FPS drop while farming cards

  • Hey there :P

    Now that we are in this new world of spending trillions of hours farming cards, I noticed a huge problem that make the whole thing really unpleasant. Trash loot. Beside the fact that we need to spend an hour adding one by one every piece, flower, potion, amuntion, hell who knows what... we want to trash when a new map comes out, the game dies in the process when we loot and remove things. Mobs are giving way toooo many items and we need to throw away way too many items, game can't handle it (or maybe my pc :P). Killing mobs without pet perfume I have 99fps capped. If our pet is looting and addon remove all except cards, I have 25fps. Btw I already play in a different client with almost 0 addons.

    My proposition, create a new item shop potion, like pet perfume for example. When we have this thing on, mobs will only loot cards (or nothing if mob had no card). We don't need the millions of items we loot, we just want the cards. Please consider this, is so shitty to permanently have no fps and eat every wall cose I cant even move.

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  • Apparently cards patch is almost here and as I saw, it requires even more farm than before. How is my sugestion going? Will we have that improved pet perfume to only loot cards?

    If that is the case, mobs with crap items inside will need to disappear as fast as if we looted everything or maps will be full of corps and everyone will complain. I really think this changes are needed to be implemented at the same time than the patch come out.

    Regards, Madoxx.

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