Posts by LegendarykeF

    Then just interrupt electrocute hit. Warden is not equal knight class, why do you think, that dps must be survive after cast with warden tank in party? Warden have overpowered stuns, use it and all will be okay. 4% its okay now, i think. Developers said me: "Warden is designed to be stun tank". Let it stay that way.

    Thank you for your job.

    Hi everyone, what do you think about "new" mechanic of shock strike? Now you cant spam this skill in raids, because it has internal stun cd. Stuns by this skill doesnt work every 3 seconds.

    It works in 10 seconds approximately if you spam it. The developer has confirmed that this skill works correctly. I think itsnt right.

    How do you think the player should understand when he can click on the skill and the stun will work? In the real raids, this can never be done normally.

    In my opinion, it is necessary to at least create a debuff on the mob by which it will be possible to understand that the stun will not work.