Mage Scout Bug with Flame of Fire

  • Hey!

    I noticed a strange behaviour with the Pet Skill "Flame of Fire" (ID: 492675). It says, as long as the pet is summoned and my "Shot" hits with magical damage it will trigger. But after ~2 minutes, the effect does not trigger anymore, even though Shot hits with magical damage. Resummoning the pet works. Is this intended behaviour?

    I attached a screenshot of my damage log (sorry for german language). This is against a punching bag ("Sandsack"), but happened in real combat aswell.

    One can clearly see, that Flame of Fire (German: "Flamme des Feuers") still triggers on "[13:08:27]", but doesn't on "[13:08:31]" even though Shot (German: "Bogenschuss") triggers twice with each physical and magical damage like before. From then on, it does not trigger anymore, so I need to resummon the pet. This is really annoying as it might happen during combat, aswell.

    Thanks for your help! :)

    Best regards,
