Posts by Ostyrian

    I started to play on Arcadia 2 or 3 weeks ago, and since I hitted the lv104, I feel like I'm just stucked and I can't start to gear up without paying.. I don't get if there is some ways to farm and get some diamonds to start but i saw that, in fact the only saleable things are gears & stats, which are some kind of things you can"t get if you are alone & gear-less.. Did I missed something or is that really hard or nearly impossible to begin without paying here ?

    Hello, I'm pretty new on Arcadia and i'm actually looking for an active guild.. I played for 8-9 years on offis server, I'm actually playing D/W but I'll certainly swap for D/R or D/S if needed If you are looking for an active & motivated healer, you can whisp me on Arcadia, my name is Ostyrian.