Posts by Irithas

    I´m stuck at the quest where you have to choose between 400 all atr. / 790 str,495dex / 790 int, 495 wis.
    Will it be possible to unlock all titles or does the decision in this quest determine which following titles and skills will be unlocked?

    In my opinion Honorable Mighty Prince

    Is pretty useless compared to the other two skills which can be unlocked, if you keep in mind that you can just split your group in two so mdds get the magical skill and pdds the physical skill.

    I´d like to report a bug in GoH on boss 6, today we noticed, that his HP were way higher then they should be, the displayed amount in his HP-Bar were at ~195kk (according to dungeonloot they should be 96.5kk). But also the amount of 195kk didnt quite match., we had an damage-output around 270kk and the boss still survived :( Would be great if this gets fixed or if you could give an statement if this change is wanted.

    Thank you :)