Searching for a guild (English, Croatian)

  • New player who played the game years ago, having no intention of rushing to end game.

    I will level slowly the old-fashioned way through all the zones starting from ch1 because otherwise there is zero sense of accomplishment for me.

    Ingame: Cromage

    I am a very fast learner, not requiring that much help, also I know a lot about the game already by myself. Just want to get involved with a community.

  • Thranhiril

    Changed the title of the thread from “Searching for a guild” to “Searching for a guild (English, Croatian)”.
  • Hej, ja isto trazim nekog tko ce igrat laganini duo sa mnom, isto stari igrac s iskustvom, volim rjesavat sve questove i skupljat titlove po zonama. Jesi za?

  • Hi, add me and send me a whisper in-game( Cromage) . I have joined a guild recently, there are some Croatian players in there and sorry but on forums I will use English only so that other people can read too. :)