Posts by Mazhor

    Thank you, INT and all team for all the work!

    We know you all work hard, but bugs, erros, etc will happen, less or more, one or other time. Some will be fixed tomorrow and the other another day. Just keep it doing.
    Lets make it better than the other RoM server stuff and we are great :D

    If I understood well, more_01_upd.exe, more_02_upd.exe will stuck after extract and execute GF patch and a bat file. How do I know? Task manager show now activity, there is no network activity, there is no HD noise, more_01_upd.exe stays at 20%!, no Jesus Back!!!, the sun still had'nt touched the border of Earth!! and the multiverse dimensions did not collapsed!
    Well, that's pretty much that for all other one. But more_03_upd works ok, it reach its end after extracting and executing its stuff, then call next more_04_upd.

    Hey there,

    As all of you may know, there is a lot of time pet crafting system is capped at level 61, of course in official RoM too. But it would be very good if you could change that max level to the current max material level (leve l100 may be) as any one wanting to be a crafter for things that is not Hero Potions, etc, can do that without having to go try to farm materials at the end game maps. So thats it, can you increase the pet crafting system to level 100 or so?

    Thank you ^^ and sorry about my English.