Plasma Arrow / Buff-Casts are triggered multiple times

  • Hey there,

    I just noticed that - if you play with a combat engine like Kitty Combo or something else - your plasma arrow is casted a second time after you receive the buff, even if you already fulfill the condition that checks if the buff is active.

    The same relates to other cast skills that grant a buff, for example Mage/Warlock Flame or Electric Explosion (which buff your dmg).

    Could you somehow fix this or give us a workaround for lua combat engines? Timers don't solve this issue for me. :/

    Thx in advance and regards

    • Disabled travel distance delay duration for Voltage Seize.

    It is related to travel distance so it could be fixed as they did for mch voltage seize. Indeed timer help and one trick, it doesn't happen if you go melee xD.