Posts by Huntana

    Hi everyone

    I need it for the current event: Trick or Treat – Part 1 (Celt Family) Location: Central Plaza – Event Area (Varanas) NPC: Suspicious-looking Ghost

    RoM Wiki says it should drop from any mob that gives xp. Today i killed lots of them but didnt find a single one.

    Any idea?

    Hi everyone

    Im loking for a class combo which allows me to solo as many pve content as possible.

    Im working/playing in different times and it would be nice to have some fun alone too, if the rest of the player basis sleeps.

    I've tried too google after it, but didnt find any relevant/up to date info.

    I dont need an op class, i dont want clear stuff in seconds, i just need something simple, no glasscannon type.

    I dont mind if it is a caster or melee one, it would be nice if i could solo stuff even without endgame gear.

    Atm i have a s/wd with low gear, but i dont mind if have to lvl up a new class since it is realy fast and fun to do it.

    Thanks in advance


    Thanks for your answeres, very much appreciate it.

    Now im trying to make a list of all dungeons with their levels. I guess i can find the original/retail ones relative easily,

    not sure about the custom ones we have here. I have no clue which dungeons are modded, or how many custom ones we have.

    If anyone could lend me a hand, it would be realy nice.

    Hello everyone

    After more years being away i've decided to play here again. I have a 102/102 scout/warden.

    Here is an ingame screenshot of my characters stats.

    In the past i had a Mentor here who helped me a lot with everything.

    He gave me tipps how to level up fast, how to get better gear, gave me ideas of profitable daily rutins.

    After this long break i've forgot 99% of all those infos and i sadly realized he didnt logged into the game more than 500 days.

    Now i have some questions, i hope someone can answere them.

    1. I've farmed Phirius Token Coins, do they have any use besides Transmutor charges and IS ?

    2. I remember that it was advised to farm minigames, i just dont rember why /besides Phirius potions/.

    3. Back in the day there were some npc's in Varanas where i could buy Purple items with random stats.

    They were nowhere close to be the best, but it was something that i could make alone to improve my gear.

    I could farm a Dungeon in my crapy gear /dont ask which one/ for some token /dont ask which one/ and buy those items for stats.

    Questions is: are there anything like that nowadays too, something that i can solo in my current gear?

    4. I've found in my bags many Golden Eggs should i feed them directly with my pet or is there any better use of them?

    5. Are there any social, english speaking guild where a clueless player has a small place?

    I dont want to be carried /i wont say no if someone will boost me, its just not my goal/ i just need help to get my gears rolling again.

    I just want to hear those nice tipps and tricks from veterans and after a time being happy if i can help an another old/new player.

    My chracters name is Huntana and i will be thankful for any kind of help.