Posts by Feene

    I agree with most of Cosmo's Points. I think its kind of a problem, that a lot of endgame players are finished with the content, shortly after it gets release, and then there is no big content for about a year or smth? Maybe some nostalgia, wich can be finished in 1 week :D (no flame, and yes endgame players party have no life xD)
    I think the Rofl Awakened mode is a good start, a bit more challenging, a bit more loot, "new content" and not hard to code (i think lel). Maybe it would be possible to do this for more inis?
    A lot of endgame players grind very hard when new content is coming but then go inactive until new content is release a year later, maybe those ppl will play a bit longer if there is more to do?
    Maybe already release new ini's with a system like in Temple, with difficulties like bronze-platinum :D

    The way I see it, the Battlepass as it is now is pretty crap. In my opinion, other battle passes are such that you permanently unlock something like a skin or whatever. so if I finish the battle pass by the end of its time, that's good and I don't need it any longer. But here, you mainly unlock passive bonuses that don't actually do you any good until you're at a higher level. But once you've reached this level, the 90 days are most likely over or you're a complete idiot and spend 100k diamonds...

    My suggestion would also be to increase the time period, at least to half a year. or simply leave out the reset completely.

    And I think adding gold and platinum memberships is a bad joke.