"Life Surge" and "Tower of Vitality" bug (P/Wl and P/Ch)

  • Although "Life Surge" (499829) of priest/warlock already has been reported month ago I'd like to adress it again because a) it hasn't been fixed yet and b) "Tower of Vitality" (498625) of priest/champion has the same bug.

    Although the caster has the visual effect and sees the buff on the friendly targets, the targets don't get the buff (they don't see the visual effect and they don't get the buff icon) and their attributes aren't increasing either. Although max. HP and Mana (e.g) are increasing (which would mean that its only a visual bug) the healing output (e.g.) isn't (which it sould since you should have 6% more WIS). On the Priest/Champ or Priest/Warlock this skill works fine (you see the icon and ur attributes change and you heal more because you have more WIS).


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “"Life Surge" and "Tower of Vitality" bug (P/W and P/Ch)” to “"Life Surge" and "Tower of Vitality" bug (P/Wl and P/Ch)”.