Posts by Calolim

    mdncItaj does not seem to like it XD but I think that it is a nice little zone for the eyes with no lag. I am wondering if the mobs in there give more experience towards the relationships over the snails we had before and maybe this is why there are not as many mobs in this little instance?

    I feel like this is something that should have been updated a long time ago since we have higher level planting too.. wonder if they just forgot about the pet crafting originally

    No, mage is a control and support class. Mage never was a single target dps, he only deals dmg in large trash groups.

    On a serious note...

    How the heck can this be not broken? Especially when my gear is nothing in comparison to an endgame mage nor t15 weapon that you posses.

    This thread just brings attention to how broken this hybrid class is XD No hybrid should be doing so much damage.

    Just get to the points, why you see it is fine when tikal deny any gear and power up of k/m dps when it never happen in any instance before, even if you want to compare to HOS then a k/m that bring hybrid weapon tier 15 in tikal should be like a r/m bring a tier 15 dagger in HOS or even a champion/rogue that use tier 15 hammer. Build or way to play is depend on each ppls so it maybe not appear to to other.

    I can't understand what you want? You want them to just make it so the bosses stand still and there is no kind of tactic for us to follow? XD
    How can you possibly say that because the way 2 bosses work you are denied playing in this instance... On boss 1 you can sit there and use your range skills fireball silence and lightning add same with the 3rd boss just add HLD.

    I can set a whole party to do that like in clip if there is a points of doing that, in any instance or World Boss there is no permanent immune boss like in Tikal and no mechanic that only allow range dps like that so even if i doing that to have overpower boots up i still do zero damage.

    Maybe you should try making a buff party and learn to follow tactics instead of being upset you cannot own scruti in all instances on a hybrid class.
    There have been a few fights that require magic and physical damage to kill... and my memory is not too great but what about that one boss in KT? was it 2nd that had the circle that made it not as fun to be a melee dps and I am sure that there are others.

    Looking at the videos... the K/m has support up the wazoo...
    M/p & P/s magic attack buffs
    D/wd mdmg buff
    P/r 10% magic attack buff

    For the burn the party gets...
    M/d -30% mdef
    Wd/s morale boost that gives damage
    K/w light damage buff and ofc AD
    Wl/m surge and warp charge
    M/wl reducing pdef+mdef
    Druid seeds reducing mdef+ pdef
    Midnight Ritual reducing mdef...

    Those bosses probably have less than half the mdef they originally have before all of the debuffs hit XD
    Not to mention that in all videos they are a few levels above the bosses.. I really see nothing too impressive that makes me go WOW here and they even have the K/m in the bottom damage group in the taren/kolanda video because he is doing only 28kk damage output with those buffs and even sigil on kolanda.

    When we start talking about Tikal IIRC the first week that this instance came out I did a pug of first boss with a K/m tank tanking 1st.
    It was Xenoo and I believe he was still pretty new to tanking as K/m... he did fine for being his 1st/2nd time on that boss so it must be your tanks doing something incorrect.

    I know on K/m without even being fully buffed I can get 90k + p.atk from the int... which is a lot considering knight (physical) tank does not require a bunch of p.atk to hold aggro. If is surely something with tanks skill being incorrect.
    Tank is about maintaining aggro and not even worrying about showing up on the scruti. Any damage the tank deals out is considered a bonus and should never be relied on to complete a boss(my opinion ofc since tanks are not meant for being a top damage)

    With all of that said since you are comparing to official I look forward to you sharing screnshots/video of you doing tikal on K/m with a whole entire raid set up to cater to your class as was in the videos you have shared with us here.

    I just think this shows that it is possible for K/m to play ball with those "big boy" dps classes like S/wd especially since my weapon is t12 and I dont even have completed gear/tikal full sets yet.

    also how much more stones do you want to pump into the market?
    farming stones is already easy enough.

    I think it all depends on how you look at it

    Right now the webpage says there are 199 players online so if you just guess and cut that by half thinking 100 players needing 1-2x rings that would be about 2,500 - 5,000 stabilization stones? There is no way the market will be too pumped up with the stones especially when a good a mount of players have more than 1 class combination they play such as myself XD

    do the bosses in tikal even enrage??
    I cannot understand why more are not attempting to run tikal even if you do not have a full raid of overpowered dds ready to go. All of the bosses can be killed by following event. None of them have tactics that 100% require you to burn them or party wipe(the closest thing maybe 1st boss event but that should not be a problem if you play it smart)

    Everyone just needs to stop whining and playing "I wont go unless XX person goes" or "I wont go because XX person is going" or "we dont have enough to try" or "my class is banned/unwanted/not the best there"
    Just get a party together and do the best you can and do not give up! :cursing:

    I agree with views on this from both sides of the street. Limiting DN to 1x per day per person is silly (also silly to still have 1x limit for hos IMO...)
    Would allowing us to be able to farm stones whenever hurt me? or anyone? No, as already said the accessory set bonus not to mention the rings are very powerful and it would be a while until "everyone" has the rings that they need.

    From what I have noticed... it seems that DN is usually cleared within 1-2 hours of it opening so I can say I agree it can be difficult finding time to farm when the zone is open and you/your friends/guildmates have time to farm as well.

    IIRC it takes approximately 15 minutes to clear the mobs and 4 mini bosses with a strong 4 person party giving 1x stone each person per run... So having to farm 25x of these stones for 1 ring is a bit over 6 hours? maybe a little more if you have lower damage doers, but again the rings are very powerful and the best in game currently.

    The going rate for the stabilization stones in which I have dealt with is between 700-1k diamonds depending on auction deals or off auction. I cannot see the rate of stones dropping from there very much because it still takes a good amount of time to farm them... Also you have to consider the effort to reward ratio when you are either selling or buying the stones.

    If it was down to leaving Dalanis Nightmare as it is or making it operate as its earlier version - Varanas Nightmare I think I would have to go with leaving DN as it is in this current state of the game.
    However if it were to be changed I would say to make it work as VN does... Do not limit it to 1 run per day, per person. After boss is killed only the mobs and mini bosses are available until the main boss cooldown phase is over.

    As many whom have upgraded guild castle buildings/towers to high level know... It costs an arm and leg to get all of the buildings/towers to high level even with these lovely material sales such as the one we have this weekend.

    I am proposing an adjustment to the buff values you receive from the Tower Of Invincible Attack, Tower Of Perfect Defense, and Tower Of Magic Protection. Was thinking maybe add % value at level 7 and up.

    Curious what others opinion on this is.

    Need a medic to clean this up. Ty

    back to topic:
    i would really like to see a magical bow for my priest/scout and mage/scout
    maybe even a +heal nonstat on it for priest/scout & druid/scout

    Yeah I think it would make another sub par mage class combo a little better and possibly viable ?
    Not to mention it would be nice to have mdam +heal nonstat as you say for p/s and d/s : D

    I am just curious since those epic hammers came out for k/m.... What about a bow with magic damage for classes like M/S P/S D/S ?
    Of course it would have to have nerfed damage for the physical aspect but I am just curious : D

    I am no macro pro but here are a few I used or have modified for my use

    /run for i=1,100 do n,_,_,id=UnitBuff("player",i) if id==500871 then CancelPlayerBuff(i) break end end/wait .5
    /run for i=1,100 do n,_,_,id=UnitBuff("player",i) if id==506451 then CancelPlayerBuff(i) break end end

    This cancels out Blood arrow and the item set skill "Archers Glory" if it's buff is active.

    /run LBW = false; for i=1,40 do if UnitBuff("player", i) == "Lightning Burn Weapon" then LBW = true break end end if (LBW) then CastSpellByName("Attack") else CastSpellByName("Lightning Burn Weapon") end

    For W/M checks if Lightning Burn Weapon is active. If not uses LBW. Great for if your phoenix has gone off to quickly re-enable weapon skill.

    /run SP = false; for i=1,40 do if UnitDebuff("target", i) == "Shadow Prison" then SP = true break end end if (not SP) then CastSpellByName("Shadow Prison") end

    Cast Shadow Prison on target if target is not already under the effect of Shadow Prison

    /run if GC_GetMouseMoveEnable() then GC_SetMouseMoveEnable(false) else GC_SetMouseMoveEnable(true) end

    Toggles click to move on or off.

    /script FramerateText:ClearAllAnchors(); FramerateText:SetAnchor("TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT", WorldFrame, 40, 18); FramerateText:Show();

    Moves the location of the FPS/ZoneID/Ping frame (to top left of screen with current settings)
    can alter location by changing the 40, 18 values

    /run OpenMail()

    Opens portable mailbox

    /run OpenAuction()

    Opens portable auction house

    /run OpenBank()

    Opens Portable Bank

    /run InviteRideMount("target")

    Invite Target for ride on mount

    /run MoveRaidMember(6,12)

    Swap raid member via macro. Change 6,12 values to change raid positions you want to swap

    Hello the gm angus asked me to write this report.
    The 97 Zone black codex weapon weapon NPC Anisha Lina is selling wrong items.
    She currently sells same items as the 95 zone npc which are lvl 92 items instead of selling the lvl 95 items.

    # update - Grox
    Since this npc shop contain now correct items this thread will be closed and moved.
    Thank you for your report.

    I have been in queue for AA for a while and no luck yet :/ I think allowing to exchange the mirror shards to the arcanium arena badges would be cool since you can exchange mirror shards to proofs.
    Maybe like 5 mirror shards to 1 arcanium badge since you need so many AA badges to make a pull.

    Maybe you forgot but we have event for full of year ?
    I dd not forget :)

    Eve: Ancient Mementos <> Honor Points
    The exchange rate for this seems very low IMO, 500 mems -> 1.000 honor ? This is ripoff IMO compared to using mems for honor points where you can get clean t6 and the 189 yellow stats.

    Tina: Event Titles
    This has been same title for awhile hasn't it ? And these titles are now kind of obsolete with the title from DN ?
    Is it possible to change up the titles ?

    Evangeline: 5x Megaphone, 1x Grang Golden Repair Hammer
    The grand goldens are lovely but the megas not as exciting lol

    Hilary: Ancient Mementos -> Badges of the Trial
    This is nice yes, but this does not help new players who are incapable of farming mementos ;(

    Sophia: Badges of the Trial
    Free badges are lovely and usefull for all.

    Owenstein: Ancient Mementos -> Diamonds
    As I said for the Eve trade; this trade seems to be sort of a rip off too. 1.000 memento for 20 diamonds when you could spend those 1.000 mem on badges to make clean t6 or pull 189 yellow stats

    Agnes: Diamonds -> Gold
    the gold rate on quests is 4x ? this isn't too exciting really

    Cedric: Gold -> Diamonds
    Cedric is always bone dry within a day or so.

    Arcadia not having all sorts of issues and stuff where the server needs to be restarted every other day *COUGH* like the official servers *COUGH* he is only reset maybe once per month?

    Don't get me wrong; these trade in NPCs are great

    However, was thinking Proof + Diamond event would be awesome in anticipation of the 9.0.0 Update and perhaps bring people lurking back in preparation to get stats and things ready for new gear with this release.

    Also this would help new players get diamonds and proofs which they can sell for diamonds & get stats that they can use and/or sell.

    After all this is ARCADIA ROM so almost ANYTHING is possible with the awesome team we have running things! :thumbup: