Posts by Lifespirit

    Just gonna play Devils advocate here and post a few opinions that I have heard and witnessed, as well as my own thoughts on the changes.

    1. People that have played for years, came here to get away from the grind, fast easy leveling lots of Talent Points(TP) and run lots of dungeons and raids. With the changes being done, it is grind do dailies and kill mobs for little return compared to 1 run of gobs(the way it was).

    2. This F2P game, if you are VIP is now converted to a P2P not to mention the money sink it already is. So why should the grind be there? We can all go back to the official servers where are characters are maxed where 5 and 6 years of grinding has gotten them, instead of starting all over here.

    3. Do to the changes in the pdef of the HoS Hard raid, people have changed classes to be able able to run it. So now you do the changes, when people need to level new classes and need TP , and these are to be able to just run the raid, not to be number 1 on the scrutinizer. To me that just doesn't seem proper motivation, other than lining the powers that be pockets even more.

    4. The changes in the item shop about what is available now and what used to be. As stated before if you do those kind of restrictions, might as well go back to Official Servers.

    5. As for the actual staff I have no complaints they have all been fun and pleasure to deal with. I do not believe the changes we are seeing is coming from them tho, Is it possible to have the changes reviewed, before the player base that is here starts to dwindle.

    Just curious to others view on this, please respond. :P