Posts by Trafyy

    Obviously that must be caused by poor positioning (no offense), since there is a freeze about every 30sec to a single person and AoE, with 60sec duration there can only be 2 freezed ppl simultaniously. 3 healers is enough for b1 to be safe 100%, since 1 heal can easily do the job while 2 are frozen.

    In 10min bossfight thats 20 freezes at all, with a full raid of 12 ppl thats 1,7 freezes per person, if in worst case noone gets frozen again while still being frozen (im too lazy to do the maths for that as well), so thats statisticly 102sec freeze in 600sec or like 1sec stun every 5sec...does that still sound that bad? VoR 3rd boss as example seems much more annoying for me in this case oO (not regarding the fight duration, just the mechanics)

    if it were cleanable we could simply put all ppl but heals and tank in 1 spot, get them all frozen for 1-2 sec (reaction-/casttime) every 30sec and then clean them with d/s - thats way too easy for everyone and if this would be the case, Devs could save us and them the trouble at all - complaints about b1 being "a joke" guaranteed, espacially if there were just like 3 addphases, as proposed earlier as well.

    when i hear ppl crying "i got frozen the 4th time in a row" thats bad luck with a chance by 1 in 2k...but on the other hand noone else is frozen in that time, being able to play the bossfight just fine - sometimes someone simply has to take one (or four) for the team :D

    nah its not true we had good positioning and no freeze was caused by other teammates we were freezed by the boss^^ and this 30 sec cd for freeze from boss is bullshit is totaly random^^


    ich spiele das Event schon ziemlich aktiv und werde es wahrscheinlich nicht schaffen weil man 20 münzen tauschen muss für 10 Aero-Draconaris das wären umgerechnet 1860 münzen für alle Jungen, Erwachsenen und Legendären Dracos und man kann nichts zurücksetzten außer das Malatina game und man bekommt nur 3 münzen für ca. 7 min das das wären ca. 72h aktiv farmen und ich finde das ist nicht der sinn eines Events so lange zu spielen bis man fertig ist, ich meine man hat ja auch noch ein reallife und man kann nicht 6h am Tag nur Malatina machen man möchte auch mal ini laufen oder so.

    Meine Frage wäre ob man das vielleicht anpassen könnte oder z.B. Herrn Geist zurücksetzten kann.

    LG Laaw :thumbup: