Posts by Dracoo

    I rather have a slight buff in the support skills of the d/r

    and also of course another buff in the aoe skills.

    So let me understand. You want more support and at the same time more aoes. Isn't that broken? xD

    Well... to call something broken because I proposed for a slight buff in the current support skills and another buff in the current aoe skills because the class is under performing on both fronts, naah, that really far from broken, that's more like fixing the class. Especially if you keep in mind in what I asked in the last alinea:

    But dont make this class like just any other mage class, top in the aoe damage and because of that top in the scruti's, let other classes compete for that.

    There's more to this game then scruti results on mobs on your way to the next boss. ;)

    In conclusion, I would remove whatever group sup skill this class have and focus it completly to dps. In overall dmg in rofl is 15-20% under other mages (didn't include op mk or sm tho).

    Naah, don't remove the support skills of the d/r.

    I rather have a slight buff in the support skills of the d/r

    and also of course another buff in the aoe skills.

    But dont make this class like just any other mage class, top in the aoe damage and because of that top in the scruti's, let other classes compete for that.

    There's more to this game then scruti results on mobs on your way to the next boss. ;)

    I'm not sure if I understand it correctly..,

    But for me the fun in the game is because class-combo's are different to each other, each with their unique advantages and disadvantages.

    As a result of this some class-combo's will be stronger in some parts of the content while that same class-combo would be weaker in other content.

    I think that's what everybody expect.

    The pain is most of the time when there is a class-combo way stronger then others in most of the content of the game.

    But that's what the balancing is for.

    For me there would be way less fun to the game if it wouldn't matter which class-combo's would be in party or raid.

    Then our whole multi-class system would be pointless.. that would be bad game/instance design.

    To me diversity is key &)

    What I really like about this ini is that:

    • Finally some content that requires more then: let the tank grab aggro and spank the mobs
    • You get a small adrenaline rush for knowing that if you don't pay attention to what mobs do (and not counter it/walk away) you or some other party member will pay for it &)
    • Even when you play ranged, your not always save ^^

    But hey, everybody (dis)likes content because of different reasons. ;)

    Yeah I also have this error after changing zones.

    But I still can manually select the correct map when I press the button and all works normally from there... until I change zone again of course. ;)

    Hey I was brainstorming a bit with your idea,

    For me, when I'm brainstorming what could be options, one of my leading perspective is that:

    1. a raid full of players with gear and stats from the current instances should not have a really hard time to do the current instances
    2. a raid full of players with gear and stats from the previous instances should have a hard time to do the current instances
    3. a raid full of players with gear and stats from earlier then the previous instances.., well you can't expect them to clear the current instances

    Thus for example:

    when there are players that are level 95,

    and they want to do a level 95 instance,

    but there gear and stats is not higher then that of the level 90 instance...

    It would not be fair to expect them to clear the level 95 instance.

    While I do not know the situation of the player base on the server that are lower/midgame based and I don't know how hard it is to heal Inferno with only Tikal gear..,

    I do think they already have a easy (and within reach) option to increase there heals with better gear.

    For me personally one of the the purposes of ideas that were brought up was to make the healer classes more interesting and versatile. To let the player have the idea that what they do matters.

    I know, everybody want there favorite combo to be OP, but when that combo is that OP that it only have to look at the boss to kill it.., then the game becomes boring and people quit/take a brake.

    If playing this game doesn't give any challenge, then there also won't be any adrenaline rush.

    But everybody has there own reasons/preferences why they play this game and that's ok ;)

    Yea I agree with you that the healing output is way to much.

    At the moment healer classes are so boring to play, there is no active game play, only press skill X every Y seconds for 99.9% of the content.

    I don't know how other players feel about this, but for me to play a class, that i can put on follow on the tank and start a macro that cast every 20 seconds 1 or 2 skills, would make me feel as human that doesn't need to accomplish anything, not a valuable part of the team since anybody could do that, completely without challenge.., without fun.

    Maybe a good solution would be to reduce the overall healing output with (for example) 70% and then fine tune individual skills.
    This would make skills that reduce damage and skills that can absorb damage useful and maybe even attractive as a supplementary healing style.

    Maybe go crazy and create a healer class based on damage reduction and absorption.

    It would be just so much cooler to have raids where you need at least 3 healers, preferable all 3 with different skill sets where the healing role exists from actively using skills that do: heals, damage reduction, damage absorption, cleans, immune, etc.

    Then it would matter again if someone is a good healer or an average healer (on equal gear).

    Well, i think you get the idea, lets make this great game awesome again! :):thumbup:

    While i do believe that the "Regenerate + Blossoming Life combo" needs a nerf,

    I also like to see other types of buffs for the other healing classes like:

    For example that each stack of D/S "Camellia Flower" also gives the target 1% PAtt & MAtt to make the class more attractive

    Same could be done also for the P/CH "Healing Diamond Light" also gives the target 4% PAtt & MAtt

    Or D/WD "Healing Ripple" also makes (up to 3) targets 1 second immune for a new fear effect (does not removes already existing fear effects)

    Well, i think you get the idea :):thumbup:

    A threat is hanging over Paradise,

    The days of the Twins are coming...

    There are rumors that the Twins are two evil dragons.

    Born out of young girl who was raped by a evil creature from the underworld...

    The two children that were born were beautiful twins.

    But at the age of 12, when puberty came they transformed in 2 dragons.

    This made them rage and many cities have been devastated by their flames.

    Only when a new eclipse of the moon is there they can change back to there human form for a short time.

    This is when they are vulnerable

    Some even said they were killed since it has been a few centauries without any sightings.

    But there is an old prophecy that they will return and those days are known as 'The days of the Twins'

    Atleast this was what the character Ðraco has heard.

    At the moment there is a class balancing going on, which is really a good thing, but it has the side effect that every week a few new meta classes rises (and others disappear)

    At the moment for dps having the top in the scrutinizer, you should have a class combo with lots of aoe skills.

    Thus for a save start i woulds suggest, start with mage (gear).

    But which new meta class the future brings (and stays) is for now untold... ;)


    Please do not break the p/ch, its actually in the top 3 of the best healing priests.

    And maybe it can compete for the best tank healer in the game...

    It only has a different play style which is actually pretty cool.

    But it certainly has rage issues...


    The Druid/Scout Camellia Flower(ID: 499954) creates extreme lag and fps drops for all players in the raid, not only the healer.

    If any raid member has less the 60 fps normally during the run, it even could drop all the way back to 3 fps for them.

    It's a really cool skill, but we cant use it unless all raid members have 120 fps or more. (tho i use it sometimes to let my fellow raid members to fall down the cliffs or to test there swimming skills 8o )


    With healers, i really hope they not will make priest just another druids.

    I rather have that priests are needed and that druids are also needed.

    It's just with current content 1 druid can solo heal most situations and have their de-buffing seeds to give additional support.

    Priest have some nice damage mitigation skills (some druids too) but with most content those skills aren't really needed.

    If casting speed buffs didn't exist, priest would be your number one choice for reactive (single target) healing... but that was 10 years ago.. ;)

    imho it just would be great if priest have some more toolkit that was also really needed with the end game content.

    Think of skills like damage mitigation for raid, damage immune for raid, stun immune for raid, fear immune for raid, awesome utilities like the dr/ch has.

    Because what would be more great (regarding healers) then that we can keep both our druids and priest because they are required to do the latest content..?

    ps. @Devs thanks for the awesome job you do at the balancing, we all know it's a long path with multiple iterations, but it's really cool to see you listen and interact with the feedback of the community.


    When the Oak Walker skill Sepal Stab was updated and received its new damage values, the Sepal Stab skill of the Warden/Mage Oak Walker was not updated

    Skill Sepal Stab
    Damage at level 100 Damage at level 104
    Before update regular Warden
    Before update Warden/Mage 1350
    After update regular Warden 1836 1908 493385
    After update Warden/Mage 1350 1402 498199

    And thanks for this awesome game! &):thumbup: