Posts by Metapha

    it's all good, guys, newcomers patch, devs work and etc. but maybe we also should give newcomers a hand? like for example other games has a ton of guides about pvp, pve, class mechanics and etc, maybe we should also make some kind of guides to help a newcomers? make a more loyal price in auction house? thats weird, ask devs to do something for newcomers, they have been done a lot of work. community also should do something.

    Exactly my opinion. The community finally has to do something. Not always the others.

    You cant compare WoW with CoA. WoW hast such an highe player base. There is no Reason to build an second lower guild u allready have 350 slots in one guild which almost be never filled up. You do this in WoW because the Number of Players is diff.

    It was just a suggestion and how you ultimately solve the problem is another matter.

    The fact is, as I see it here, no one wants to take responsibility. It would be better for the developer to do that.

    If I, as a high-end guild, need new players, then I have to take care of it myself. Then I have to bite the bullet and train and support new players so that they can later help the guild.

    There needs to be a lot more initiative. From nothing, comes nothing. I see the problem much more in the community than with the developer.


    In WoW, something like this was a must for high-end guilds. This is how they got new players. My work colleague was in such a partner guild and he told me a lot about how it works there. By the way, I've been playing MMO's for almost 20 years and I was in a semi-progress guild in WoW myself.

    Okay, here's my suggestion.

    Why not do it like in other MMOs. The high-end guilds have 2 players designated to take care of the offspring and new players. They then created a twink guild and recruited them. Or a partner guild that then had the task. In return, the partner guild received priority items or were taken on a farm run. That would be a win-win situation for both sides.

    I don't think a GM has the time to worry about that.



    Nobody needs to spend real money to buy diamonds.

    Nobody has any intention of building a wall (sarcasm).

    The game is aimed at P2W, remember. How long does a new player have to farm gold before he can exchange gold for diamonds? Very long. As a casual player you have no chance of really making any progress. In the AH you also pay for the item with diamonds. So don't tell me you don't have to buy diamonds.


    Great suggestion (sarcasm). I don't believe that new players want to rent gear for 3400 diamonds for a week to run ROFL. That's the equivalent of around €20. The problem is that the server has only focused on high-end and now no new players are coming. The high-end guilds also don't accept new players. So the problem is homemade. Now you have managed to break the server. Now you're all crying because no one wants to play here anymore. Your own fault.


    Was ist mit neuen Spielern oder die wenig Zeit haben? Die können nicht einfach mal so Core gehen.

    In jedem anderen MMO lassen alle Mobs Gold fallen. Darüber sollte auch mal nachgedacht werden.

    Es kann auch nicht sein das man 15 Tage lang Dailys machen muß um einen Gildebuff für 3 Stunden zubekommen, Der Kosten/Nutzen Faktor sollte mal überarbeitet werden.

    What about new players or short on time? They can't just go Core like that.
    In any other MMO, all mobs drop gold. This should also be thought about.
    It's also not possible that you have to do dailys for 15 days to get a guild buff for 3 hours. The cost/benefit factor should be revised.

    Hallo, die Quest "Aufspüren" aus der Questreihe (Episch)Versklavt für ein Millenium ist verbuggt. Ich kann Imakat nicht fangen. Sie ist auch nicht angreifbar. Bitte mal untersuchen. Danke.

    Gruß Metapha

    Hello, the quest "track down" from the quest line (Epic)Enslaved for a Millenium is bugged. I can't catch Imakat. She is also not vulnerable. Please investigate. Thanks.

    Greeting Metapha

    Da wirst du Pech haben. Das haben die Entwickler leider nicht berücksichtigt. Erst ab lvl 104 kannst du dir ein Instrument im AH kaufen für ca. 7000 Dias. Sarkasmus (Schnäpchen). Aus diesem Grunde habe ich auch den Barden wieder gelöscht. Da sollten die Entwickler mal nach bessern. Nur so als Tip.^^


    ich möchte einen Fehler melden. Es ist mir aufgefallen das seit gestern das mir keine Quest mehr auf der Karte (Zone) angezeigt werden. Auf der Weltkarte sehe ich sie aber wenn ich die Zonenkarte öffne dann nicht mehr. Gehe ich ins Haus dann werden mir wieder alle Quest angezeigt. Auch in der Zone. Verlasse ich wieder das Haus, wird mir wieder keine Quest angezeigt. Ich spiele ohne Addons.

    Gruß Metapha


    I want to report a bug. I noticed that since yesterday I no longer see any quests on the map (zone). I can't see them on the world map but when I open the zone map. If I go into the house then all the quests are displayed to me again. Also in the zone. If I leave the house again, no quest is displayed to me again. I play without addons.

    Greeting Metapha

    Das liegt an Deine Internetverbindung. Trenne Deine Verbindung und verbinde sie danach wieder. Müsste dann gehen. Gegebenfalls PC neu starten oder Router neu starten.