Posts by Alymanilu

    Rework censoring, remove it entirely for private channels or make it bound to account

    I find it ridiculous that a word like s.ex can't be used in private chats like private channels, whispers and guild chat.
    Is this service only catoring to the very young these days?
    What about us adults?
    Are we not allowed to talk about a perfectly natural thing like s.ex here? ?(

    In my and some others case, many regular swedish words are now censored, s.ex (meaning six) being one of them. I suspect other languages are also disrupted. Kurva (corner, turn), sega (slow), fick (recieved) and sl.ut (end) are other examples. It really disrupts the flow of conversation in our private channels. I have no problem with the censorship in public channels like /s, /y and /z, in fact i encourage it. But please, do reconsider this for private channels.

    As the title states, will there, and if so, could it be possible to get an estimate of the dates it will be running?

    Unfortunately i find very few elements of this game attractive nowadays but the Snowland is one of those rare gemstones that to this date still gets me excited. To me there's no telling what the devs might cook up that may replace this festival (and i don't mean that in a negative way, i always liked the custom content and unpredictability), so i figured i might as well ask before my hopes and dreams turn to ashes ^^

    Sidenote: Garminia, if this event will take place this year, you better go chop up some firewood... it's going to be a cold winter...

    /run mytitles = {XXXXXX, YYYYYY, ZZZZZZ} 
    /run mytitleindex = mytitleindex or 0 mytitleindex = (mytitleindex + 1)  SetTitleRequest(mytitles[mytitleindex % #mytitles + 1])

    Title swap macro. Allows you to enter any number of your favorite titles and swap between them with just a click!
    X, Y, Z = title ID's (easy to retrieve using macros already listed in this thread)

    /run local w=0 for i=1,100 do local _,_,_,d=UnitBuff("player",i) if d==500675 then CancelPlayerBuff(i) w=1 break end end if w==0 then CastSpellByName("Hide") end

    Hide macro (fer the rogues).NOT SURE IF THIS IS USEFUL. Turns the "Hide" skill into toggle (like it was on earlier versions, e.g. Insomnia style). In other words, it enables you to activate and disable "hide" with the same icon.

    /run for i=1,10 do TargetNearestEnemy(IsShiftKeyDown()) if not UnitMaster("target") then break end end
    /run if UnitMaster("target") then TargetUnit("") end

    Target macro. For sure many have this already. Targets no pets but instead turns to pet masters only (useful in PVP when those darn wardens are five or six tabs away).

    /script local n=0;while PartnerFrame_GetPartnerInfo(2,n+1)~="" do n=n+1 end;PartnerFrame_CallPartner(2,math.random(n))

    FOR FUN! In case you have multiple mounts in your partner bag this macro will summon one at random for you, making you look more versatile!

    Cheers! :D

    I had same issue as MCW. Resolved by shuting down the app completely (from task manager -> processes). Go to the DL folder, mine was found in C:\Stary3D\Download, and delete the .zip file named Insomnia. Then go to both antivirus and windows firewall (if you use both) and manually add the .PlayerNet app to "allowed programs", i gave the app full access ofc. Then restarted the app and DL. I now have it installed :thumbup: