Mystical Mirror Water Cave

  • Mystical Mirror Water Cave only certain class combos can do it - it requires the player to one shot all mobs of the slug variety or they become invulnerable. Once invulnerable nothing can kill them. This is clearly a bug when all classes (104 level) cannot clear a level 80 instance due to mechanics. Look at the difficulty of all the other instances, not one issue there. Yet you have this insane mob that cannot be killed unless it is one shot killed. Even then, the way the mobs are positioned far apart and chain as a group, chances are one or 2 will get off an invulnerable and there's nothing to be done from then on. Do I really have to go scout to one shot these mobs? I shouldn't have to. It is bugged as bugged can get, you know it, I know it and so does the player base yet they put up with it. Just because your logs say players have and do finish it doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

    Solution - tame the invulnerable spell the slugs do, at the moment they refresh it even when there is still 10-15 seconds left on the old one. Let the old one run out at least - either that or do a damage absorb cap on the bubble so we can at least kill it.

  • And there is an offshoot bug caused by the invulnerability, the pet loot paid for ability stops working so still try to do the dungeon and manually loot with a few slugs biting constantly just doesn't work.

    Solution - enable the pet loot feature to be in combat, I see no reason why it shouldn't be allowed that way.

  • Greetings,
    I just tested the problem with these maggots in the Water Cave.
    I tested it as Knight/Rogue with the starter gear. I only had housemaid buffs and my pet.

    My stats where like this:

    When the Maggots had no shield I did around 200k dmg with each hit so I needed at least 3 hits to kill them.

    When they had the shield and I just spammed all skills I had and did white-hits on them. After ~10 seconds the shield got away. I think the shield absorbs around 50% of their life. When you hit them with white-hits for ~220k dmg the shield goes away and you can directly hit them.

    But in general I completely understand the problem you have. If you are mdps or heal you dont have that much dmg with your white-hits. I think it would be good to either reduce the shield a bit or buff it and let all skills instead of only white-hits do dmg to it.

    Look at the difficulty of all the other instances, not one issue there.

    If we look at the difficulty: Yes, some other mirror worlds are way easier but I think for example the "Steadfast Mirror Heart of the Ocean" can be very difficult for Beginners too.
    When I started a bit over 1 year ago on this server I, as a scout, really had problems with this mirror world. If you hit 1 mob in there, every mob of the room attacks you directly and almost every mob does a huge DoT on you.
    I really had a lot of problems in there because these DoTs hit really hard. Maybe this is something to look into too and make it more "Beginner Friendly"

    Kind Regards

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    Closed the thread.
  • I believe the shield for the maggot in the water cave is set to absorb a certain number of hits (is not dependent on how hard you hit them, just how many times you can) before they refresh the buff. So stack on dots and use skills that lets you hit faster and you should be able to get the shield off.

    I do agree that clumping these as a group is making it harder for people that can not 1 hit them. Perhaps spreading them around the instance so that you can only pull 1-2 of these at a time might be the answer.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.