correspond to the names of the debuffs. They all have ~80k HP. Freezing Trap Melting Trap Exhaustion Trap When the trap is attacked (and you gain aggro of it), it will start attacking you and place a debuff DoT on you (ticks for 10,000 true damage every 2 seconds.). Once the trap is killed, if someone in the party has it's corresponding debuff. It will be removed. (If someone has Freezing Rune and you kill The Freezing Trap, the debuff will be removed.)

    Sometimes the debuffs will bug and you will have to kill the trap a second time. If you do cannot, that debuff is permanent. I have noticed that after killing the trap, it is best to run close to the rest of the party (as it removes it faster.)

    So short version of the boss fight.

    Burn as much as you can for the first 25 seconds. Boss will cast Merging Rune Kill all traps once or twice (don't kill it again if it removed the debuff from a player.) Continue to burn the boss until dead. Best party composition for this boss fight would be 2 healers, 1 tank, 3 DPS. P/X + D/X seems to work the best as it allows for an equal distribution of heals to all targets and designate one single person to kill the traps (or have 2 DPS concentrate on the traps, preferably ranged.) If you have a single person DPS'ing the traps down after a Merging Rune. Please remember that the DoT's from each trap do stack and can do 10,000 each (30k every 2 seconds) and even more if you have the Melting Rune debuff.

    Boss 3 - Lanaik

    [Passage to boss] Right after boss 2 you will see a kind of walls you need to zigzag through. You will see lasers between them, you cannot disable those. There is also some mechnisms between the walls that do damage to you. Those you can kill with bottles which you can find right after boss 1 (click bottle and then water bucket). Get as many as you can of those bottles. You can use them on the mechanism so they will vanish (it works like putting a small aoe on the mechanism). Dummy tip: Get a druid ready to put regens and heals on you. Swap to low hp gear/no gear and simply run through the maze when healer says. The lasers do % damage so in this way the heals will be higher than the dots will be. In the end the healer recasts heals on himself, then swaps own gear, run through, wait till dots are gone, then swap back to normal gear.

    Tank - use shield @ 80% hp, priest use after tank
    If you get aggro use candy then kite
    Tank use immunity foods/ skills and kite after 50% hp

    This boss is extremely frustrating if you cannot burn him, as his strat involves a lot of kiting and it requires a very nimble party. (Fast acting.)

    Every ~10 seconds, the boss will call out the name of a player in the party and run towards them and do a very powerful single hit to them. The boss will call out the name before jumping aggro towards you. I have noticed during this boss fight, it is best to have your pets out and constantly respawning them if they do as they boss will call out the name of your pets and chase it.

    You cannot slow the boss, so don't bother even trying. Best way to avoid the boss is to make sure you spellweaver potions, crystal candies and any other speed potions (buffs) to assist you in running away from the boss. It's very difficult to coordinate this fight naturally without a good team. Video from EU server showed that it's best for the person who is call to run away from the party and stick to the wall to avoid getting killed. Crystal candy on your hot keys to be ready if he gets too close.

    "Kalon's Wrath" is the percentage aoe that decreases armor. Additionally, it resets his aggro and increases in percentage damage every time he casts it.

    "Strike of Fury" is a fear that targets one person, additionally fearing others around the target for 20 seconds.

    After the 4th name is called, he'll soon enter a brief phase where he yells "DIE nameoftarget." Around the 3rd name, anyone who hasn't been called should position themselves behind a pillar. If your name is called, stick close to the pillar and be ready to run him into it when he yells out "die." This will result in all of his speed buffs disappearing, allowing the tank to safely pull aggro back.

    "Heroic Power something-or-other" places a 5k dot and slows everyone. The slow can be cleansed off so it's important to have it done. If you do not have a P/K in the party to cleanse the fear (haven't tested if it works yet) healers should at least keep a regen on the feared ally. I've died many times to Kalon's Wrath and the dot.

    Boss 4- Expiriment

    Priest uses shield at 3/4 cast when the boss goes first time in the air. He'll do some 200k dmg AOE and wipe the whole pt.
    After this, 2nd time it goes in the air it has some beam attack. If beam follows you run away from the rest and make sure the beam will hit no one or they die.
    Alternatively you could use pheonix and survive at least one minute.

    This boss is much like the Gestero fight, you have to free the beast before fighting him. Kill the 4 mobs around the boss to release him from the bubble barrier.

    Behind each mob is a crystal that gives debuffs to the players that activate them. Debuffs are PA reduction, MA reduction, Aggro increase, and the 8k DoT. These buffs seem to be completely random, seems to be no logical order associated with them.

    Start up with a normal dps burn making sure tank gets first hit. The first cast the boss does is "Strengthen Body" around 10 seconds into the fight which will decrease damage received for the boss. Around 20 seconds the boss jumps in the air and there will be "Annihilation Attack" which is about a 5 sec cast that will wipe the party if one of you doesn't have the blood sacrifice debuff (8k dot) from one of the crystals.

    After that your team has a 5-10 second window for DPS to burn as much as they can until he casts "Annihilation Beam" where he jumps in the air again and casts a huge laser beam at the ground that will tick for a good portion of your HP if you get hit by it, so spread out and run (use godspeed potion if possible). After the beam it's rinse and repeat. Annihilatiom Beam is always after an Annihilation attack and before the next one.

    *There is a golden writing in the middle of the screen when the boss is about to jump so you know when to run to your crystal.

    **4 crystals mean you need to assign 1 person to each, since the blood debuff is random, to click on them in time.

    ***Crystals take 3 seconds to cap, giving you about a 2 second window

    Boss 5. General's Skeleton

    [Passage to boss] The hall leading to the boss is lined with mobs that have very tough buffs. Once you kill the RIGHT one first it will not spawn again. Dps on them was slow as ever. In the middle of the hall will be rolling balls that can knock a player down and damage them. The mobs must be removed to move forward (there is a wall at the bottom of the ramp).

    This boss is buffed like heck, and I could do only minimal dps to him as his pdef was very high (lvl 70 boss as well, so the level difference could have had a major impact here). The mage we had in the group was doing well with his dps so the boss may be vulnerable to magic damage.

    Couple of things, there is a sword that spawns that is used to eliminate the bosses buffs and gives more attack power to te person that clicked it. There is also a shield you can click and which gives 1 person more defense. He also occasionally summons an add.

    Then he'll do a 2 combo attack, Abysmal Blow followed by another one that is a short range aoe that hits for massive damage.
    Aneyiaa -

    This exhaustive guide is written to help those groups that are struggling with ToSH, and who just aren’t OP, and who get somewhat frustrated when they ask for advice and people tell them “Well, we just burn that.”

    It’s also based on Notorious’s personal experience, and that means it’s written for (and by!) people with an IQ less than 50 and considerably less dps than the usual ToSH capable guild. I will be linking Bibby from Bteam's excellent video guides with each boss, and I’ll link the Noto version of the boss fight for comparison’s sake if we have one available.

    First, let’s go over some basics. You will want to try and do this with 12 people, and you’ll want a tank with between 500-600k pdef, at least three healers, and preferably at least one of them will be a druid/scout. DPS classes will want to have around 95-120k hp buffed. Hopefully the majority of your dps will have at least GCH weapons or crafted 70’s. No one needs to already have ToSH weapons, but they do help.

    Now, can you do this with less people, or people with less gear? Yes. But it will be harder. Don’t turn anyone down because they have 90k hp, just know that they may want to pop a Unicorn.

    This is crucial: make everyone buy Phoenix Redemptions, lots of them. Do not even attempt ToSH without a bunch. It’s not even worth attempting without Phoenix- they do not call this instance Tomb of the Seven Phoenix’s for nothing, ok? We still use them regularly for farming. Just do it. You will thank me later. Don’t be cheap, just use the darned things.

    Ok, let’s talk trash! There’s a ton in ToSH, and you will want some mages for CC ideally. You’ll also want your druid to charm them, and/or your Champion to do his reverse shadowstep pull thing to get the patrols down to a manageable size. We use all of the above, and we have the mages do a stun rotation.

    ToSH bugs need to be killed before they Spawn, or you can let them spawn if the tank is sufficient to take the hits, and farm the small buggies for their valuable TP.

    Angren Scouts are what ToSH has instead of alarms like DL. Kill them. Kill them FAST. We have a mage buff and burn them, or a scout snipe them, or our druid charm them. In the early patrols, you’ll want to kill the Archers first. Archers are evil, they heal themselves and their group.

    You’ll come to doors with levers needed to open them. Click any lever and run, bugs will fall out of the sky (you can’t kill them, they’ll disappear in a second, but they will kill you) or you’ll get feared around. Kneel macro is handy to keep you from wandering into patrols. The third handle will open the door.

    The Angren mobs freak out if you stun them, so avoid that unless you have enough mages to keep them stunlocked.

    When you get past the fourth boss you’ll run into some super evil rogue mobs- these guys hide, so it’s useful to get a mage to swap gear and thunderstorm to pop ‘em out of hide. Alternatively, your tank can pop his immune and run in and aggro them. Rogue mobs cannot be CC’d at all.

    When you get to the Strong Acid Beasts after fourth boss, loot them for their Luminous Sigils, and trade these to the tank. He can use them to light up the invisible rogues in that hallway, but we do the mage trick instead, and save all the Sigils for the hallway before Thanteos Kalume. At the head of the stairs, there’s a nasty invisible Oculodemon, and he has to be made visible to be killed, and he’ll kill invisible. The only way to kill him is to make him visible, and it’s a real pain if you mess up and run out of Sigils. So, as soon as he is visible, pop a DoT on him to keep him from going in to Hide. There’s just one of these nasties, and he’s sort of a yellowy green color. The other Oculodemons are purple, and you just kill them as usual.

    If you have major issues with trash, remember that the biggest thing in ToSH with the trash is to use every trick you can to cut down on the huge size of the patrols. A smart tank will be needed here too, because sometimes whole rooms will chain pull. You’ll get the hang of it.

    *SPECIAL NOTE* Some bosses (and even occasionally a trash mob) remove buffs from tanks and/or melee classes in close proximity. The tank will need to watch EA especially. If you find your tank mysteriously being one-hit, have him keep an eye on EA.

    Okies, Boss Timez.

    Boss One: Jenny Giant (a nasty nasty wench).

    Video HERE

    Overview: Jenny is a Scout and uses Scout skills. 4 people get torches, one person with a torch also does flint. Spread out to avoid Piercing Arrow. Everyone needs to be at least 50 range from everyone else, and don’t stand in a straight line. DPS 25 percent, then the lights go out and the boss disappears. Torch people go to oil buckets, flint person clicks flint and does a fast count and all click oil at the same time. They go to the center and get flint buff from flint person. They each go to a torch and light it. The boss reappears and you dps another 25 percent. Repeat until dead.

    Brass Tacks: You will need 4 people with active brain cells to do this. Everyone else can be a dummy as long as they can stand in one place and not move. This is NOT a burn fight. We have all of our mages come /p for this fight for extra cleanses (which is nice for us, since every mage in guild practically has a /p side). If you can choose between survivability and dps, choose survivability.

    Pick 4 people with brains and survivability to do torches. We use (usually) our tank, one m/p, one s/k and one r/s to do this (but the mage and the rogue have unusually high stam). Choose the smartest tankiest people you have to do this part. When we have issues with Jenny, we bring two tanks. When you get good at it, you’ll be able to have literally anyone do torches, but for now, USE TANKY PEOPLE. DON’T use your healers for this in the beginning, because even though they are by nature tanky, they will be BUSY! This fight has a lot of damage to be healed through, especially when you mess up. And you will mess up.

    Before you even run in, make sure everyone knows where they will stand. Assign one healer to cleanse each torchbearer, and make sure all four bearers have an assigned cleanse. Offcleansers will pick up the slack if healers die etc. Pro tip: Druid/ Scouts can use their AoE cleanse. Dummy tip: Assume they won’t remember to and assign people for cleanses anyway.

    Countdown, music, tank aggros, people go to their assigned positions. DPS boss 25%. Dark phase. Healers need to concentrate on keeping the torchbearers up. Have your /p’s and /d’s offheal to help.

    It will take a few tries for the torchbearers to get used to the timing. Skills will interrupt them when they try and click on oil, flint or lamps. They need to just persevere and keep clicking if that happens. Pro tip: supposedly you can time flint/oil between skills to keep interrupts to a minimum. This has NEVER EVER worked for us, despite us wasting two evenings experimenting, so we gave up. Dummy tip: Just have them click again if they get interrupted. Pro tip: use voice chat to time flint/oil/lamps. Dummy tip: if you have people without voice capability and/or people who don’t speak English, have the flint person make a macro for “3, 2, 1, CLICK OIL!” and hope for the best. PHOENIX IS MANDATORY FOR ALL TORCHBEARERS.

    Now, if you mistime something, and bork an attempt at lighting the lamps, you can regroup and try again. In that case, have one priest run in and bubble the torchbearers in the middle when they go to get flint. The longer dark phase continues, the more damage she does, and she WILL drop a massive Shatterstar and/or Piercing on them in the middle on the second try. Third tries are NOT recommended. Just have people with intact Phoenix’s leave party and the rest switch gear and die at the door. Don’t bother wasting Soul Bond on torchbearers, they will res without their torch. So have the priests SB themselves to save time between tries.

    Ok, you lit the lamps and the boss is back, yay! Some people will get hit with a nasty debuff. This debuff is a DoT that explodes. They need to be cleansed before it explodes. Cleanse torchbearers first, then prioritize cleanses on whoever you need more- like tank, healers, top dps. If you have an immune skill like Holy Aura, and you time it to coincide with the debuff ending (that’s when it blows you up) do so. Otherwise you can pop a Serenstum to save yourself if needed. Jenny will also do Shatterstar, usually in the middle of the floor. PEOPLE MUST RUN OUT OF THIS! Any idiot who stands inside Shatterstar- do not attempt to heal them, let them die- cause they are too stupid even for this guide!

    Lather, rinse, repeat. Pro tip: assign dps people to use their cd’s in increments so that Jenny returns to darkphase quickly. Play instruments throughout. Dummy tip: use the pro tip, but if people can’t manage it, just dps as hard as you can til she goes down and make sure at least one person saves their buffs for 25%-0%.

    Boss Two: Letin Mocliff (aka, why people quit RoM)

    Video HERE

    Overview: Burn boss to 30%. Party goes to right and left side, two people in each shield. Get bubble buff from shields, avoid AoE one-hit skill by staying inside shield when it’s being cast, and dps boss til dead. Manage adds.

    Oh… if only it was that simple. If you can make it through Letin without your guild disbanding and/or people ragequitting RoM, you are doing well!

    Brass Tacks: This is an attrition fight from 30% to 0%, and you will usually fail between 3% and 0%. Arrange your party wisely. It doesn’t matter if you tank the boss on the right or left side, but one side will be the Tank Side and the other will be the Bait Side.

    Assign positions ahead of time. Tank goes in the middle shield on Tank side with the top dps. Healer on right and left shield with second and third best dps on Tank side. Excess healer goes in the middle shield on Bait side. Excess dps goes to right and left. Pro tip: dps jumps in and out of shields on Bait side to dps boss, avoiding AoE. Dummy tip: Oh no, Bait side stays in shields at ALL TIMES! Pro tip: DPS takes all adds to 10% to remove them, or ignores all adds and burns boss. Dummy tip: ONE person on Tank side takes care of WARRIORS ONLY and everyone else gets healed through damage from adds! Ok, lemme break that down for you.

    First, the first burn is to 60%. You can go all out. At 60% he will drop aggro. HIGH AGGRO CLASSES MUST BE CAREFUL AT THIS STAGE! Actually, it’s super easy for even a healer to get aggro at this point, so BE CAREFUL! Tank needs to have a taunt ready to go! He has to get aggro back and hold onto it for dear life, and dps classes that don’t have three recons need to go slow and watch the threatmeter like a hawk. Sad sorry people with one recon need to look decorative for a bit and let the tank get a good solid hold before they so much as throw a DoT. The boss is randomly putting aggro-raising debuffs on people at this point, so for heaven’s sake WATCH THE THREATMETER.

    Depending on how quickly you get the boss to 30%, you may see two adds spawn. THESE NEED TO BE DPS’D DOWN IF THEY APPEAR! You can’t kill these adds- if you do they will one-hit whoever they had aggro on (usually the tank *sigh*). They must be dps’d to between 9%-1% and they will go yellow and walk away. Assign one person to this task. We find it most easy to have our s/w do this. Whoever does it will need to know exactly how much damage he is dealing per hit so he can get them down without killing them. DON’T USE BLEEDS/DOTS on adds! As a mage, I find purg works well, but they have to be in range. Rogues and w/r’s have a hard time with adds because their white hits can easily kill them by accident. They should just not target adds period. Wardens and /wardens need to watch briar shield!

    Ok, so get those two first adds gone quickly, then get boss to 30%. Everyone runs to their shields. NO MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE PER SHIELD! Three people in a shield = one dead person.

    Dummy tip: We put our strongest and weakest healer on the Tank side and our second strongest healer on the Bait side. This is because we can’t burn Letin yet, so we use a strategy for adds that I call Bait. Basically, the idea is to keep the people on the Bait side alive long enough to keep lots of adds on that side, away from the tank and the people actually dps’ing the boss. So, you want those Bait people to live, and that means they need heals. We have all our mages be bait, and they all go m/p so they can heal themselves and offheal others. Bait people don’t kill adds, they just live through them. If a warrior gets on the Bait healer, that’s the only time Bait people should attempt to dps adds.

    Because Letin is annoyingly unburnable from 30-0%, we put our best Bleed people on the Tank side. Rogues and warriors are ideal for this fight. That way he’s taking damage even when he’s casting his AoE. One person (in this case, our scout usually, or one mage if not) takes care of ONLY WARRIORS. All other adds we ignore. If a warrior add gets on the add person and flops them, someone else has to do their best to take the add out- but this is an iffy thing.

    LoS is a huge issue in this fight. The people on the Tank side have got to watch that they stay in heal range, and they also have to make sure they get back in the shields as soon as the boss goes back to the center and starts his AoE cast. Tank tanks inside the shield, or very close.

    Pro tip: always get the adds to 9%. Dummy tip: if you find yourself inexplicably dying from one-hits, do a raid focus and watch who’s targeting what. If some idiot is mindlessly killing adds, kick them cause they are too dumb for this guide!


    Boss Three: Lekani (a refreshing change!)

    Video HERE

    Overview: Lekani himself frequently goes immune, and he has four statues which rotate around the sides of the room. These have to be damaged, or they will cast a buff on the boss. Unkillable adds spawn which must be healed through. He does a long-cast skill called Ancestral Fury which needs to be silenced.

    Brass Tacks: After the horror of Letin, Lekani will be a breeze, but he can be a pain despite that.

    You will want to assign four people to the four corners of the room, and they will dps the statue in that corner. The statues rotate, so there’s no point assigning them to a color; just assign them a corner to avoid confusion. The statues will glow when they need to be damaged, and you have your four people dps them til they stop taking damage, then they go back to dpsing the boss.

    You will also want to assign backup people ready to spring into action and take over for any statue person that dies. This is a heavy damage fight, and people can easily get dead quickly from adds. Bringing along an extra healer is a good idea.

    As long as every statue gets damaged each round, you just slowly dps Lekani down and won’t have issues. If you miss a statue and the boss gets buffed, things become more difficult. He heals himself, or he does more damage, or he takes less damage etc. So, JUST HIT THE DAMNED STATUES NO MATTER WHAT.

    Make sure you have two mages on Silence duty for Ancestral Fury. Pro tip: pick up some crystal thing or other from the trash in the other room and use it to stop Ancestral Fury. Dummy tip: Whaaaa? Just have the mages silence the skill and whine if they all die and wipe the party.

    Tanks and statue peeps MUST PHOENIX! Everyone should, but THEY MUST!

    Boss Four: Heurton (rocks fall, everyone dies)

    Video HERE

    Overview: Heurton likes rocks. When big rocks start falling, don’t get hit by them. As soon as they hit, run behind one and hide from the boss. As soon as they disappear, dps the boss. Avoid small falling rocks. Repeat until dead. Oh, and there’s adds.

    Brass Tacks: This used to be the easiest fight in ToSH for us, until the chap 5 patch. No mechanics changed; the boss fight just got incredibly laggy for no apparent reason. Expect to have lag issues. Have everyone get naked and turn spell effects down, with one exception. Turn Shadow Detail to High, so you can see the silhouette of the rocks on the ground.

    This fight is quite easy if you have nimble people and dps with good AoE’s and a tank with good aggro. If you don’t have those things… well. It’s still doable.

    Countdown, music, run in room and stop- but do not pop cd’s. Watch the floor for the silhouette of big rocks. Don’t stand inside the silhouette. As soon as big rocks fall, get behind one. Start popping CD’s. As soon as rocks disappear, burn as much as you can. Pro tip: watch for small rock silhouettes and avoid them. Dummy tip: everyone stack on boss, he doesn’t drop rocks on himself. Repeat until dead.

    Add management: this is up to you and your party makeup. We have mages, so we have our mages use a stun rotation and purg them continuously through the fight. Now, we have a high-aggro tank and we have those mages go m/s for this fight for the extra recon. Your mileage may vary. If you lack m/s’s or m/r’s, and/or you have a low-aggro tank, this won’t work. In that case, have warriors, wardens, whoever, AoE them, Briar Shield them, single target them, whatever works. Pro tip: ignore adds and burn boss. Dummy tip: Oh no, the adds will kill the tank.

    Have someone watch for the big rocks, and have them call it so all know to run behind as soon as they fall. Pro tip: if you watch carefully, no one will ever die from a falling rock. Dummy tip: Uh huh. Use Phoenix. Use Escape Artist, use Unbridled, and get behind those big rocks ASAP. Some rocks are buggy, and you’ll die from his AoE even behind them. Avoid the rocks right in front of the boss to minimize this, they seem to bug most frequently, but the ones on the side do it too sometimes. Just use Phoenix.

    Boss Five (hard mode only): Shint Kanches (even NPC rogues are OP *sigh*)

    Video HERE

    Overview: Buff and burn Shint until he disappears. Tank must turn boss. Avoid black fog. Kill adds.

    Brass Tacks: This guy is actually not that bad really. Even a low dps party can “burn” him, as long as you manage the adds. You need to do enough dps to burn through his skill Enchanted Blood, that keeps him from doing something bad, I’ve never actually seen it though. As soon as he despawns watch for the fog. You need to heal through the hits, so consider bringing extra heals.

    The boss stacks some insanely bad debuffs on the tank, so keep your healers cleansing throughout, and it really helps to have both priests and druids, as their cleanses remove different debuffs. Pretty much have the healers casting cleanse whenever it’s off cd on the tank.

    Burn the adds down ASAP. Single-target, AoE- whatever works. Personally I purg or thunderstorm depending on how close they are to me.

    Phoenix is REQUIRED for the tank. Everyone should use it, but the tank MUST.

    Pro tip: avoid standing on the black fog. Dummy tip: Phoenix. If you have too many issues with black fog, shoot me a pm and I’ll splain the long version. *coughs*

    Boss Six: Thanteos Kalume (and you thought second was bad!)

    Video HERE

    Overview: Buff on the run and split into three groups. Groups stack on each other. Tank turns boss. Melee avoids frontal AoE. Burn til debuffs start stacking on people, then they must move or jump to cleanse debuffs. Avoid Throw Axe. Avoid Throw Shield. Serenstum/bubble Burst Bash cast with 5 stacked buffs on boss.

    Brass Tacks: Oh god. Where to even start?

    There is so much going on in this fight, and it’s so wonky, you’ll despair. This boss breaks guilds. If you ask one of the big scary guilds how they do this, they’ll look at you funny and say “we burn it, why?” Sigh.

    If you are like us, you don’t burn. We just lack the sheer firepower to burn him before he starts doing Very Bad Things.

    Ok, so. First of all arrange your groups. Burst Bash is a shared group AoE. It will hit one group and the damage is shared between the people in the stack. So, you want three groups stacked on each other, and you don’t want more than five people per group, and no less than three, ideally. If you have too much melee, some rogues will either have to stack with the ranged people and use arrows, or they have to be leet enough to dance in and out again as he casts Burst Bash. Burst Bash is a pretty short cast, so it’s quite hard for them to do this. We do one group on the boss, one on the right side and one on the left. Druids come in super handy on this fight also, since they have that awesome raid heal.

    Ok, so- Countdown, play, run in, tank grabs and turns, dps buffs on the run and stacks in their groups. Burn until you start getting the debuff on you that looks like a sword hilt. It stacks as high as 10. You never ever ever want it to get higher than 2. Move, jump- whatever. As a mage, I cast a flame and jump, cast a flame and jump etc. Melee can of course just dps while jumping, lucky buggers. Healers do skill, jump, skill, jump. The more debuffs stack on the party, the faster the boss’s buffs stack on him. The more buffs he has stacked, the harder Burst Bash hits. When his buffs stack to 5, he’ll do an extra skill after Burst Bash called Royal Punishment that does 99% of your hp. This is bad. We Serenstum the first 5-buff Burst Bash, and we bubble the second. If you get three 5-buff Burst Bashes… people gonna die.

    The timing on Serenstum for the 5-buff Burst Bash is to click it right before he finishes casting. We have someone call it.

    Ok, next. He’s also draining your mana. While you have a stacked debuff on you, you won’t be able to pot, so jump, mana pot. Jump, hp pot if needed.

    Now comes even more fun. He’ll do a yellow emote and say something like “Thanteos Kalume throws his Axe at So and So!” A big arrow will appear over so and so’s head. That person needs to run away from the party, and he needs to be careful how he does it. The boss with throw a big axe at the named person and behind the axe will be a trail of fire, following wherever that person runs. The axe itself doesn’t do much damage, but the fire will one-hit squishies and will two-hit everyone else.

    Pro tip: just run to the door, everyone will be fine. Dummy tip: Don’t run through people, especially the tank. Run away from the party, to the door is ideal, but anywhere is fine as long you avoid people. People in that person’s party need to move away from them as soon as their name is called to prevent standing in a puddle of fire. DO. NOT. RUN. THROUGH. THE. TANK. If you find yourself standing in fire, and you are miraculously alive anyway, RUN OUT OF IT!

    Now, despite the GIANT YELLOW EMOTE and HUGE FREAKING ARROW OVER THE PERSON’S HEAD- it is still really easy to miss. No, really. There’s so much stuff going on in this fight, you can miss your name being called. So, we have someone call who’s getting the axe.

    As soon as the fire disappears, everyone restacks in their groups ASAP.

    After the axe, he’ll throw his shield. Same emote, same big arrow. The shield does an 8 second AoE stun, so the shield person just needs to run away from people. He’ll get stunned for 8 seconds and be fine, but it’s pretty important that he doesn’t stand next to the tank (zomg!) or a healer, mmmk? We have the same someone call who has shield so they can run.

    Besides all that, it’s just tank and spank. Oi!

    Pro tip: Remember to jump. Dummy tip: have someone keep an eye on the raidlist and make sure no one gets more than three debuffs on them at any time. Anyone (aside from someone stunned by shield, as they can’t jump for the duration) who gets more than three debuffs needs to be kicked, cause they are TOO STUPID FOR THIS GUIDE.


    Boss Seven (hard mode only): Cursed Faced Devourer (holy molly, can this be the last boss?)

    Overview: Retreat to the pillars and spawn the boss. Avoid blue circles. Kill adds. If you get transported, kill adds inside. Burn boss throughout.

    Brass Tacks: This dude is so easy, you’ll be amazed, thrilled silly and relieved as heck. He really is pretty much tank and spank. Just kill adds inside or outside.

    First of all you need to spawn him. There isn’t even any more trash to kill. Someone loots a Sparkling Pendant off Thanteos. Everyone group up between the torches at the far end of the boss room and the person with the pendant walks up to the ghost, clicks the pendant and just walks back to the group to spawn the boss. Easy peasy.

    Wait for your cd’s to be up, countdown, music, burn baby burn. Big blue circles spawn, just walk out of them. Some people will get sucked into a separate instance reminiscent of the hats in the Conjurer Chapeaunoir fight. They just need to kill the adds inside and live through it. Adds spawn outside; kill these to release the people elsewhere (I just call elsewhere “inside the hat” cause… it’s easier).

    Other than that, he’s a burn, even with low dps.

    No one needs Phoenix on Cursed Face really, not even the tank, but til you get him down the first time, use it just in case.

    I hope this helps those of you who feel like you're not leet enough for ToSH. Truth is, almost any decently geared group of people can do it, assuming they have more than one active brain cell to rub together (and some who don't, Noto is living proof ). Don't give up and despair on Boss Two- you will get him down, just keep trying. Expect ToSH to take a long time, and be smart about eking out every scrap of dps outta your party that you can- even if that means keeping alts outside the instance for buffage. Stuff like Awakening of the Wild (d/w melee damage buff), the d/wd mdam buff, all the ma and pa buffs- stack em all if you need to.

    Hold the instance open overnight if you have to- park a couple of alts inside. You'll have to kill patrols again, but the bosses will be dead.

    Bottom line: you can do it. I know you can

    Originally posted by mnkmurphy885 in NA RoM forums.
    Aneyiaa .



    Simple kill.

    Chest mobs:

    They will come allive when close and port to you. Kill fast because they hit hard and they can turn of the light and silence you during.


    Avoid them as they do % damage and in normal mode will kill you. They also slow your movement. You can bug them with a briar shield by touching them shortly and run away from it. This will make them stop moving and if long enough (not recommended in normal mode) vanish.

    Puzzle tiles:

    This is a simple 3 in a row game. Can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. If you succeed you get a ball on top. If you fail you get 4 chest mobs you need to kill.

    First Boss: Force Golem Sentry

    1)Stay away from tornados.
    2)If you get a blue or red debuff on you, go and stay near boss or boss will heal itself by 10%

    Second Boss: Ice Golem Sentry - Fire Golem Sentry

    1) Tanking:
    a) You need a tank and an off tank for that boss
    b) If you got 2 healers 1 of them needs to heal main tank(also tank needs to tank 1 of the bosses) and other healer needs tank other boss
    c) If you got 2 tanks and 1 healer, each tank needs to tank 1 of the bossses and healer needs heal both of them
    d) Separate bosses till they got a shield buff on them

    2) Shield: If the bosses gets a shield buff on them tank needs to run to other boss and stay there till shield downs then he needs to go to his old position.

    3) Dps:
    a) You can't use your own skills on this bosses( you can but it will take a long time to kill so you shouldn't )
    b) You will get 3 special skills to attack to boss you need to use that skills
    c) If you want to attack to fire boss you need to stay near ice one then you will get 3 skills use them on fire boss
    d) If you want to attack to ice boss you need to stay near fire one then you will get 3 skills use them on ice boss
    e) Bosses needs to die at same time

    Other bosses (come in random order)

    Tormentor Golem Sentry:

    1) Spawning: You need to kill all of the elites to spawn boss. Elites are near boss. You should kill all of the elites except one then you need to do a count down at 5 you need to kill last elite so you can do your max dps.

    2) Dps: If you got enough dps on your party this boss is just a burn. If you dont you need to kill elites when they spawn other ways boss will heal itself

    Rune Golem Sentry:

    This boss is similar to Jenny Giant in Tomb of the Seven Heroes.

    Boss will go to 1 of the corners ( There are 4 of them ) and it will start casting a skill. Someone needs to kill the elite which is in front of the boss. After boss cames all of the party except tank and healers needs to kill beast( it will spawn when boss cames ). It wont 1 shot but it will hit hard.

    At 80% boss will cast 1 more skill. When it starts casting skill all of the ppl who is near boss needs to run away or boss will heal itself ( 5% for each hit.) If you can do that correctly boss will go to 1 of the corners again and same things will happen :P

    If you dont let boss to heal itself, it will go to corners at 80% 60% 40% 20% and 0% ( if you can dps it fast it wont go on 0% ) and elite will spawn till you kill boss. ( Elite only spawn when boss goes to his corner )

    Last Boss: Da'dalodin ( Housekeeper )

    This is the hardest boss in instace because u just have 6 mins to kill that.

    The boss will fly at every 10% and 6 elites will spawn ( 1 Ice Elite - 4 Fire Elites ( not sure on fires ones) ) mages needs to Lightning ( or rogues needs to shadow prison ) Ice Elite!! If it touches to someone he/she will freeze. If that happens a m/p or druid/scout or priest needs to use cleanse skill on him/her.

    After you kill ice elite you need to pick feathers from ground and use it on boss. If you do that correctly boss will come back to ground. Then you will burn him to 90% and same thing will happen again. If you cant do feathers fast enoughyou will get a debuff but you can still attack to boss. If you do everything correctly it will happen till boss or you die :)

    Aneyiaa -

    Kulech Bones Nest is located in Chrysallia. This instance is available on easy, normal and hard modes. In easy and normal mode, six people can enter, and only bosses 1 through 5 are available. In hard mode, twelve people can enter, and all seven bosses are available. Especially in hardmode this ini is very tactics based (especially in the end).

    Minimum Requirements

    Note: I am not completely sure about this but knowing KBN is harder than Bethomia (personal experience) I will use same numbers as Bethomia. Values count for hardmode (full) version.


    250k HP buffed
    350k physical defense buffed
    Decent amount of physical attack so he can hold aggro

    Damage dealers:

    100k HP buffed
    120k attack buffed (without cooldowns)

    Make sure some dps can interrupt skills. Rogues are doing a pretty good job in this instance.


    150k HP buffed
    60k Urgent Heal/120k Restore Life critical heals (without cooldowns)
    Decent critical hit rate (60%+ without cooldowns)

    One healer has to be a druid/scout (due to group exorcism cleanse) if you do the 6th boss, Tysen.

    The abovementioned requirements are MINIMUM requirements. More HP/attack/defense/healing is recommended.

    General Note:

    Do your raid a favour and avoid using luck potions or anything giving better loot drop. This also increase the spawn of Elemental Trashmobs.


    This instance contains out of a variety of Kulech mobs and elementals.

    P.s. I hope I have all names correct for trashmobs.

    Kulech patrollers :

    These you can simply kill. Be carefull since they walk around and often pass others (you don't like to pull whole corridors). When you kill too slow you can get a debuff on you (you smell of Kulech). This debuff on you likes to aggro any Kulech near you.

    Kulech destroyers:

    These do a big AOE.

    Kulech inspectors (or was it the Kulech Watchers):

    These can be very nasty. They jump on top of someone in the raid from a distance and do an AOE damage. They tend to whipe many people at once. Priest bubble can come in handy.

    Elementals (fire/earth/water/wind):

    These elementals are excactly like the ones around Garon's nest. They can stun you, freeze you, damage you over time, etc...


    Simply kill. These are not so bad.

    Other types of Kulech:

    Theres a couple more kinds of Kulech but I can't remember their specific skills.

    Boss 1: Andoneo

    Level: 75
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 65,439,839
    MP: 30,075
    Defense: 302,432
    physical critical Resistance: ,6000
    magical Defense: 248,364
    magical critical Resistance: 3,500
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 300
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 360
    Physical Damage: 91,938
    Physischer Attack: 205,891
    Magical Attack: 42,822

    Enter the boss room, and go via hugging the wall to the right side. This prevents anyone getting stuck behind a barrier. Buff up and get ready.

    Tank runs towards boss and aggroes it in middle of the room. Dps starts to dps the boss. For healers its best to stay between middle of room and the door where you entered. Every now and then a yellow text appears in the screen. There will be a couple of Kulech mobs entering the room from some cave behind the boss. Kill these Kulech since they either kill your members, or bother you in any other way. For the rest, this boss is a simple tank and spank.

    Boss 2: Giant Flesh Maggot

    Enter the boss room, and go via hugging the wall to the right side. This prevents anyone getting stuck behind a barrier. Buff up and get ready.

    Level: 78
    HP: 68,719,834
    MP: 31,606
    Defense: 256,972
    physical critical Resistance: 5,000
    magical Defense: 237,920
    magical critical Resistance: 5,000
    Movementspeed: 300
    Searchrange: 300
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 2000
    Physical Damage: 79,871
    Physischer Attack: 256,919
    Magical Attack: 54,591

    Tank runs towards boss and aggroes it in the middle towards right back of the room. Dps starts to dps the boss. For healers its best to stay near the tank. Randomly, throughout the room can appear a sandwave. Do not stand in it since it does massive damage. Tank and spank the boss. At some point a yellow message pops in screen mentioning something about Flesh Maggots. Have some dps assigned to kill ALL the pupa's in the room. If you don't kill the pupa's fast there will be a gigantic AOE and you will probably loose the whole raid. For the rest simply avoid sandwaves, kill pupa's when needed and spank the boss.

    Boss 3: Assimilated Shetamb

    In this boss room you will see some Kulech. Do not try to pull them out and kill them. They are not killable (also not when in combat with boss).

    Level: 78
    HP: 76,276,862
    MP: 39,606
    Defense: 256,972
    physical critical Resistance: 5,000
    magical Defense: 303,749
    magical critical Resistance: 6,000
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 200
    Keepdistance: 40
    Followrange: 450
    Physical Damage: 81,727
    Physischer Attack: 205,197
    Magical Attack: 87,591

    It is the easiest way to have 1 healer stand near the entrance, mainly healing the tank and 1 healer healing the dps by standing near the group. 1 dps could grab the aggro of the adds and kite them around the room so its easier to focus on the boss. When the tank grabs the boss he/she pulls the boss to the back right corner of the room. The dps (apart from the kiter) dpses the boss. Now and then blue balls appear in the room. Kill these balls. When the boss casts "Storm's Pulse" interrupt this cast. If you do not interrupt this cast whole raid whipes.

    Bring serenstrum if you fail an interrupt.

    Boss 4: Kulech Queen Bodana

    Level: 78
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 40,003,127
    MP: 37,606
    Defense: 268,527
    physical critical Resistance: 4,140
    magical Defense: 267,971
    magical critical Resistance: 4,140
    Movementspeed: 300
    Searchrange: 400
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 3,000
    Physical Damage: 70,643
    Physischer Attack: 220,776
    Magical Attack: 65,591

    In this room you will see rows of pupa's. 2 minibosses and the big boss behind it.

    First you have to pull the 2 minibosses and kill them (big boss will be immune otherwise). Make sure to kill them together at same time (like the two minibosses in DS endboss). When the two minibosses are alive a message about having killed the children will pop up and the big boss will come to you. When you get a message about the children, use serenstrum or you get a heavy dot and slow heals. When you get a message about disturbing the queen, some maggots will spawn. I am not 100% sure but I believe you can avoid it by killing some pupa's. For the rest its a tank and spank.

    Fun trash part 1:

    After the boss room pick the right corridor. Kill the mobs in start.

    Now it will get fun...

    Put 1 healer left of the crossroads between middle and the chamber with eggs. Put the other healer near the middle (but not in the middle and definetely not on the path to the right). The tank stays in the middle with some dps. Send 1 or 2 dps into the room with the eggs.

    Let 1 dps kill egg per egg in the room with eggs. Every egg will spawn some Kulech, some in middle and some on top of the right path. So don't rush killing eggs but take your time. Kill the kulech, all of them. Eventually the barrier on the right path will open up.

    Be carefull since elementals can spawn too... Also, the Kulech can put some stun effect on you.

    The room after the barrier has all mobs chained. Be extremely carefull, especially the Kulech Assassins hurt. Next to that the Son of Balenq can do some nice damage, mainly due their green poison they put on the floor. You can sneak past some by hugging the right wall.

    Fun trash part 2:

    Same principle as fun trash part 1. Only this time the eggs room is on the right and mobs come from middle and left side.

    Boss 5: New Myrmex Queen Balenq

    Level: 78
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 80,002,477
    MP: 39,606
    Defense: 297,413
    physical critical Resistance: 5,000
    magical Defense: 267971
    magical critical Resistance: 4,000
    Movementspeed: 250
    Searchrange: 380
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 1000
    Physical Damage: 91,527
    Physischer Attack: 205,197
    Magical Attack: 87,591

    Tank this boss in the middle of the room. Simply dps this boss (healer stay ranged). A yellow text will appear in the screen, Shetamb's Oracle. When this happens run away from the spots spawning under the players, usually this means, run from boss as soon as possible (it looks a bit like Mukhan in Warnorken Arena with his pull). At some point, little maggots spawn (you can't attack them). Then some eggs spawn random in the room and when they vanish, kulech mobs will spawn from these eggs. You can either kill these Kulech, kite them away through the room, or ignore them if you are strong enough. Be carefull for Balenq's Bite, since this throws a lot of green poison on the floor. When the boss casts Myrmex Survival, make sure to cut this skill, or the boss will heal up. For the rest this is tank and spank.

    Carefull: when boss is dead, next boss spawns in same room so go towards the door.

    Boss 6: Tysen (HM only)

    Level: 78
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 91,505,012
    MP: 39,606
    Defense: 271,089
    physical critical Resistance: 7,000
    magical Defense: 303,749
    magical critical Resistance: 2,000
    Movementspeed: 250
    Searchrange: 250
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 2000
    Physical Damage: 95,622
    Physischer Attack: 205,673
    Magical Attack: 87,591

    This is possibly the most difficult boss inside the instance, or is it the next one....

    In the boss room will be a rock on the right. Everyone has to stand there and be on top of each other. Assign 1 or 2 dps to do pupa's. Make sure the druid/scout healer has group excorsism ready.

    The tank will aggro the boss. Dps the boss behind the rock. At some points the boss goes immune and hidden. The dps assigned has to kill the pupa's to get the boss back visable. When boss is visible they run behind the rock. They will get an orange debuff that has to be cleaned by the druid as soon as possible (since its poison, many can get this and it simply whipes whole raid). When the boss says something about rune energy in a yellow message, make sure to be behind a rock at all times (at other side of boss). Then dps the boss again, rinse and repeat.

    In case the whole raid dies during the boss in hide phase, you will have to start with the pupa part to make it visible and reset the boss after (this is not so easy as I write it here).

    Carefull: when boss is dead, next boss spawns in same room so go towards the door.

    Boss 7: Shetamb (HM only)

    Level: 78
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 132,935,887
    MP: 39,606
    Defense: 188,541
    physical critical Resistance: 4,800
    magical Defense: 303,749
    magical critical Resistance: 3,000
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 340
    Keepdistance: 30
    Followrange: 2000
    Physical Damage: 51,798
    Physischer Attack: 205,554
    Magical Attack: 87,591

    Stand in the green circle, behind the "Energy Supply Point" (that pillar in the room). The tank aggros the boss towards the pillar, the closer the better. Dps the boss. Every x amount of seconds the boss will have a yellow message and a cast. You will be able to click the pillar. Everyone except the tank has to click the pillar immediately when that happens. One dps should focus on the Myrmex adds that spawn in the room and kill them. When you miss the click on the pillar, the boss will move towards middle of the room. It doesn't only get harder to kill but you will also find yourself in more and more trouble. When the boss is too far towards middle, its a whipe.


    Aneyiaa -


    Tank - 250k HP and 300k def (for smooth runs, doesnt mean u cant do with 170k Hp and 200k def)
    Dps - 150k Hp and 90k patt/matt ( min 120k HP, else involves a lot of repair trips)
    Healer - 1 druid healer ftw or 1 good p/k p/r with min 150k GH, or even 2, if u want you can back up your p/x with a d/x as last resort (very handy due the voodoo thing they do)

    (Can be done with a lot less, just use what you have handy, with carefull planning and focus they can be done no matter of class and combo)

    Boss 1: Shismon

    Problem is not the "eye" debuff, that can be out-healed by a decent healer. Problem is arrow +eye debuff in same time on a player (i can survive it at 200+ hp or absorb thru my imune skill) but for most is 1hit so use serenstum (skill has 10 cd so use sere on 3 or 4 sec remaining) It can be clensed too but since ini is runned with 1 healers mostly, he needs total focus on keeping all alive, so Serenstum rules
    Also, boss has a nice aoe similar with scout's shatterstorm arrows (or b1 tosh) which cause those with debuff to usually end up dead - immune food and/or holy candle shield works.
    Rest is tank and spank.

    Boss 2: Sair

    1. Boss will get immunity when he's at 30% hp. He spawns his "soul", but you can simply nuke it. Pillars become attackable.

    2. Pillars decrease hp by 30% due to the fact that it reflects damage. Every destroyed pillar gives -40% decrease on heals. Only affecting person who destroys pillar.
    If you got a warden with you, just send centaur to pillars, he can take them down and gets all the debuffs.
    Shots doing lots of damage for some strange reason.
    Note: Serenstum gives immunity against reflecting damage

    3. Boss casts aoe which causes quite some damage. (Term could be something like "chaotic energy supply", but since I couldn't find the actual translation, I can't say it for sure. Should be the only one he casts though)
    It has a small range, so everybody but tank should try to stay away from boss as far as possible.

    4. Boss "reflects" damage, he hits you 2k per hit you're doing.

    Important: Make sure you don't destroy any towers while boss casts his aoe, not very healthy for tank!

    Boss 3: Garmel

    Open fight (without a designated tank). Boss will shout the name of a random party member through a yellow message across the screen (pets in, if he calls a pet is wipe). That player must run to the boss and stand in the "water" circle around the boss, when next name will be called he needs to get out and next person walk in (if 2 players in same time boss will go in rage water will become dark and party will suffer big aoe hits, same if one person is too slow, which makes lag a huge variable in this). The one that is called needs o be REALLY close to boss, only way to prevent boss from casting a "room-release" which causes 10k damage per second. (50k on normal-mode). Avoid the energy balls on the floor - small repeated aoe dmg, and if u have ranged attackers, they can focus on boss tentacles ( each kill is 5% of boss hp and less damage for party, the lighting things that hits randomly). If you are in the circle, go full with all you got, if you are out, you still can do constant dps on the boss as long you are not too close (outside of the circle). When the healer is called, better use pots and/or imune skills. This is actually easier to duo than run in full party thanks to the everpresent "position lag"... but if all stay alert it shouldnt create problems. Note: Recall pets when you enter fight.

    Boss 4: Myloden Dayson

    Run and tank boss exactly in the middle of the room. At one point (depends on ur dps and fight duration) 2 adds will spaw and will cast 2 lasers (1 from each side) that will sweep the whole room. All take serenstum and when lasers cross each other run to the other side ( toward the portal ). Dps remaining HP of boss and than kill the portal. Here you kinda need dps, as cd on serenstum will prevent you for using it a second time, but "holy candle shield" or "rock protection" and personal immune skills can help you still. If the portal behind boss ain't killed fast enough the boss respawns and all starts over.

    Boss 5: Salingdon

    Slowly walk in boss room to trigger message and than out (in order to spawn boss). He does multiple cast, debuffs (like a total stun) and even teleports but if you did B4 as described up, u can easily nuke him... Tank and spank.

    Aneyiaa -

    Bethomia is located in the Syrbal Pass. It's probably one of the easiest instances ever created by Runewaker. When this instance was released, in patch 6.0.0, it was completely bugged. Bosses did not drop any mementos. The bosses had next to zero critical resistance, which made it very easy to nuke them. Boss number four was even respawning within a minute after his loot was taken!

    Luckily, most of these bugs got fixed. The bosses are dropping mementos now, though less than the Kulech Bones Nest bosses. Boss four no longer respawns, and a few quests have been fixed. However, the quest [Dreadlord of the Thirteen Circles] is still bugged up to this day (patch 6.0.5). Also, boss five still seems to be buggy, as the effects of its debuffs are very weak (DoT which deals like 10 points of damage, debuff which reduces received healing by 0.1% per stack, etc...). Boss 1 and 2 also seem broken or malfunctioning. But the instance is doable, so who cares.


    Most of the bosses can be nuked before the tactics even begin. Damage output is everything in this instance.

    This instance is available on easy, normal and hard modes. In easy and normal mode, six people can enter, and only bosses 1 through 5 are available. In hard mode, twelve people can enter, and all seven bosses are available.

    Please note that I don't know the exact names of the trash mobs. I just name them what fits them the best.

    Minimum Requirements


    250k HP buffed
    350k physical defense buffed
    Decent amount of physical attack so he can hold aggro

    Damage dealers:

    100k HP buffed
    120k attack buffed (without cooldowns)
    Reconciliation runes and tranquility powder will help a lot here


    150k HP buffed
    60k Urgent Heal/120k Restore Life critical heals (without cooldowns)
    Decent critical hit rate (60%+ without cooldowns)

    The abovementioned requirements are MINIMUM requirements. More HP/attack/defense/healing is recommended.

    Trash Mobs up to Boss 1

    When you enter the instance, you will see a magic barrier blocking your way. You will have to kill two Giant Phantoms in order to make this barrier disappear. You can find these Phantoms on the left and on the right. The one with a buff is immune to your attacks as long as the one without a buff is alive. So kill the one without a buff first (the left mob).

    The Mobs' Abilities:

    Giant Phantoms: Phantoms are usually found patrolling alone. They have a skill which draws you to them at the start of the cast, and when the cast ends, everyone near them will sustain heavy damage. This skill cannot be interrupted. Also they have quite strong white hits.

    Maggots: Maggots are always found in small clusters of two or three. They can heal themselves and their friends. Also, when they die, they leave a poison cloud. If you step in this, you will get a DoT. It's not really dangerous.

    Boss 1. Hoson

    He looks like a giant Giant Phantom. Basically, he can be nuked down. I will still explain the tactics, which are actually very nice, but the hits you will take are just way too hard, making the tactics almost impossible to execute. Practice in easy/normal mode if you know that you won't be able to nuke this boss down.

    Before you start the fight, notice the small pustules all over the floor in the boss room. Make sure you don't step on one. It will deal a little damage with a damage over time and slow you down. In general stay in middle path of room as there they won't spawn.

    Every five seconds after Hoson has been aggro'd, he will drop a giant pustule on the floor, just a bit behind him. Don't step on these pustules! If you step on them, they will explode, dealing heavy damage to the party with a heavy damage over time and a slow down effect. Five seconds after Hoson dropped the third giant pustule, he won't drop the third pustule. Instead, he will make the three pustules disappear and two Giant Phantoms will spawn in the boss room. Simultaneously, everyone near Hoson will sustain an area attack that takes 50% of their HP. Additionally, everyone will be slowed down for a short time. Rogues, don't stand behind the boss! The tank should keep the boss stationary and don't turn it!

    The two Phantoms have a very large aggro range. They will come running to the party. Anyone who gets in their attack range (which is around 200) will receive a % based hit every second. This also puts a damage over time on the hit players which takes 7k HP every two seconds. Kill these Phantoms as soon as possible! Stuns or silences won't work.

    Five seconds after one of the adds or a player has died, the boss will release the next giant pustule and the tactics will repeat.

    Also, the boss will occasionally root players.

    According to these tactics, you will have about 20 seconds to nuke the boss before the adds come out and start raping you. Healers will really be pushed to their limits if you try this boss tactically.

    There is a cheater tactic here: A priest should summon his fairy and send it to the boss. Then he should run back and pull the boss out of his room. This way, if you're lucky, you won't have to deal with the adds during the fight. However, after the fight, the adds won't despawn!

    Actually, if you can't nuke Hoson down, you will probably not be able to kill the sixth and the seventh boss in time. So, if you can't nuke him, you should better upgrade your gear a bit more/throw more buffs in.


    Giant Pustule will be dropped every five seconds.
    Five seconds after the third pustule, the party receives a 50% hit and two Giant Phantoms will spawn.
    Kill the Giant Phantoms as soon as possible. They will wipe your party in just seconds.
    Repeats after either a player or one of the Phantoms has died.

    Trash Mobs up to Boss 2

    Right behind the first boss, you will have to enter a cave. In this cave, you will see pustules randomly spawning all over the floor. They also explode after a certain amount of time, dealing 50% damage to surrounding players. Also, two Giant Phantoms are patrolling here. The easiest way to do this part is to pull one Phantom to your side of the cave and kill him. Then run through as a group and pull the other Phantom. Keep running until you've reached the end of the tunnel and kill the second Phantom there.

    Up to boss 2, in addition to the Maggots and the Giant Phantoms, you will also find Giant Mantises and Strange Bugs.

    The Mobs' Abilities:

    Giant Mantises: Has an area attack with quite a long cast. It will deal heavy damage to anyone near. Most people will be one-hit, so try to interrupt them.
    Strange Bugs: No idea what they do, besides leaving a poison area when they die, just like the Maggots do.

    Boss 2. Sandos

    Ever since Bethomia's release in June, 2013, this boss has still not been figured out. He's probably bugged. I can only describe to you how this boss systematically kills your group.

    During the fight, the boss will start stacking four different debuffs on four randomly selected players. Each debuff has a different effect, like attack speed reduction or attack power reduction. What the buffs exactly do, I'm not aware of. As soon as the debuff stack reaches stack 10, all four affected players will get a badass damage over time that take 90% of you HP every two seconds. It cannot be dispelled by any cleansing skill. The only way to remove it is to leave combat or survive it.

    Also, the boss has a frontal area attack which also puts a damage over time on the hit targets which takes 15% of their HP every two seconds. This can be dispelled by a druid. It's a curse (or a poison?).

    You have about 20 seconds to rape the boss before the first four people die.


    Take as many rogues as possible if you know that you don't have enough DPS to rape this boss. Rogues can leave combat using "Vanish" and the item-set skill "Escape" which can be extracted from the level 55 Atrocity Suit. Leaving combat will remove the 90% damage over time. This way, they can survive longer.
    Bring a Druid/Warden who has his level 60 elite skill. This skill upgrades the Warden skill "Briar Shield" so that it increases received healing by 50%. If the tank (or an important damage dealer) gets the debuff, cast this shield on him and every healer should focus on keeping him alive. However, still at least one healer should pay attention to the tank.

    After Boss 2...

    When you've killed Sandos, you will find two exits in the room. The one on the north, which is also the closest to you, will lead to the fourth boss. The one in the west, all the way at the other side of the room, will lead to boss number 3. It doesn't matter which way you go, you will encounter the same trash mobs. Instead of bugs and phantoms, you will now find robots and elementals.

    The Mobs' Abilities:

    Purple Elementals: These guys are always found in large clusters of five or more. They have a two-second cast which will put a % based damage over time on everyone in range. Luckily, these DoTs don't stack. Interrupting them is not mandatory, but it will take some stress off the healers.
    Small Robots: You will find these robots either alone, or in a small cluster of two or three. They usually don't move. They have a two-second cast which will put a damage over time on a random player for 60 seconds. During this time, the player is also stunned. Leaving him behind is no option, because the damage over time will kill him. He has to be cleansed. It's a harmful effect. (Little trick: A Druid/Scout can cleanse himself. Just start casting Group Exorcism on yourself, just before the robot's casting bar ends.) Only priests, w/d and d/s can cleanse this.
    Giant Robots: These will patrol around a little. You will usually find them alone or in a pack of two. They have a two-second cast which will deal 90% damage to surrounding players when it ends. This cast can be interrupted.

    Boss 3. Fayleod

    The first functioning boss of the instance. He can be skipped.

    Basically, this boss is a tank and spank fight. Besides the quite heavy area and single target attacks, he is very easy. The only thing you need to watch out for, is when he yells "Be careful, don't take the wrong side.". He will put a dark-blue smoke spot below the feet of two randomly selected players. After three seconds or so, this thing will explode, dealing 70% damage to everyone around it. So you need to run away from these. He will do this every 10% of his HP, so DPS is not a big deal here. In fact, higher DPS will make this fight more difficult to survive. The boss does an aoe ranged damage so the tank needs to kite the boss around and nobody should stand behind it. If the party whipes the boss HP won't reset so you can continue from the point you were.

    After Boss 3...

    I recommend you go back to Sandos' room and go to the fourth boss by taking the north exit in this room. Not only will it be quicker to go back when you wiped, also you won't have to deal with a cluster of five small robots which you will find at the end of the hallway between boss 3 and boss 4. This cluster can be a real pain in the rear.

    Boss 4. Tatha

    The second (kind of) functioning boss of the instance, though he's easily nuked.

    First of all, during the fight, every now and then one mob will enter the room. This mob has to be aggro'd by the tank or kited away by a druid. A druid won't be very useful in this fight (apart from weakeners and dots): In the burn phase, heals aren't really needed, and in the phase where heals are required, everyone will be scattered around the room. A priest is much more useful there. If you let a druid kite the adds away, the druid will have something to do, a little stress is taken away from the tank, and the damage dealers won't drop dead. Win-win-win! However, it's recommended that the druid kites these mobs to the tank so he can take aggro on them. Next, one or two damage dealers should kill the adds.

    Tatha himself has only two important abilities.

    First of all, he will cast a two-second cast skill "Life Leech" which will heal him for 20%. This should be interrupted.

    Second, after a while, he will go berserk. You can't target him anymore and he's become immune to physical attacks (magical attacks can skill hurt him, just click the skill and then click on the boss). Meanwhile, he's spinning around rapidly and moving around the room in random directions. When you go near him, you will take % based damage every second. Also, he will ocassionally throw stones at people and launch them up in the sky, dealing non-lethal damage. To make him stop raging, you have to kill all of the stones.

    Any other of Tatha's abilities can be ignored.

    Note that sometimes this boss bugs out while in rage mode. He won't move anymore and he won't throw any more stones. He can't be calmed down. In this situation, the mages can still attack and kill Tatha. It will take a while, but at least you won't have to reset the boss. If you didn't bring any mages, everyone has to leave the instance or be killed by Tatha.


    Druids can kite the adds that appear throughout the fight. They should pull them to the tank so he can easily take aggro on them. Next, one or two damage dealers should kill the adds.
    Interrupt his healing skill.
    Run away from him while he is in berserk mode. Kill all of the stones to calm him down.

    Trash Mobs up to Boss 5

    Right behind Tatha, you will find a small poisonous pond with maggots in it. Above this pond, you will see flying tiles. One person has to jump on these tiles and reach the other side of the pond without falling down. If you fall down, be sure to avoid the maggots. When you touch them, they will explode, dealing 30% damage to every player around them. Also, the water is poisonous. It will put a very weak % based damage over time on you (doesn't seem to be in easy mode). Swapping equipment while trying to jump over this gap is recommended.

    Sometimes the maggots are a little buggy and they will attack you with normal attacks. These attacks deal just as much damage as any other maggot in the instance would deal with their normal attacks.

    When some person successfully has jumped over the gap, he can click a lever which will activate a moving tile that will bring the players straight to the other side of the gap. No more robots from here on.

    Instead, you will encounter monkey-like creatures, fiendish breakers and huge thugs with mouths in their bellies.

    The Mobs' Abilities:

    Breakers: They are found in clusters of two or three. When they're pulled, they will deal heavy physical damage to the person who pulled them. The tank has to make sure that he can survive this!
    Thugs: They are patrolling alone. They have an area attack which will deal very heavy damage to any player around them. Damage dealers WILL die in one hit. This attack can be interrupted.
    Monkeys: You will only find two clusters here. One stationary cluster of three (easy mode ones), and one patrolling cluster of five (always hardmode). They will cast a debuff on the tank which will reduce his physical defense. Also, they deal quite heavy damage with white hits. The tank has to make sure that he can survive this! A druid's "Spirit Guidance" can get in handy.

    Boss 5. Lasoyl

    The last boss for normal/easy modes. Seems to be working, but most of its debuffs are broken. The only one you should occasionally pay attention to is the healing debuff on the tank. This is a poison effect.

    It's mainly a tank and spank fight. It has only one important ability. When it yells "The power of darkness shall sweep over all!", the party should spread out. It will fly up in the sky and throw explosives at two or three randomly selected players. These deal 60% damage to anyone near the explosion. He will do this every 10% of his HP.

    Note: recall pets before fight as they will get the damage and can give it to players. Warden pets should be positioned stucked on the platform outside of the boss ground if you want to use them.

    Trash Mobs up to Boss 6

    After Lasoyl, you will no longer have to fight monkeys, breakers or thugs. Instead, you will encounter Shadow Soldiers, Evil Healers and Walking Harnesses.

    In the first room after leaving the Lasoyl's area, you will see a closed door blocking the hallway. You will have to click both levers that are placed next to the door in order to open it. But beware! Clicking the left lever will make a group of five Evil Healers spawn in the south-west corner of the room. Clicking the right lever will make a patrol group of five Shadow Soldiers spawn in the hallways north of the room. They are a lot, but they seem to have less HP than real mobs. It's recommended that you don't click the levers simultaneously, especially when you're not experienced. Just click one lever, kill the group that spawned, then click the other lever. Also, mobs are patrolling behind the locked door. Be careful that you don't pull them, since they can see you through the door. These mobs hit hard and will fear. A druid's "spirit guidance" and/or a wd/w's oak can come in handy.

    The Mobs' Abilities:

    Shadow Soldiers: They cast an instant area attack which deals decent damage. This attack also fears anyone who is hit by it. This is not a real fear though. You can still cast spells or use items while feared. Shadow Soldiers are either patrolling alone or standing still in small groups.
    Evil Healers: The first room is full of this little evils. If they're not killed in time, they will start casting an area attack which deals % based damage every two seconds. If they successfully hit a player, they will also be healed. You will find them patrolling alone or standing still in small groups.
    Small Walking Harnesses: I'm not completely sure of what they are capable of, but they seem to randomly charge the person who is the furthest away from them. Also, they have a very strong opening attack. The tank must be prepared.
    Giant Walking Harnesses: I'm not completely sure of what they are capable of, but they seem to have a short-range area attack that deals pretty decent damage.
    Small and Giant Walking Harnesses are always patrolling in groups of five, or standing still alone or in smaller groups.

    Boss 6. Lyong

    This guy looks like an overgrown pokémon. He has the most HP and defense of all bosses in the instance. He can be a real pain in the arse if you don't have enough DPS. Furthermore, he has an enrage timer. During the fight, he is stacking a buff which makes him more and more powerful. When this buff hits the stack of 13(?) he will become pretty much immortal and he will kill anyone in just one hit. Overall, this is a pretty nice tactical boss. However, he can still be nuked.

    During the fight, everyone will stack up a debuff. This debuff will slow your movement. You will also see ice tornados moving around the room. When you stand in such a tornado, you will take a small hit every second and any casting spells will be interrupted. The debuff stack will also increase by 1 every time you get hit by the tornado. You can reset the stack of the debuff by simply moving around or jumping. When the debuff stack reaches 5, you will be frozen permanently. To remove this frost effect, another player will have to take a potion from the tables in the back of the room and use the extra skill (hotkey: alt+1) to unfreeze people (works like aoe). When you take a potion, you will get a stackable debuff which says that your attack speed and casting speed will be decreased, but it actually increases it. It's probably bugged.

    Lyong himself only has two abilities you need to watch out for. Both of these abilities are frontal area attacks. The first attack is "Savage Swipe" which is a one-second cast stream skill. He will swipe everyone in front of three times. This will kill damage dealers. The other attack is "Tearing Claw Attack" which has a three-second casting time. This attack will deal damage to anyone in front of him and will reduce their physical defense by 100% for a whole minute (?). This debuff stacks, though it seems pointless, because a 200% reduction in defense is still 0. The boss has to be turned around by the tank. Also, the tank needs to run away from the Tearing Claw Attack. Should he get hit by this attack, a Rogue/Scout should pop up his Substitute (level 70 elite skill) or an off-tank should take over. If you didn't bring either of these, the tank needs to kite around and the healers should pay attention to his health. A tank with high HP (400k+ buffed) is recommended for this fight.


    Debuff stacks every 2 seconds. While standing in a tornado, it will additionally stack every second.
    At debuff stack 5, the player will be frozen. To unfreeze him, use the potions on the tables at the other side of the room.
    Tornados interrupt spellcasting.
    Frontal area attack "Savage Swipe": Hits the players in front of Lyong three times for a very high amount.
    Frontal area attack "Tearing Claw Attack": Hits the players in front of Lyong and puts a stackable debuff on them which reduces physical defense by 100%.

    Trash Mobs up to Boss 7

    In the short hallway that leads to the final boss, you will only encounter Small and Giant Walking Harnesses. They seem to have the same abilities as the ones you've fought before.

    Boss 7. Krynor

    The final boss of the instance. Krynor is the only boss in the instance that in fact cannot be nuked. Some background information: although Krynor looks a lot like Sismond, he isn't him.

    You need some decent DPS here, since the boss has a nine-minute enrage timer. When he's enraged, he's pretty much immortal and he will kill anybody in just one hit.

    First of all, players are not allowed to stand near one another throughout the entire fight (this includes dead people). If you stay near another player, Krynor will cast some spell on you both and you will take a lot of damage. (It killed our tank in one hit at our first try. He forgot to rebuff Enhanced Armor.) There's only one time in the fight that you're allowed to move freely around the room, and that's while Krynor is summoning two minibosses. More about that later.

    You still want to deal damage to the boss. Unfortunately, only 3 people (including the tank) can stay near the boss at the same time. They should stay away from each other as far as possible. The tank should not move the boss, unless a ball is coming too close to him (more about the balls later). Only two melee damage dealers can stay at the boss at the same time. That means that ranged damage dealers are very useful in this fight. If you don't have that many ranged damage dealers with you, you could try a "DD-rotation": At the start of the fight, the two strongest damage dealers will buff up and burn the boss as far as they can. When they're "burned out", the next two damage dealers should buff up and burn the boss. This will keep your damage output maximised. It requires some coordination though.

    A second important thing are the three floating, purple balls which will appear at the start of the fight in the north-west corner of the room. They will start moving around the room in random directions. If you come too close to one of these balls, they will deal 33% damage to you every second. Once the ball takes a hit, it will stop moving and cannot be attacked for 10 seconds and instead of 33% damage, it will now deal 9k damage to you when you go near it. These balls can be killed. Massive hits (like Flame or Warrior/Mage normal attack) can instantly kill these balls. Also, damage over time will continue damaging the ball even when it's not moving. Try killing the balls at the start of the fight, it will make the fight significantly easier.
    These balls are kind of buggy. They seem to suffer from severe position lag. Also, even when they're not moving, they still sometimes deal 33% damage to the players around them. You should better just stay away from them at all times.

    Cheater tactic: Terror (warrior skill) the balls behind you so you can position them by yourself before you kill them. Update: they took out this bug.

    In the first stage of the fight, the boss will have the following two main abilities:

    Summon Underworld Demons (ghost's): A three-second cast. During the cast, Krynor will select three random people. At the end of the cast, an add will spawn near the selected players and start attacking this player. They don't deal too much damage, but they hit pretty fast. For every five hits they make, the boss will heal 1% of his HP, so take the adds out as soon as possible. Cheater tact: shadow prison (rogue skill) the boss when he does this cast and you won't see any ghosts.
    "Fire Summon": An instant cast with an unknown name. Krynor will throw fire on the floor. Each fire will deal 4k damage every second to any player who is standing in it. He will spawn these flames a LOT and usually near the tank. So the melee damage dealers near the boss should be careful where they stand, because these fires will eventually be lethal. Move the boss out of the fire if the damage gets too high.

    What's still buggy about Krynor is that he can be rooted and silenced. You can interrupt the summoning cast and you can even completely block the fire spawns by keeping him silenced. Assign one or two rogues to keeping Krynor locked in a Shadow Prison. This will make the fight a lot easier. Update: they took out these bugs so it won't work no more.

    Once Krynor reaches 70% HP, he will teleport to the centre of the room. You can't attack him anymore. He will now summon a weaker version of Lasoyl and after that, a weaker version of Lyong. They only have 10 million HP. Also, they don't seem to have any of the abilities which their original versions have. You will notice that Lasoyl will spawn three elementals after a while. You can just ignore these. Nobody knows what they're for anyways. Just burn the minibosses down, they're really nothing special.
    During this stage of the fight, you're allowed to walk near your teammates. But be sure to spread out again after Lyong has died!

    After Lyong's death, Krynor will teleport back into the fight and he can be attacked again. In addition to the skills he had in the first stage, he now has another ability. He will cast a harmful effect type debuff on the tank. The debuff doesn't really do anything to the tank, but when it expires, the whole room will take 70k damage. If you didn't manage to kill the balls before this stage, then it will make the fight a lot easier if this debuff is cleansed in time. This can be cleansed by a priest, d/s or w/d. .

    The fight will continue like this untill Krynor dies.


    Stay spread out during the entire fight, except during the miniboss stage.
    Kill the three balls as soon as possible to make the fight easier.
    Keep Krynor stunned/silenced to prevent fires and adds from spawning.
    Weak versions of Lasoyl and Lyong will be summoned once Krynor reaches 70% HP. As long as Krynor cannot be attacked, the players can move near each other.
    After 70%, cleanse the debuff on the tank to prevent a 70k hit to the entire group.


    his instance is in Sarlo. Easy and normal mode are 6 man and hard mode is 12 man.

    Note 1: this instance is extremely laggy.
    Note 2: NPC Bankelemos can not be healed. He goes back to full life when he is not in combat.

    This instance seems pretty funny, because you got group of npc's from Morrok questline helping you out. But this also means, you won't get any exp/tp from the mobs. Talk with Bankelomos (Light Dragon) when you are ready to start. You need to kill the trashmobs first to be able to talk with him.

    The npcs spam say-chat with the incoming tactics.

    Towards boss 1

    Before first boss you can just follow the Alliance warriors and Bankelemos and kill mobs (ants and zurhidons) until a slope before a barrier. Here stands pillars, either flame or electric (same visual as traps in SW). Some mobs that spawn carry a debuff (flame or electrical) and they need to die close to a pillars. After a while the barrier further ahead disappears (this will go down killing the flame debuff mobs on a flame tower). Kill the electrical mobs only if you don't get flame ones. If you kill the wrong debuff mob on wrong tower, a new mob will spawn without any debuff and you simply need to kill it.

    If Bankelemos dies, the phase resets and you have to do it again. After he stands still, you need to talk to him before you can start the next phase. When you passed a phase, you won't have to do previous anymore. When you die, you will always be ported to the last completed phase.

    Boss 1: Sagwyth

    The NPC Bankelemos will change in a big Light Dragon on left side of the room. The small boss on the right of it "Sagwyth" is the one you need to kill. The fight starts when you start attack this boss. Stand on the bottom right of the room, buff up, count and nuke it. A laser beem will spawn and will go relatively slow clockwise through the room (starting at bottom). Some adds will appear. Kill those and you can loot an item (not 100% sure but it seems you need it later on in the boss fight). If you are 100% sure you can nuke the boss down fast, ignore the adds. When the laser is around where the boss is, move the boss. The whole raid will get a massive 1 shotting damage, as sort of bomb, (here the looted item probably runs in, so use before this bomb goes off). For the rest, simply nuke the boss and avoid the laser. Instead of the looted item its probably possible to use Serenstrum or Candy instead (didn't test), otherwise use a Phoenix Pot. For the laser itself, Serenstrum and own immune skills like "Rock Protection" work.

    Towards boss 2

    More ant mobs, follow Bankelemos and his crew. In small rooms before boss you need to protect Bankelemos while he is casting. With this he stops mobs spawning. Note: it helps if a druid uses "spirit guidance" on mobs going to Bankelemos and also the warden/warrior oak can do miracles. In the small rooms you have a kind of walking threat where the mobs come from. In first room only from 1 side, in next one from 2 sides and in last one again from 1 side. At the end you will see a lot of mobs fighting npc's at some point. You can simply ignore these mobs. They don't have to be killed.

    Boss 2: Jolytta

    Go into the boss room and let 1 person activate the fight at Bankelemos. Buff up when Bankelemos arrives in the room. You can't use a cooldown here.

    The Light Dragon Bankelemos will appear before the boss again (no tank needed for boss), and group of ant mobs will spawn too. You need to stay close under dragon because he makes a protective barrier from the boss attack. When the boss warps you before her, quickly back out and go back under the dragon, otherwise she hits you with 5 sec debuff Devour (a white debuff on you and a 1.8mill hit yay!). The boss regens HP when it does "Jolytta's Kiss". Make sure to cut this skill. The boss also regens some HP when it does its "devour". The amount it will heal back comes from the big ant adds alive and the people that are dead. It kinda eats their live. If there is a bubble shield over the dragon, stand in it fast till its gone (someone will get pulled after, so wait till that part is over). If you are not under the dragon in the bubble you get a room AOE. Ranged dps can dps is fulltime. Melee dps can dps in front of the boss.

    Tact 1: Dps the boss and kill the big ants from the adds. If you die, res out fast.
    Tact 2: Dps the boss and ignore all adds. If you die, res out fast.


    Never stand behind the boss.
    Do not use AOE for attacks as you don't want the adds to be on anything else than the Light Dragon.


    - Turn your camera angle so you can see if you get pulled. The boss and the dragon is fairly big and there's tons of adds surrounding it.
    - Use Teamspeak, and yell if someone gets pulled and when there's a shield on the dragon.
    - Use raidfocus, so everyone can easily tag the boss.
    - If you go for adds killing tactic, make a macro to tag these. It is impossible to tag them without seeing the amount of other adds.
    - Use "Escape Artist" title.

    When you fail Bankelemos will die. As long as you keep under it you will live since the phase will reset to starting it at NPC the room before. This is when Bankelemos has around 30% of his HP left.

    Towards boss 3

    Talk with Bankelemos. You will see some cutscene on a wall with bricks changing into some kind of door. There will be no mobs. In the end you are in a kind of library. Talk here again with Bankelemos. Then you are in the next phase. Talk with Morrok Wallinder to enter the hallway before the boss room. You will get transported into Bankelemos dreamland. When being there, do not move. When someone walks, adds will spawn. Those adds stun some people and will vanish after a few seconds.

    You have 3 tactics for this.

    1. Move together in a group, and kill the adds. Some people will get stunned during walking several steps. When you reach the bubble shield at boss room you're safe.
    2. Let a p/k with a lot of HP run for you. Once in the bubble, all others can enter without adds. This might involve dying at the end.
    3. Let a rogue with a lot of HP run. They are fast and they can escape the combat with "Vanish". Once in the bubble, all others can enter without adds.

    Boss 3: Sayafiz

    Here you are all standing in the big bubble at start. Go tanky mode (as much hp and def as possible). Bankelemos the Light Dragon will be fighting a Dark Dragon here. (The dark ones needs to be killed). Let 1 person walk out of the bubble shield towards the boss (a few steps is enough). You will see a message in screen and adds will spawn. There will also be some AOE from the Dark Dragon. The adds hit hard and will come towards the bubble. Kill the adds. Each add killed takes a % life of the boss. Just continue killing adds. When the Dark Dragon is around 9% HP you can go DPS the boss itself. Carefull, since the adds will still come. It is possible to kill the boss with killing adds only, but nuking the boss the last 9% is faster.

    After the fight and after looting, talk with Bankelemos to go back to the library room.

    Towards boss 4

    When everyone is in the library and ready, talk with Bankelemos to start the next phase. It will start with a cutscene again (the bricks visual). Then you enter a room with zurhidons and mobs with hammers. Those hammers do huge damage. The easiest way is to pull a mob ranged and kill it fast. Carefull with the ones on the slope as they are chained and healers might get "obstacle" message here. Make sure to kill the mobs towards next boss room before you start the next phase.

    Boss 4: Manipulator Farutor

    This part can be a little tricky. When you speak with Bankelemos, there will spawn mobs coming from behind him. Then fight with the mobs in the corridor. Sometimes they will come from behind again, so carefull. When Bankelemos passes the corridor, follow him and ignore the leftover mobs since he will start the boss fight directly when he is on the right spot in the boss room.

    Note: When Bankelemos dies it resets.
    Note 2: When someone from the raid dies, you can't get in the boss room due to a barrier. If you die, do not enter the instance because this can bug the boss so it resets again.

    Bankelemos will turn into the Light Dragon again. Stand under the shield at the dragon. Someone (ranged is best) pulls the boss. Be carefull since there will be lots of fire elementals that 1 shot you. There will also be some sort of AOE damage. DO NOT nuke the boss but kill it rather slowly (if you kill too fast the boss will reset the whole phase again). At 57% the boss will reset and you get a cutscene. The dragon will die and you will see Jill Ayekin and Morrok Wallinder appear with small shields over them. Stand under those small shields (preferrably all in the same one for more survivability). The boss will start attack again and lots and lots of fire elementals will surround the small shields. USE CANDY AS SOON AS FIRE ELEMENTALS SPAWN !!!! If not, you are dead. Do not use AOE either as you only want to attack the boss. Go full nuke mode here.

    Note: If you die and the boss is down, stay inside of the room. If it is the healer, res out and wait till people went to the next room to loot. Simply hold the loot. In this way the person that is outside can enter the instance and gets ported to the loot room since the barrier of the boss room will always remain. From here, the healer can go back to the boss room and res the people that died. If the whole party whiped, you have a problem and have to do all over. This means that a "Soul Bound" of a priest can come in very handy.

    After the boss is down, the NPC's will keep fighting the mobs. Just ignore them and run to the next room to get your loot.

    Note: The sword for a quest is on the left upper corner of the boss room.

    Towards boss 5

    Speak with NPC's to start the next phase. You will see Kargath Duran run forward. The corridor with some zurhidon mobs will lead you to the last boss and the NPC's will start the fight without any confirmation.

    Dummy tip: Kill the mobs in the corridor before you start the phase. Go to the barrier of the last boss and let 1 person start the phase when ready. Do a cooldown when you see the NPC enter the room. You will have around 15 seconds for this.

    Go tank mode, the more survivability the better. A phoenix pot is not a luxury here either. At least prepare for some debt and retries.

    Boss 5: Maderoth

    This is a nasty boss.


    - Use phirius potions.
    - Use Candy and Serenstrum.
    - Use a Phoenix pot (this is not a luxury).

    Every 5% the boss will fly up. Run away from it at 95%, 90%,... etc... If you stand close you will get shot in the air. You also get adds.

    Every 5% the boss will split himself into 4 Ruptured Maderoth (sort of Maderoth copy). Each of them has a different colour (red, yellow, green and blue). The last Maderoth copy you kill will put its respective debuff on the boss for the next time you can DPS. It is strongly recommended to kill red -> yellow -> green -> blue.

    After this you DPS the boss again and at 90% you get the Maderoth copies again. Repeat the same as before. Same for 85% and 80%.

    Note: You simply kill the Ruptured Maderoth in order red, yellow, green, blue as it will only do the skill that matches the colour debuff of the last Rupture killed.
    Note 2: Every time the Maderoth copy's are killed and boss comes back, the boss will have a resetted aggro.

    After te Maderoth copies, a Holy Shield of Trial elite will spawn, kill it. This does a skill that makes people jump up. It hits hard, but doesn't 1 shot.

    During the fight you will see some purple fog (Dark Energy Rift) on the ground on random places, this will do some damage and slow you down.

    When you see a big "! mark" on your head the boss does a kind of "Void Extrusion" spell. You can't cut it and practically means you will die. Perhaps Serenstrum or Candy works, but a Phoenix pot works better.


    It seems each colour debuff does its own skill.

    Red: Void Extrusion spell.
    Yellow: Adds (simply kill).
    Green: Fear.
    Blue: Dark Energy Rift.

    After this part the boss will get a little tricky.

    There will spawn green crystals in the room which will not only stun and fear you, but also heal the boss. At this point you want to full buff and nuke him fast. Use Serenstrum against the stun of the crystals.

    When you see Jill and Morrok come in the boss room, the fight is over and you see some cutscene. If people with quest died here, res them fast so they get quest completion.

    Note: the boss is down after it has 68% life left.
    Note 2: The NPC's like to aggro the boss. They cannot die or it resets.

    For a video of this instance check HERE (note that they did cut some parts like the trashmobs before boss 1 (the ramp part with towers).


    This instance is located in Jungle of Hortek and consists of an easy mode (6 ppl), normal mode (6 ppl) and hardmode (12 ppl).

    The instance consists of 5 bosses with around 200kk+ life and 900k pdef/def. It is recommended to go in with a decent 12-player raid with some good dps. A mage/warlock is strongly recommended. Depending on your group, other support is not necessarily required but still helpful. This instance has a lot of percentual damage, so HP boosts aren't wise to take.


    Sonic artists - Could use silence because they have a cast that may deal some damage.
    Mobs surrounding tables - Let them where they are if you can and recall pets that love to pull mobs.
    Phonic Laborer - Should preferably be pulled with silence, otherwise they spawn 3 additional little phonic laborers. At the open area, these mobs can be killed first so a half circle of mobs is left over. The tank could then aggro all others at once.

    Boss 1: Gorligen

    Level: 90
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 193,389,083
    MP: 25,176
    Defense: 827,673
    physical critical Resistance: 0
    magical Defense: 832,120
    magical critical Resistance: 0
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 200
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 250
    Physical Damage: 92,230
    Physischer Attack: 368,351
    Magical Attack: 42,770

    A nuke boss with around 193kk life. Sometimes adds spawn, the tank should try to get their aggro. After nearly a minute the group will wipe, preferably the boss is down within around 30 seconds.

    Boss 2: Kerkolon

    Level: 90
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 203,517,613
    MP: 25,276
    Defense: 850,966
    physical critical Resistance: 0
    magical Defense: 832,120
    magical critical Resistance: 0
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 280
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 350
    Physical Damage: 92,934
    Physischer Attack: 371,871
    Magical Attack: 43,870

    Boss with around 203kk life, also mainly a nuke boss. After around 35 seconds the boss will start to cast a wipe-spell. It is a long cast, and serenstum should be taken when the cast is done by half. After the cast is done, the boss will spawn 2 adds. These adds should be kited away from the boss. Preferably though, the boss dies before the cast comes at all.

    Boss 3: Sarsidan

    Level: 90
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 213,646,143
    MP: 26,776
    Defense: 866,495
    physical critical Resistance: 0
    magical Defense: 898,018
    magical critical Resistance: 0
    Movementspeed: 130
    Searchrange: 200
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 350
    Physical Damage: 92,934
    Physischer Attack: 371,871
    Magical Attack: 4,3870

    This boss is the most tricky one of the whole instance. There are multiple ways of tackling it, and it can be done from either the front or the back.

    When starting the fight, 3 soul containers spawn where the tank pulls the boss. Preferably the tank should run in first with the group staying at the entrance or waiting at the back, so that these containers spawn at the entrance. You may namely not be within a range of around 150 of the containers, so the boss should be dragged to the middle or near the back. It is important that within around 5 seconds, the life of the boss should be nuked to at least under 90%. If not, the boss will set a very heavy dot on the whole group. If you get it, you need to make it tick twice and take a D or E phirius pot. In practice, at least half of the group wipes because this needs to be timed well. After this dot phase (regardless if it came or not), the boss will cast a spell that deals 75% damage to everyone in the group. You must take serenstum for this in order to survive. Then after around 40 seconds the boss may start setting the dot again, and you should keep your pot ready. Preferably the boss is already dead before it comes to this point.

    Trash between boss 3 and 4:

    In the first passage, the trash respawns. It is recommended to kill them, but not to loot them so that they take longer to respawn. After the trash is dead, quickly run forward and particularly healers should watch out with heal aggro. From this moment on, all mobs that have 'sonic' in their name, will explode upon death and deal massive damage within a certain range (especially if they have a shield on). With level 92, it is recommended to have at least 100k life in order to survive this, or simply walk out of range.

    Boss 4: Yarlis

    Level: 90
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 218,710,408
    MP: 25,876
    Defense: 882,023
    physical critical Resistance: 0
    magical Defense: 854,086
    magical critical Resistance: 0
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 250
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 350
    Physical Damage: 94,342
    Physischer Attack: 378,911
    Magical Attack: 44,970

    This boss can be bursted for the first 30 seconds. You get ported inside the room, and it is recommend that (due to heavy close-range damage) all ranged dps walk a bit away. After around 15 seconds you will notice you will get hit and you should take a serenstum for survival. After the 30-second burst phase, the boss will become immune and start the event that consists of 3 phases.

    Phase 1, Runphase. The boss will run with great speed through the room from edge to edge. The group should stand in the middle for this, and definitely not at the edges. Try to dodge the boss because if he walks through you, he will stack a dot. You cannot attack him. Occasionally, you may get a combat end. This gives the healers the opportunity to resurrect dead players.

    Phase 2, Lightningphase. The boss will rise a bit and start casting lightning strikes on several group members. It is similar to B5 in Bethomia, and the group should spread from each other as much as possible. He is immune here too.

    Phase 3, Battlephase. The boss is now attackable. Be warned though, because he randomly takes somebody in its target and run towards him/her. The tank should therefore try to aggro him as soon as possible. Furthermore, it is recommend that ONLY the tank should be at the boss and the other dps only deal damage from range because the more players at the boss, the more damage it deals and this may even cause the tank to die despite overheal.

    This event should be continued until the boss is down. It may be useful to wait until serenstum is ready and then simultaneously burst the boss away.

    Boss 5: Horban

    Level: 90
    Levelrange: 0
    HP: 228,838,938
    MP: 26,876
    Defense: 905,316
    physical critical Resistance: 0
    magical Defense: 898,018
    magical critical Resistance: 0
    Movementspeed: 200
    Searchrange: 250
    Keepdistance: 0
    Followrange: 350
    Physical Damage: 95,046
    Physischer Attack: 382,431
    Magical Attack: 44,970

    For this boss, one player needs to do an event. In the boss room, 5 "flowers" will spawn and one of them will glow. The player that does this event should go on sec-equip with as little as possible HP and attack this burning flower. The idea is quite simple: If you attack the wrong flower or none at all, the boss will do heavy damage and the group will wipe. The glowing flower changes every 15 seconds, so you quickly need to find the other one.

    For the convenience, the tank should drag the boss to the left corner and it should be killed there with normal nuking.

    The event player should as said have little life because the damage is percentual and the hots of the healers will then restore the player's life at each tick. Also pots will be more effective. The best class would be a scout (bow shot), although a rogue (white hits) or a mage (meteor shower) could do it too, preferably any player which could be missed during the boss fight. Recommended is to not put any dots on the flower, in case they change after you set one.


    Best guesses on Party Makeup and Reqs:

    Tank - 15k HP, 20k Defense
    Healer - 10k HP unbuffed, 10k heals (can go lower on heal output when 2 healers, 7k required)
    DPS - 10k HP unbuffed, 7k patk/matk, T7 weapons


    Trash Mobs - To Boss #1

    - Tame Ray - AoE called Sting Attack
    - Ayam Defender - Attack called Pressure Blow and a skill called Horror that will fear you
    - Ayam Sea Incanter - Deep Sea Ice which is like Rising Tide from a Priest and Deep Sea Gail which is a DOT
    - Ayam Fish Trainer - Will root you when you aggro it and hits hard
    - Little Tame Ray - No skills
    - Ayam Warrior - Will charge and knock you down
    - Ayam Assassin - Invisible and will shadow step you
    - Ayam War Drum Priest - Fish Queens Blessing will heal mobs. Also you can pull this mob without pulling the rest of the group
    - Ayam Sea Mage - Riptide is like Rising Tide and Deep Sea Gail which is a DOT
    - Ayam Archpriest - Fish Queens Blessing will heal mobs, has Wave Armor that will absorb 900 damage
    - Ayam Sound Shell Guardian - Pressure Blow will stun you, Horror will fear you and he also has an AoE and has a mana drain aura around him
    - Ayam Guard - Crimson Whirl is an AoE

    When fighting the groups of mobs you usually want to kill the Ayam War Drum Priest first because you can pull this out of the group without aggroing the other mobs in the group. Once you pull the groups you would normally focus on the healers first and then any mob that may fear or stun you. Also the Fish Trainers seem to hit much harder than the other mobs in the group so be careful when you pull these and be prepared.


    Boss #1 - Bloodthirsty Claw - 980K HP (Mentos = 0)

    Horse Show Crabs - 2 spawn but have no skills.
    Stationary Jellyfish - These jellyfish emit a blue aura around them that will suck mana. Mana users should move away.
    Moving Jellyfish - 1 spawns but has no skills.

    Cast Bar
    Splinter Magic - A magic based frontal AoE

    Boss Fight Execution - During this fight the tank must turn the boss away from the rest of the party due to the boss having a frontal AoE called Splinter Magic. The rest of the party will stand behind the boss. Its easiest if the dps and healers will stand in front of the boss at start (room wise) and the tank runs in from left side of boss and turns boss faced towards the exit. At certain times during the boss fight 3 adds will spawn, 2 horseshoe crabs and 1 jellyfish. These mobs are nothing special and usually the DPS in the group will take down these adds because if the tank were to take aggro them it could be too much for the tank to handle. Also at random times during the fight stationary jellyfish will spawn that have a blue aura around them on the ground. This blue aura will drain your mana so healers and other mana users should move away immediately. When the adds are up, DPS should be on adds. Once the adds are dead, the DPS should be DPSing the boss. This fight is pretty simple if you keep the boss turned away from the rest of the group.


    Trash Mobs - To Boss #2

    - Fish Trainer
    - Ayam Assassin
    - Tame Tiger Ray - No skills
    - Ayam Defender

    On the ramp down to the second boss there are alot of Ayam Defenders that will fear you. Make sure you interrupt them so you do not get feared into the boss and start the fight by accident. Kneel can be used as well.


    Boss #2 - Teeth of the Reef - 1 Mill HP (Mentos = 3)

    Little Fish - No special skills but alot spawn

    Big Ripper - Takes 35% of targets HP every 2 seconds

    Boss Fight Execution - This boss fight is easy if you have a mage in the party. This boss does not have an AoE so you can stand grouped up. The boss will put the Big Ripper debuff on everyone which will take 35% HP every 2 seconds. It is important for the tank (and everyone else in the party) to not have a big amount of health. The healer in the group must be able to heal party members close to full with their heals or the 35% HP debuff will be too overwhelming. If someone in the party has too much HP then they must take off some gear in order to lower their HP. Also the boss will put a debuff on the healers that will make them cast slower so healing this fight is a real chore. It is rumored that if you use Nobodies Rum from Weeping Coast that it will get rid of this debuff but make sure you have increased spell casting speed food on and a clear thought from your housemaids. Random times throughout the fight the boss will spawn little fish adds. These add are very annoying and time consuming to kill if you are a single target DPS. The best way to deal with the adds is to take a mage or other classes that have AoE skill to take down these adds.


    Trash Mobs - To Boss #3

    - Fish Trainer
    - Ayam Assassin
    - Ayan War Drum Priest
    - Ayam Archpriest
    - Ayam Defender
    - Ayam Sea Mage
    - Tiger Ray
    - Tame Tiger Ray
    - Ayam Guard
    - Ayam Warrior

    On the way to the third boss there are alot of groups close together so be sure to pull carefully and wait for the paths to clear out. There is potential to pull almost every mob that is between 2nd and 3rd boss. Also remember to pull the Ayam War Drum Priest first so you can kill it without the rest of the group.


    Boss #3 - Jiasha - 1 Mill HP ( Mentos = 3)

    Bleed - 500 HP every 2 seconds

    Boss Fight Execution
    Jiasha does not have any skills herself and will just hit you with normal attacks. The most important thing in this fight is to stand inside the bubbles that spawn from the ground. Throughout the fight bubbles will spawn and despawn in the boss room. When standing inside these bubbles you will be immune to the "lasers" that shoot across the room. The "lasers" come from giant jellyfish that Jiasha summons. The lasers that shoot across the room are very deadly. (most likely a one shot) You must hop from bubbles to bubbles in order to stay immune to these "lasers" while fighting the boss. Also this boss will randomly put a slow and bleed on you. Heals pull an unusual amount of aggro here so be careful healers.

    Stand on the edge of the room and wait for a pack of bubbles that spawn near the entrance of the boss room. When the bubbles appear charge in as a group and run though the bubbles to become immune for a short period of time. Tank will grab aggro on the boss while the rest of the group heads to the left to a little purple tree thing. You must stand inside the tree in order not to get hit my the "lasers" in the boss room. Once the tank has aggro with one or 2 hits, he also will join the rest of the group in the purple tree left of the entrance to the room. You can just stand here and tank and spank the boss. Healing may be harder with this strat but you wont die from the "lasers" if you are in the tree.

    An alternative way to the bubbles is to stand in the bush on the right side of the room at start and pull the boss there. This way you won't get lasers at you either.


    Trash Mobs - To Boss #4

    - Deep Sea Vermin - These are mobs that you cant kill. All the do is path back and forth and they don't aggro. What you have to do is walk around them without touching or else they will explode and kill you and anyone standing near you. It is a good idea to go one at a time when walking through these mobs.
    - Fish Trainer
    - Ayam Assassin
    - Ayan War Drum Priest
    - Ayam Archpriest
    - Ayam Defender
    - Ayam Sea Mage
    - Tiger Ray
    - Tame Tiger Ray
    - Ayam Guard
    - Ayam Warrior
    - Ayam Sea Incanter
    - Ayam Rookie - Very weak but a very fast respawn time
    - Ayam Sound Shell Fighter - This mob hits harder than the normal mobs and has Pressure Blow that will stun you and Crimson Whirl which is an AoE

    When you reach the Ayam Rookies, you will see a whole squadrand of them with 1 mob pathing in the middle. What you have to do is have the tank go in and aggro the pathing mob and kill it. Next the party must move to the other side of where the Ayam Rookies were standing and then kill all the Ayam Rookies. The Ayam Rookies have an extremely fast respawn so if everyone does not move to the other side, you will have to kill them again. The best way to kill the Rookies is at the same time with AoE skills if you have them in party.


    Boss #4 - Geba - 820K HP (Mentos = 4)

    Cast Bar
    Whirlwind Counterattack - medium range AoE with huge damage.
    Geba's Magic - spawns a clone of Geba

    Boss Fight Execution - Geba is a fairly simple fight because he only has two cast bars. Be sure to clear out the room before you start fighting Geba because you do not want to aggro any extra mobs. Geba has a really big path he walks so you might have to wait for him to walk to you. Tank and fight the boss like usual and look for his cast bars. When he casts Whirlwind Counterattack everyone near the boss must run away, even the tank. Once the attack is over (a whirling boss), go back to fighting him. When he casts Geba's Magic he will spawn a clone of himself who is much weaker. Usually a DPS will off tank the clone, they should be able to survive. Once the close is down, go back to fighting the boss.

    Tip: fight the boss in the room up the ramp after clearing it. DPS and healer stand near the table, tank in middle of room.


    Trash Mobs - To Boss #5

    - Deep Sea Vermin
    - Ayam Assassin
    - Tame Tiger Ray
    - Ayam Sound Shell Guardian
    - Ayam Sound Shell Firghter
    - Ayam Sea Mage
    - Ayam Warrior
    - Ayam Defender
    - Ayam War Drum Priest
    - Ayam Archpriest
    - Medusa's Maid - Lightning Strike will hit multiple targets and Electrify will hit pretty hard and also has Wave Armor that will absorb 900 damage
    - Medusa's Servant - Crimson Whirl is an AoE and this mob hits harder than most others

    Going to 5th boss is hard because most of the mobs hit harder than earlier trash mobs in the instance. There are also alot more Ayam Sound Shell Guardians/Fighters as well as the Medusa's Maids and Medusa's Servants. It is recommended that you kill Medusa's Maids first because they can hit multiple party members with Lightning Strike. Just remember to keep your distance from the Medusa's Servants if you are melee because of the AoE.


    Boss #5 - Medusa - 1.2 Mill HP (Mentos = 5?)

    Rock Bind - roots player for a short period of time
    Petrify - rocks player for 3 seconds or 2 minutes

    Boss Buff
    Increases boss attack and defense by 100%
    Boss regenerates 3% HP every 2 seconds
    Boss continuously hits party for 289 damage every 2 seconds

    Cast Bar
    Summon Sound Shell - long cast where you have to DPS the boss in order to cancel the cast. If cast goes off the party will wipe.

    Boss Fight Execution - To start, pull Medusa into the middle of the room and fight her there. Throughout the fight Medusa will put the debuffs Rock Bind and Petrify on party members. The short time debuffs you cant do anything about. If you are rocked for 2 minutes, the DPS in the group will have to target you and DPS the rocks off. Medusa will then have 3 buffs on her as stated above. When these 3 buffs appear, 3 stone soldiers in the boss room will become activated. One DPS in the group will have to go to these stone soldiers and click on them in order to get rid of these 3 buffs on Medusa. (if the runner gets rocked the DPS will have to get the rocks off him or someone else will have to click the stone soldiers.) Next Medusa will start casting Summon Sound Shell. The only way to interrupt this cast is to DPS the boss, so all DPS have to go all out at this point. If the cast goes off the whole party will wipe. If you stop the cast, DPS the boss and watch out for people being rocked and look for the 3 buffs on Medusa again and the cycle will repeat 3 times. Once Medusa does Summon Sound Shell three times, she will not do it again. After that stage the party will get a DoT on them. You can not cleanse this DoT and more will stack over time doing even more damage per tick. The only way to get this DoT off is to aggro one of the snakes that spawn. Once you aggro the snake, it will "bite" you and remove the DoT. Also if you do not kill these small snakes, they will grow into big elite snakes over time and do alot more damage. Use the snakes to get rid of the DoT and then kill them. These snakes will keep spawning for the rest of the fight until you kill Medusa.
    Original Author Aneiyaa



    High damage and stuns tank. As soon the tank is stunned, he goes to the next person who is second in aggroline. Let that person kite it for 6 seconds and then bring it back to the tank. If the tank is stunned, then don't let a 2nd tank tank it near him. Because his AoE hits ALOT if you're stunned.

    For the rest, 1 more very important thing for this boss. Whatever you do, don't use stun or slowdown effects at this boss. If you do, then he goes frenzy, frenzy means ALOT higher damage and a new group wont be able to take his damage.

    Zurhidon Negotiator

    Kill the 4 adds in this room at 1 place. As soon you killed all 4, the boss itself will appear and ''revive'' these adds. '

    Use: Mage - Lightning. Knight - Charge, Shock, Chains of LightRogue - Numbing Dagger, Shadow Prison. Warrior - Surprise Attack. Priest - Ice Fog, FreezeScout - Neck Strike, Lasso, Joint Blow. Warden ?. Druid ?. This will give them a ''Knockdown'' effect to prevent them from using Death Shackle (25% damage per mob). Also, root/charge/lass can knock these mobs down. Mage has to keep the Thunderstorm up. The rest DPS the boss like crazy. You think you wont hit it at all, but it heals itself with the live of the adds. If all 4 adds die, then the battle is over. You can then go the the slaves and ask how to open the chest. Then open the chest and get your loot.

    Ordig, Masso and Gorn

    For a team who does this the first time the killorder would be Gorn, Masso and then Ordig. Gorn is a healer, so kill him as soon as possible. Masso has random aggro, so kill him after fast. Ordig has a massive slowdown effect and makes the tanker smaller. Every boss had different loot, so make sure to decide which you kill last. (The purple loot is the same for every boss).


    Kill the Generals to activate the boss, the first time it goes easy. So spare your cooldowns. After he dies, he uses an orb and comes back to live. Then he becomes harder. It random charges people and it spawns red orbs. 3 at a time (He gives a signal, by saying something. ''Come out servants, help me''). AVOID these red orbs. They have a quite large amount of damage, so walk away from then. For the rest he has quite high damage, but doable.

    Original Author - Aneiyaa

    Grotto of Horror

    Recommended party (easy mode and normal mode)

    1 tank
    2 healers (priest or druid/scout (priest preferred due to soulbound) and a druid/x)
    3 dps (for normal mode you need strong dps)

    Recommended party (hard mode)

    1 tank (offtank possible for adds)
    3 healers (priest/ knight or priest/rogue (due to bubble and cleanse and soulbound), druid/scout (due to group cleanse and cammelia) and a druid/warden (due to the ground flower healing))
    7 - 8 dps (you need strong dps)



    Those have 2kk HP in hardmode and 1kk in normal mode.
    Those hit about 370k in normal mode and hard mode and have a huge range. On stairs they are grouped per 2, in rooms there's more. Fast kill them. Warden pet and Spirit Guidance (druid skill) come in handy. These mobs can 1 shot you as soon as you start attack.

    Jellyfish (big ones)

    Do damage but are ok killable.

    Jellyfish (small ones)

    They are grouped per at least 3. They do massive damage dot. Warden pet and Spirit Guidance (druid skill) come in handy.


    They are kinda chained. Kill them fast 1 by 1. A warden pet or Spirit Guidance comes in handy to have a kind of tank. A tank can jump in too, but other option is safer.


    Simply kill, nothing special.

    Crying Siren

    Simply kill, nothing special.

    1. Aggregate of Desperation

    Boss HP easy mode: 10.563.622
    Boss HP normal mode: ..
    Boss HP hard mode: 92.676.816

    Nuke. When someone gets into a cage, destroy the cage. There will be chests. If you click them you get a debuff named after the ghost adds that spawn. With the buffs you can get 2 skills. One you can use on adds. Be carefull coz the adds will attack the people clicking on the chests. If you have enough dps you can simply nuke the boss, but there will be tons of lag here.

    2. Nabukos

    Boss HP easy mode: 10.561.104
    Boss HP normal mode: 38.810.972
    Boss HP hard mode: 92.654.728

    Nuke. Stay away from jellyfish so tank at door you enter. Black ones do a dot. White ones probably help boss. The jellyfish are killable, but simply nuke. In normal and hardmode, use serenstrum or rock protection (druid skill) when the boss does his 1st cast "Salt Deflagmentation" (it does big damage). The first cast is around 10% hp of the boss if you have a nuke party :P

    Don't loot the staff if you don't want boss 4.

    3. Yinajo

    Boss HP easy mode: 11.027.972
    Boss HP normal mode: ...
    Boss HP hard mode: 102.164.248

    Don't nuke at start since the boss has debuffs on him (kinda 90% immune to damage). Two Wind Elementals spawn, kill them and click on the crystal (looks a bit like a mailbox). Then nuke boss and repeat when adds spawn. You get aoe damage now and then when boss casts a spell. This can't be cut. The skill takes 70% HP and knocks you down. Before this skill cast ends, put heal on tank so tank gets full life after knockdown instantly. Spellcasting will be slowed too, so a priest or druid/scout needs to cleanse this harmfull effect fast on other healer and magic dps.

    4. Yifirus

    Boss HP easy mode: 11.044.008
    Boss HP normal mode: 39.052.424
    Boss HP hard mode: 95.069.248

    Tank the boss and nuke. Use serenstrum to escape the first big hits. If you have a debuff on you (a big whirlwind, think its bubble debuff), not the small ones all get when fight starts, run away from the group asap (you will hurt other ppl otherwise). If you are slow with killing people will get a perm stun too (can be cleaned as its harmfull effect). The hits are % based. You will get huge dots (varying from 29k to even 100k) and have some spell saying some number from 1 to 5. There are 5 waterfalls but no idea if theres a tact related to that, seems not tho.

    5. Tabokake

    Boss HP easy mode: 10.524.301
    Boss HP normal mode: 36.991.452
    Boss HP hard mode: 53.834.184

    Just nuke. When you see some sandwhirl on the ground, go away from it. If you stand on it you get jumped into air and get a 90% damage (in normal mode). The boss also has a spell that heals himself. I am not sure if you can cut it. It also does fallen rock attacks and slinge hammer attacks to random people.


    6. Tekoli-Wussa

    Boss HP hard mode: 97.598.688

    Fancy swords and pillars flying around. This is a simple nuke, but avoid the moving pillars as they kill you in 1 shot. Run away from boss after it dies and don't go back!! Don't even loot the mems. The next boss will spawn on top of it pretty fast.

    7. Pikusate

    Boss HP hard mode: 102.433.416

    Something with spider adds and use serenstrum to survive hard hits. In general this is a nuke.

    ~original author. Aneiyaa

    I have an idea. How about changing one of the mage/scout elites to Autoshot. So you can get the "white hits" from that shot AND use other skills. That might help balance this combination.. just an idea