Garden of Eden

  • Wszystko jest ok ale...
    wiesz Nadana ile trzeba z 8 na 9 i na 10?
    no chyba ze ktos nie nabija związku i sie udziela no to rozumiem takie randomy

    Zatem proszę o rozpatrzenie tej Sugestii pozytywnie ze względu na Ilość potrzebnych Potworów
    na Poziomy 8 / 9 /10
    bo nawet na Evencie 300% jest to bardzo ciężkie do uzyskania

  • Zatem proszę o rozpatrzenie tej Sugestii pozytywnie ze względu na Ilość potrzebnych Potworów
    na Poziomy 8 / 9 /10
    bo nawet na Evencie 300% jest to bardzo ciężkie do uzyskania

    its intended to not getting these buffs in a week lol
    just for example on other publisher servers you need years to obtain

    may i ask you a Question: if you have nothing left to farm here, what do you want to do then?

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • To jest Sugestia do Supportu
    Nie do Ciebie Nadana
    a jeśli chcesz dalej podyskutować poszukaj innego Postu
    Ta dyskusja jest już Skończona

  • To jest Sugestia do Supportu
    Nie do Ciebie Nadana
    a jeśli chcesz dalej podyskutować poszukaj innego Postu
    Ta dyskusja jest już Skończona

    if you want to write something to the Support you should use the Support-Portal and not in a public forum.

    ps. an internet forum (from lat. Forum, marketplace), also web forum, discussion forum, computer forum, online forum or bulletin board, is a virtual place for the exchange and archiving of thoughts, opinions and experiences.

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

    • Official Post

    Please note that Support have clearly nothing to do with game changes.
    Garden of Eden is additional zone which allow you level your relations faster than usual.
    Without it it would be much slower then, zone is fulfilled with mobs which respawn fast.
    Additionally there is 300% relation event which boost it even more.
    This is not intended to obtain high level in a few days/weeks.

    Moving mobs to another place for allow to spam two persons using clicker is not intended.
    It is required to put effort and run around for level up, and also good for avoid doing it in AFK mode.

    Please use what we offered to speed it up and do not demand more and more.
    It is already much better, need to appreciate and do not be too greedy.