New Pantheon(easy) not sure if other modes are same- Boss 1 bug

  • as the title says i have encountered a bug in the tactic for boss 1 in New pantheon (easy).

    as the tactic requires you to match two things of the same, if two people are inside boss room it wont allow you to click the plates. all it keeps saying is "this cannot be used" for the full time before death (yes i have made sure i've got the eagle eye buff/de-buff however you want to look at it) if it could be fixed for newer players to learn tactics with more than one soloing the boss that would be nice


  • Hello,
    It can only click 1 person at a time the plates. Every time you find the correct pair, the person who can click could change. In order that you can click the plate, everyone in the group needs to stand on the SAME plate. Then the 1 person of the group can click the plate to find the correct pair.

    So in your example you both need to stand on the same plate and if you got the message "This cannot be used" then you partner should have the "ability" to click on the plate.
    Hope I could help you and Good luck in trying ;) .

    Kind Regards Nghty

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