CoA is not installed, and addons

  • Like the title says, i downloaded the game via client on my new laptop, it had the install window and then i can start and play the game, but somehow, its not shown in programms and CurseForge cant find it. so i cant add addons via curseforge and if i add them manuelly, they wont work at all. Not a single one....

    Anybody has an idea at how i can add CoA to the windows programms? Or am i doing anything wrong while downloading? With my tower-pc everything`s working fine...

  • You can just simply delete directory with the game.

    We don't store any additional files / registry keys on your PC, so that's all what's needed.

    This is reason why you cant find it in windows programms

    To manually install addons first you need to create Interface\AddOns folders (create them where you have game. For example C:\Games\Chronicles of Arcadia). Then just paste them into Addons folder (whole folders, for example scrutinizer)

  • At first, thx for your help :)

    And thats why i posted my problem. I`m experienced with Addons and how to manually install through the old RoM times.

    All addons i put into the addonsfolder couldnt be loaded, except ArcadiaUtilities...I have all buttons etc, but cant use/change them nor drag them around, so its more then useless, its blocks my view all over the screen^^

    Any other suggestions? (I tried to install the game at least 5 times, as admin, tried different addons and versions...)

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “CoA is downloaded and playable, but somehow not installed” to “CoA is not installed, and addons”.
    • Official Post

    For the COA installation, it's intended that you can't see it as new installed programs.

    In case of uninstallation, you only need to delete the game directory, as we aren't adding any registry keys.

    Some addons still need to be updated to support new 64-bit client.

    I would suggest to try with the one which was updated recently:…me-version=&filter-sort=2

    If you still won't be able to make them working, avoid reinstallation, but contact our support instead.

  • I got the solution on my problem, im so sry guys....

    While extracting the addon files it made an identical subfolder like: ...interface/addons/guildpanel/guildpanel...

    I appreciate your help but it was my fault after all :wacko:

    All have a nice day :)

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.