Quest: A Blanket Search

  • Hello Arcadian's,

    Quest wiki link -

    Not sure if this actually a bug or not. However, Morrok asks to investigate 3 marked areas. I go to these marked areas, get the pop-up buff and wait around as suggested. But the objective won't get completed. No matter what I do, and this is affecting all 3 areas.

    I've ran around them, waited until the buff went away at the marked stone, clicked on the marking stone, moved in and out of the marked area to trigger the prompt (several times over). But nothing was successful. So I have come to a conclusion that this might be a bug. If it is not a bug and I am doing this completely wrong, then please let me know.

    This quest is part of the main questline and it is blocking me from progressing any further. My current toon level is 94.

    I've attached screenshots in hopes that it could provide some context and clarification.



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    Closed the thread.