Gold Economy

  • Dear Chronicles of Arcadia Community,

    We've recently removed Agnes, the NPC offering diamonds-to-gold exchange, to maintain a balanced gaming experience. Agnes caused significant gold inflation, impacting newcomers negatively.

    This inflation made items and services more expensive, and new players struggled to accumulate diamonds or buy them affordably.

    By removing Agnes, we aim to stabilize the in-game economy, making it easier for newcomers to participate and enjoy a balanced experience. They can now farm and sell gold easier, which will help them progress faster.

    We know some may be disappointed, but this change benefits the entire community and ensures a sustainable gaming experience. We'll continue monitoring the economy and may make further adjustments.

    Please share your feedback regarding this change.

    We will be addressing this issue by the end of next week, providing ample time for you to voice your concerns.

    Best regards,

    PlayerNet Games Team

  • Hello.

    Removing the NPC with gold exchange seems like a good move to tackle inflation, but there is a big problem with the prices that were set with that inflation in mind - the cost of buying stones to maximize cards (I myself recently spent 1.5 billion on just the materials needed for stat exchange, and even then, it didn't allow me to max out the newly added cards, despite still not owning all of them). Accumulating that much gold seems unrealistic unless there is a huge influx of players, which I doubt as I don't see new guilds popping up every day. Additionally, extracting and rotating runes from weapons is very costly, almost 10 million for one rune - and you have created classes for AoE, single target, for 12-person instances and 6-person instances - which means we are forced to change runes. Tiering also consumes a huge amount of gold. It's worth considering these prices because spending 250,000,000 gold a day is not a trivial matter, and sometimes guilds require that from their players. I understand that temporarily disabling and then implementing a more balanced NPC will partially solve the problem. But currently, to develop a character, an enormous amount of gold is needed, which cannot be farmed without the NPC in a normal amount of time given the prices currently imposed by the game.

  • regarding last change with gold npc

    1) add npc who will sell rofl fragments, like gorg and inferno

    2) reduce cd time to exchange cores, like up to 2 per day or remove it all

    it really helps for newcomers to get gold gear and start farming dc

    because rofl is already old ini and for some people rofl it just like AC farming and get some gold pulls to sell it for diamonds

    3) remove gold cost for guild buffs and rune extracting

    And as Ramer said you still needs a bunch of gold to create a tier stones and upgrade cards. So now tier stones will cost more, because you need to spend more time on it, so it is bad for newcomers, who dont want to pay money for diamonds.

  • Yep, great work. Create inflation and destroy server economy among others by implementing this card system. Fight inflation and destroy economy even more by removing npc who allows ppl do what you implemented. Yep, logic.

  • Regarding the recent changes regarding the removal of npc with gold exchange.

    You say it's for the benefit of new players, it's just a shame that you don't take into account those who have been on this server for a few years and honestly thanks to them this server still exists.

    That's all I have to say on the subject.


  • Jakich nowych graczy przecież ich praktycznie nie ma a co gorsza starzy odchodzą? Nawet jeśli się ten nowy gracz pojawi to skąd ma mieć tego golda żeby go potem sprzedać? z powietrza? Nawet jeśli pojawi się duża ilość takowych graczy i będą mieć tego golda żeby sprzedać za dias to zapewne będzie to cena wysoka więc automatycznie raczej spowoduje to wzrost wszystkiego innego za diasy(wszędzie tam gdzie dolicza się cenę golda) więc potrzeba będzie więcej dias a zatem trza będzie doładować - ten pomysł bokiem Wam wyjdzie....

    What new players are practically gone, and what's worse, the old ones are leaving? Even if this new player appears, where is he supposed to get this gold to sell it later? out of thin air? Even if there will be a large number of such players and they will have this gold to sell for dias, it will probably be a high price, so automatically it will rather increase everything else for diasy (wherever the price of gold is added) so you will need more dias, and therefore the three will top up - This idea will come out sideways for you...

  • All I will say is that it is with such (ill-considered) decisions that you will bring about the end of this server. As I mentioned before, most of the players will simply leave, because they won't waste their precious time on pointless gold farming.

    Thus, a game that still has a lot of potential will simply die.

    Have a nice day.

  • Hi i rly think its nonesense to remove npc for gold. If you think other way how are they supposed to farm tiers and get dias if they need to farm gold also? The best way to get rich or get going was the side of farming tier and till you get lvl 105 you get enought dias to make ur first tiers.
    You allready gave starter gear which you can do all instances till rofl as support class no matter if it is s/b ch/d wl/m s/p w/p or just geting in party and start geting coins and cores.
    I think we allready helped new players by leting them leeching cores in end game instances by playing with starter gear.Giving old items stats and this is what we get in return to farm gold for hours instad of runing those instances and helping new players ....

    Its allready alot of gold to make cards and alot of farming to get lvl 5 on card and now we are also pushed to farm gold also not fair at all.There are ppl who enjoy runing instances not farming gold or tiers.

    If ur plan is to make old player stop play this game i totaly understand then i am not puting in this game hours of farming for gold honestly . Its just what i think but all i can see its most of server opinion on this subject whit npc for gold and i rly think you should consider once more if this is good idea what are you doing atm.

  • Some basic mathematics:

    1 daily (10quests) in Talaghan +1.200.000 gold

    1 IBP run with drop buffs 700+ +2.000.000 gold

    104 iss for 1 class - 400.000.000 gold its 200 ibp runs or 333 Talaghan dailys

    3hours guild buffs - 18.000.000 gold its 9 ibp runs or 15 T. dailys

    1x t14 stone - 60.000.000 its 30 ibp runs or 50 T. dailys

    1 golden core from 2 rofl cores - 4.000.000 gold its 2 ibp runs or 4 T. dailys

    I don't know what about cards but maybe some newcomer can help me with that. Or at least any DEV who can count inflation good (they created it introducing cards, so maybe Rake, please?)

    Now everything will be more expensive, same as for newcomers and old players.

    Btw why newcomers don't want to buy red rofl fragments for 140kk gold?

    Its the same as 700 dias which is nothing.. From what I know, they must buy it, they are not able to do ROFL themselves, without old players. Weird.

    If this stays like this, the game will be dead in 1 year at max. Same was with Cedrik in RoM.

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

  • Not sure how i feel abou this :/

    Idea could work so newbies get a better start ( if they want to farm gold hours and hours, as this is/was done on retail but i highly doubt it ) and prieces stay +- the same as with Vendor.

    Also biggest issue i see is with Card system , it consumes an abyssal amount of Gold for a couple cards and with the changes now will take even longer / need more grind then it allready has.

    Also not sure then how Tstone farming will go on , even for newbies . As you need ~65kk Gold for 1 Tier 14 Stone

    Maybe an idea for now would be to reduce Gold you can buy from Vendor from 400kk per day to 100 or 200kk and see how it goes.


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Imo if you want gold market to be competitive, you still need to give players an active way to farm gold. A good suggestion idea might be:

    Reduce trades/week drastically to be competitive
    Reduce number of trades per day
    Make trades exclusive to the player, not account
    Actively adjust rate of gold/diamonds based on active gold market

    Such would then allow gold to not be worthless, as well as allowing players to actively obtain gold required for content.

  • Are there really that many new players that need help? And if the answer is yes, why forbid unquestet twink characters to do daily tqs like flasks. That change hurt new as well as old players who were farming some gold there. Card system+Guild Buffs+Changing Runes cost me thousands of diamonds per months and it helped getting rid of diamonds from the server (which combats diamond inflation which is the primary currency on the server and therefore more important).

    I am really confused.

  • It would make more sense if you could share some data with the community to back up this claim, I didn’t see any new comer complain about that. Agnes imho was a somewhat good way to burn excess dias on the economy.

    I highly support the idea of bringing Agnes back with nerfed daily trade amounts, and/Or add new options for newbies to farm gold for the very simple reason that if gold supply on ah is big enough, gold prices will go down compared to what Agnes offers, and players will find it more appealing to buy gold off other players.

    This change will fire backwards on newbies in every way possible, high tier prices and stats /gear.

  • Ich denke Sie werden ihre Gründe gehabt haben. Nur ist die Frage ob man gleich mit einem Vorschlaghammer alles nieder macht oder die Möglichkeit in Betracht zieht den Umtausch auf einmal am Tag zu beschränken. Das Kartensystem ist sehr sehr teuer und die Möglichkeit es weiter auszuführen ist nun fast nicht mehr möglich. Ich habe einfach keinen Bock auf ein Game wo ich fast nur noch zum Grinden gezwungen werde. Bitte überdenken Sie ihre Aktion und finden Sie einen Kompromiss.

    I think you will have had your reasons. The only question is whether to smash everything with a sledgehammer or consider the possibility of limiting the exchange to once a day. The card system is very, very expensive and it is now almost impossible to continue to run it. I just don't feel like playing a game where I'm almost only forced to grind. Please reconsider your action and find a compromise.

    mfg. Pistan

  • This change is so unnecessary, every player needs more gold than he gets on normal way. Be it for buff towers of the guild castle, for the production of Tier stones or for the "cheap" card system.

    Try to reduce the amount at Agnes first to see if it changes anything.

    Otherwise, you should think about changes in the gold costs.

    No one here wants to farm gold for hours, but have fun and run through instances with his guild or friends.

    Please reconsider the whole thing.

  • Can someone answer us what is the plan to solve this situation? Or you don't care about players and their feelings? I rarely comment on the forum, but your recent actions are a big exaggeration.

    Tell me please, what can i do now to earn some gold? Farm low level instances few hours per day? It was okay when i started but now when i have end game gear i dont want to waste time on activities like that.

    You act as if you want to help new players (which I believe are very few) at the expense of those who keep this server alive. You can do it in hundreds of ways so that while helping one side you don't hurt the other. This game has been going in a very bad direction for some time and the most important thing is the constant grind 24/7 to get anywhere. I can already see new players starting from scratch and going through every stage, every instance, and finally making cards. Maybe in 10 years they will succeed :) If farming of items, cards, artifacts and runes is going to include gold farming, then me and I think that many other people will end their adventure with the game.

    I hope that you will come to your senses and put everything back to right way.


    P.S. I really like to spend time in game and improve my character. But I'm slowly starting to feel sorry for my life for constantly grinding more things and this gold in my case is already too much. Im waiting for any change about gold or i will finish my adventure in CoA, and belive me, it's very hard decision.

  • Hello

    I also think that the NPC should come back

    maybe you could set the number per day to 12-15 instead of 20 to counter inflation, but not directly gone

    I think new players need the NPC more and this is the wrong approach to counter inflation

    maybe an idea would be to increase the quest reward low level quest from receiving gold

    new players and also endgame don't have the time to farm gold as well

    personally I am an endgame player and I don't have much time to play, under my game time I don't want to spend time farming gold then

    this would take the fun out of the game for me and sooner or later lead to leaving the game

    Greeting Luciaa

  • I think removing gold exchange NPC would never help new players, and you can even make old players leave this server.

    New players would never farm gold for hours every day. They just want to run end game instances like endgame players.

  • I am total noob (less than 1 year on the server as you can check). With or without that NPC makes no difference to me. I would never make tier stones just to sell them, it's a very tiersome business (pun intended). There are other ways of making diamonds.

  • I am total noob (less than 1 year on the server as you can check). With or without that NPC makes no difference to me. I would never make tier stones just to sell them, it's a very tiersome business (pun intended). There are other ways of making diamonds.

    Same for me. With or without makes no difference since atlas defense. I didnt exchange diamonds to gold since atlas minigame

  • I am total noob (less than 1 year on the server as you can check). With or without that NPC makes no difference to me. I would never make tier stones just to sell them, it's a very tiersome business (pun intended). There are other ways of making diamonds.

    Same for me. With or without makes no difference since atlas defense. I didnt exchange diamonds to gold since atlas minigame

    sometimes i take buffs from castle 2 times per day its 36kk (and some ppl take 2-3 per day)

    yesterday i make atlas defence i have 23kk gold



  • every endgame player (like me) can do atlas with only 2 ppl. so you get minimum of 3*25 scrolls -> 5 gold gashas. mdps endgame players can also do it solo.

    Furthermore if you take all guild castle buffs as dps, it's your choice :D I just tell from my perspective like everyone here. And I usually take only 1 time guild castle buff per day.

    I can understand the problem for players, who really need this NPC. I just told, that I personally don't see any change for me :) (I am not 24/7 online or in instances, but I am an endgame instance runner player; ppl who farm tiers 24/7 would might have even bigger problems)

    Just on main account from doint atlas every week in duo :)

  • And what about players (like me) who don't have a regular job and often work on weekends? You're talking about a cool way to get gold, but you need time for that. It's like opening the atlas from 8-10am when most people are at work. I remember you writing about upgrading cards with diamonds because you don't have time to farm, and it's the same with gold, except you have the time. Please think about other players sometimes because I see that you approach problems very individually.

  • atlas is from 0:00 - 23:59 oO and take 10 min time. You can't tell me that you don't have 10 min time on weekend.

    Anyway, all here don't really get what I wrote... so.. who cares :D (I marked and underlined it in quote)
