Блокировка вещей дома

  • Внимание! некоторые вещи дома почему то так заблокировались что их никак нерозблокировать

    ...не могли бы вы сделать так чтобы можно было любую вещь заточить и разблокировать без каких либо проблем

    • Official Post

    I understood that you're encountering an issue with some furniture in your home appearing to be locked and unmanageable. However, this situation is not a bug but is part of the game mechanics.

    When using furniture items, such as a chest or clothes rack, in a slot which require expansion, it is important to regularly maintain it. Failing to do so cause the slots to expire, which leads to the items inside becoming inaccessible until you unlock the furniture again.

    To help us provide more efficient support in the future, I have updated your forum profile with your character's name.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.