while writing some luas i encounterd a problem
You can use the function "UseSkill(a,b)" to cast a spell from the Skillbook. But you dont have ANY function to cast Setskills from the (equipped) menu. Something like
"UseSetSkill(class in id, number)
Incase its a good idea, here are some infos that could help
-- return values --
GetSuitSkill_List(class, skillID) returns name, texture path and index(no clue whats that)
-- count setskills --
Since the Skillbook counts the spells on each page via GetNumSkill(i) i made a counting func for setskills aswell
function countSetskills(number)
local i = 0
if GetSuitSkill_List(number, 0) ~= nil then
i = i + 1
until GetSuitSkill_List(number, i) == nil
return i
number is the class number (warrior 1, scout 2, rogue 3 ...; can be returned by GetClassInfoByID(number))
other spells like GetSkillCooldown(a,b) would need an addition/new cd func aswell, this this is based off the skillbook aswell (a = skilltab (general, primary ...), b = skill1, skill2 ...)
Im sure im not the only one who would like to see an function like this since there are a lot of macro-coders which could benefit from that function aswell
afaik, people are currently using the function "UseAction()" and input their ActionBar ID of the setskill. There MIGHT be another way to cast Setskills but i dont know them yet. Kitty is using the function "CastSpellByName"