Forsaken Abbey (Hard) [Patch]

  • Nie nie działa to tak jak należy, jakikolwiek pet strażnikowy i obawiam się że normalne pety czasem również jeśli ustawią się nieodpowiednio powodują wzrost prędkości rzucania czaru bossa, losowo również powodują czasem uleczenie się bossa. podobnie jest na WB niby nie powinny dostawać debufa od pazurów bo zostało naprawione a jednak dostają....i zarażają wszystko dookoła

    No, it doesn't work as it should, any guard pet and I'm afraid that normal pets sometimes also cause an increase in the speed of casting the boss spell even if they position themselves incorrectly, randomly also sometimes cause the boss to heal. similarly it is on the WB like they should not get debuf from claws because it has been repaired and yet they get .... and infect everything around

    • Official Post


    my apologies, we have looked deeper into the event and indeed found something that might be related. It will be fixed with next patch.

    Best regards


  • Hi,
    You had looked too deep because the tactic is again different at this boss.

    Great that we, as a players, spend a lot of time at ini, learning tactics which in few days will be changed.
    And great you said everything is tested, then month later you find something wrong.


    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

    • Official Post

    You had looked too deep because the tactic is again different at this boss.

    Great that we, as a players, spend a lot of time at ini, learning tactics which in few days will be changed.
    And great you said everything is tested, then month later you find something wrong.


    Core boss tactic is still same as before. Just implementation of Cruel Speed was corrected to how it was originally designed which was accidently broken at some point.


  • I remember few changes on this boss since instance start. This time is little different because you were so brave to put it in patchnotes and forum.

    Maybe Im too rough but I am really tired of "It seems to work as intended" and then suddenly appears small "OOOPS" and you change something, despite the fact all this been tested.

    How can I know is it the same, is a bit different, or completely different? Or you will not change this again to another version? Or if pets are working or not unless I go there and check for myself. Ehh

    Anyway, is it possible the last door be open automatically after kill all previous bosses, without this stupid runes? If someone got dc or go save his house from fire, rest of the party is "bad word"

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

    Edited once, last by Leszix ().

  • Hello. I have something to say about the Atlas Event.

    1. I suggest a warning like Celebria to enter Atlas Event is only possible with one Character.

    At the current state you have to look for the wanderer and get a buff then which allows you to enter Atlas event.

    Today i entered with a twink first but didnt started the event.

    But cant enter then with my main after my twink left the event zone.

    This leads me to point 2.


    I suggest to add a diffrent Buff that you will get if the event is started by someone. With a Cooldown to time XY when atlas resets.

    This prevents enter atlas event by mistake

    or in my case without knowledge.

    In addition it prevents that you will lose one day playing Atlas event.


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited once, last by Idhril ().

    • Official Post

    I remember few changes on this boss since instance start. This time is little different because you were so brave to put it in patchnotes and forum.

    Maybe Im too rough but I am really tired of "It seems to work as intended" and then suddenly appears small "OOOPS" and you change something, despite the fact all this been tested.

    How can I know is it the same, is a bit different, or completely different? Or you will not change this again to another version? Or if pets are working or not unless I go there and check for myself. Ehh


    The main issue with this boss was a miscommunication between the development team and the testers. The testers didn't see a visible change without being hit (even though it should have gotten one) and we got the feedback that things were working properly. Now that the depth of the issue came to light, efforts have been made to fully correct this bosses event.

    We have learnt that we need to better communicate to the testers how and what exactly the behaviour of bosses is in order to eliminate circumstances like that in the future.

    Anyway, is it possible the last door be open automatically after kill all previous bosses, without this stupid runes? If someone got dc or go save his house from fire, rest of the party is "bad word"

    We will change this in the future.

    Thank you for your feedback,



  • Cruel Eater Boss has a well-thought-out tactic, but I think it is a tactic designed without thinking much about the players, because for example, I could not escape at 0.5 speed at the moment of action, especially if you have bad internet, it causes a waste of time, why 0.5 cast?

  • On first boss (Duke), you don't loose HP if you use Holy Candle (490304).

    Edit: At least it was on p/d. I'll test p/s now

    Edit 2: Its on all Priests. And all dots^^ so blood arrow as well


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited once, last by Laisha ().

  • Also regarding spiders webs. Why did you change that you cant outrun the nets? Before if the net spawned in you, you had ~5sec to run out of it. No you immediatly have the net debuff, which results in other spiders targeting you and often in your death.

    Please change again that you have some time to go out of the net


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    • Official Post

    Also regarding spiders webs. Why did you change that you cant outrun the nets? Before if the net spawned in you, you had ~5sec to run out of it. No you immediatly have the net debuff, which results in other spiders targeting you and often in your death.

    Please change again that you have some time to go out of the net



    The change wasn't intentional. Delay will be readded tonight with zone restart.


  • Hey,

    777938 / 777933 / 777934 / 777837 / 777935
    Are those Cards able to drop ? i have a lot of runs now and never seen any of these cards/ nor heared of anyone having them, even with good %droprate .

    Piece of Hollow Shell and Slime card seem to drop more or less frequently but others mentioned above dont.


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited once, last by Cruvor ().

    • Official Post


    Some of these cards were already obtained by players. A few don't seem too drop so were fixed for next patch.


  • rechecking , what about 777938 / 777937 ? Since the fix i have seen and obtained all cards except these 2 and also never heared or seen mentioned 2 drop . Or is there some super weird way to obtain them ?


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    • Official Post

    rechecking , what about 777938 / 777937 ? Since the fix i have seen and obtained all cards except these 2 and also never heared or seen mentioned 2 drop . Or is there some super weird way to obtain them ?



    We found general issue causing these and some other cards from treasure chests to not drop. It will be fixed with next game patch.
