Ultimate gear

  • First of all here are some hints on how you get the ultimate gear.

    There are multiple Stonesplates distributed in the whole instance which you have to find in order to get access to the NPC wehre you can "craft" your ultimate equipment.

    After collecting all stonesplates you will have access to a NPC were you can exchange one core of each instance (DL, Tikal, Inferno, Gorge and last but not least RoFL) for an Almighty Core. Keep in mind that the exchange is only available once per day!

    We can tell by experience that if you only use one Almighty Core, in exchange for an ultimate piece, the process can fail and you will lose all your resources. By that we assume that you will need atleast 15x Almighty Cores in order to have a 100% success rate

    We gathered a lot of different opinions about that whole grind and we think that the amount of time you have to spent into farming all these resources in order to get one COMPLETE ultimate equipment is just too energy-sapping because you have to keep in mind that you will need to run each instance over and over in order to collect the resources. We did some math and if we assume that you need atleast 15x Almighty Cores in exchange for an ultimate piece you will have to run 195x each instance again. So 195x DL, 195x Tikal, 195x Inferno, 195x Gorge and 195x RoFL which is a total of 975 runs. So to summ it all up will need a total of 195 days grinding every instance in order to get the ultimate equipment^

    We know that PlayerNet planed that instance to bypass a long period of time so we dont get bored too fast but there is a problem with new coming players. New players might get scared once they find out how much time you have to spent into the game in order to reach the "high end" niveau.

    Therethrough a lot of people with think about it twice before starting on Chronicles of Arcadia and there is a risk that the old loyal players might lose interest and quit playing. This system might not fit for the future. Overall it is a great concept but there are some adjustments to make in order for it to work in the furture and make it attratcive for old and new players

    After a lot of discussions with other players and guilds especially with Sâcrêd with came to one conclusion.

    Our Suggestion is that:

    If we are right with our presumption that you need 15x Almighty Cores for a single ultimate piece it should be lowered to 10x Almighty Cores for a 100% chance to exchange the item. Therefore people who are willing to spent the time farming these resources might get attracted by the fact of building a second gear besides that the marked could benefit aswell because a lot of stats and lower equip pieces will be around.

    Also all cores should be unbound. Almighty Core excluded! If the cores are unbound new players could farm these and sell them so it would boost the economy of the server and would bring a little balance between high end player and new comers since high end players most likely are too lazy to farm these themselves. For example high end player will donate to the server in order to get diamonds and buy the cores and new comers would donate in order to buy the new items. This could be an endless curculation and players aswell as the server benefits.

    Its important to make the exchange for a Almighty Core IP-Related so the system can not be abused and player can only exchange once per day as usual.^

    This post is directed to PlayerNet itself but feel free give us your feedback or other suggestions. Our all goal should be to make the server run as long to have a good game experience so share your own opinion.

    • Official Post


    Firstly we are discussing additional way of obtaining cores.

    Secondly ultimate gear is not supposed to be completed fast and we will perform some steps in upcoming patches to note it clearly. However it is obtainable.


  • I really like the suggestion

    First of all, im not a high end player. I can only say my opinion about that, what Mela wrote.

    Personally, I love to grind. But having RNG in your reward is not really a thing (imo). I'd rather farm 10 Core's for 1 Item with a 100% chance than farming 1 core with a chance of ~7% to get an Item. Of course, you can be lucky and get your second item from your second core. But at the same time, another player lost his 20th core and with that his will to play.

    I do like the idea to include the old instances tho. For new players, it's a nice way to get gear from the higher guilds, who dont need it anymore and can sell it cheap.

    I feel like if the cores would be unbounded, alot of players would be interested in playing/playing again. Just put yourself in a position of someone who started playing a couple of weeks ago. He can barely run tikal but some kind people help him with a run. Suddenly, he becomes a core, can sell it to someone from the highest guild, gets a good amount of diamonds, and can buy from that some gear from the instance from Inferno, because it's cheap and really good for new commers. People would be motivated to spent even more time on the server, and thats why I support this idea totally. Thumbs up

  • Hello,

    I want to mention my own personal opinion about this topic, although i am supporting what melo just wrote, because it was a result of a discussion between the guilds pulse and sacred.

    I am playing for more than five years now here on arcadia.

    During that time me and others did countless of Tikal, Inferno and Gorge runs. We already spent so much time in these instances, and it was for most of the time worth it. But during the last months we were craving for new content, new instances, new stuff to do.

    I am not the biggest fan of RofL, but its okay. We can deal with it. And its fine.

    BUT the fact, that the developers are pretty much forcing us to farm the old instances again and again, that we were already spent so much time in it, to obtain the ultimate gear, is a huge problem. A very huge problem for our motivation.

    A problem, which can be the reason for alot of people to finally quit this game.

    I really hope we find a good solution for everybody (veterans, endcontent, new players)



  • although i am supporting what melo just wrote

    I guess thats a typo, because I didnt write anything here....yet! ^^

    This is what I pm'ed the team the day after we unlocked Hekhig and I hate to be the one to say "I told you so", because everyone also finding out about Hekhig and this thread happening came way faster than I expected and the team did not have any time yet to properly react.

    But it seems like I had the right hunch.

    I believe the best we players can do now is chill a little, maybe make some more nice suggestions and wait for the team to decide on how to move on from this point, up to now they were able to do a pretty good job over the years when it came to reacting to community feedback.

    So don't be all too disappointed and discouraged because of this mistake the team made, theres plenty of ways to fix this. For all of us.;)

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Yes i was referring to mela. Sorry about that.

    And i think you are right. Let's calm down, and make nice suggestions.

    For example: I made a suggestion months ago, where i was talking about adding a new quality beyond red.

    When i was doing so, i was thinking about rare drops in the highest instance RofL, like 1-5%. So that it would motivate the people playing endcontent to farm the newest instance like crazy.

    So on the one hand the new ultimate gear is that kind of new quality i wanted to be implemented, but on the other hand forcing us to run "old" content is not what i had in mind.


  • As a relatively new player on the server, I can confirm that getting geared up and ready for endgame content is quite the task.. And near impossible if you stay F2P.

    Finding a good guild definitely is one of the requirements for that I suppose, but since my friend and I were not interested in joining any guilds (yet), we had no choice but to spend a lot to gear up.

    If there was farmable content like these cores that was actually worth farming, new and (near) F2P players would definitely be more motivated to stay.

    The argument could be made that this would mean less real income for the server, but I completely disagree.

    As Mela stated in the original post, endgame players will still be lazy and impatient, and therefore buy diamonds to buy the cores (or whichever farmable item) with.

    Once the new players become endgame, they aswell might be more inclined to buy diamonds to speed things up.

    Life is an enigma, and all we can do is our best to figure out what it means.

  • Hello,

    regardless all these good suggestions I want to share my own opinion.

    I totally share the same opinion as Mela. The situation right now is pretty rough since you have to spent a lot of time running all these instances again. I rather run 195x RoFL than running Inferno or Gorge one more time since I already farmed these instances the past 2-3 years. If there would be a additional way to obtain these cores it would be a mayor point and way more enjoyable to farm. I wouldve been a really cool idea if they implemented the cores half a year ago to tease the new instance and you would already have some cores to start the new content with. To summ it all up I would like to have a additional way to obtain the cores from every other instance but RoFL


    Talking about peace whilst spilling blood, it’s something that only humans can do.

    • Official Post


    Our intention was never been letting community obtain Ultimate equipment in reasonable amount of time as it is named as Ultimate equipment which won't be obtained in regular ways and time interval.

    Ultimate equipment is designed to be an extra gear for who gives enough effort for them over long time.

    Regular content has already released along with old exchange system and refined equipment is obtainable with similiar effort as Gorge of the Ice Giants equipment. Hence, please don't consider Ultimate equipment is only option.


  • The differences between the equipments of tikal and inferno or inferno and gorge was much bigger than the difference between gorge and new red gear.

    So why should someone, who already have full gorge equipment, getting new red gear. You don't need that gear, because first: it is similar the same like gorge and second: the new instance is a joke in difficulty.

    Not only the player who still run the new instance are complaining about the new system. If you would have thinking about and for the community, the 5 cores would have been at least unbound for trading. The allmighty core could still be bound, but as it is at the moment, the economy will be stagnated, player will be frustrated etc.

    It's your choice as playernet yes, but it's also your problem in the future if there would be a future for this server

  • Hey,

    I agree with Lutine.

    In my opinion the refined gear from RofL is too weak!

    Everyone, that already has a high tier'd gorge gear, is seeing the new refined RofL gear as a temporary solution, till you get the ultimate gear -> And that is why people are complaining about the present state of how to get the ultimate gear.

    I suggest you to buff the new refined gear (same increase from Gorge to RofL, than from Inferno to Gorge gear).

    It will have the effect, that the people would more focus on the new instance. They would tier up the new refined gear properly, and they wouldn't focus that much on obtaining the ultimate gear for now.

    You would get enough time to develope a good idea, that the community accepts, on how to obtain the ultimate gear, that as byte said, is designed for a long persistent play.


  • Hello,

    i want to give you a feedback about the latest content patch.

    I talked with alot of players about it, and I also want to give you some suggested solutions.

    At the moment we are a little bit confused:

    Because: We think, that the refined gear from RofL is too weak! With our high tier'd Gorge gear, the red RofL give a too little boost in our opinion.

    So everyone is seeing the new red gear as a transitional solution.

    And because of that, everyone is focussing too much on the ultimate gear. And for now it is totally unclear how to obtain it, we have not enough informations.

    Everyone tries to get as much cores as possible, but no one knows, the final purpose on it. That is pissing people off, and alot do not wanna play anymore.

    I wanna make a suggestion, which can solve this problem.

    You need to buff the red refined Rofl gear. The boost regarding on strength should be like it was from Inferno to Gorge.

    If you do this, people will more focus on the new instances for the next months. They will gear up their main, or secondary or third classes with the red refined gear.

    That way you will get more time to release informations and content about getting the ultimate gear till the players will focus on getting it.

    And I think that way people accept, that the ultimate gear will need a long persistent play.

    I really hope, that you read this feedback, since i think, it will pleases the community and dont interfere with your plans about the ultimate gear.

    Thank you!

  • Sooooo.... Is this what the team has to say about this? Is this a personal statement? Does that mean that you will make not further changes?

    Just a small side note and what I kinda already told you ("players want to best because it is the best"):

    A players gear always has been some kind of prestige object in this game and allowing a small number of players to have "an extra gear for who gives enough effort for them over long time" will result in those players being envied pretty strongly by players who can not invest that amount of time.

    So in some way you are enableing two (more) classes of society with this.


    Buffing refined RoFL gear wouldnt help anything in my eyes. It being a temporary solution is not the (only) reason why ppl are complaining. For me it is no solution at all, I just ignore/skip that gear. Why?

    Because I see stuff like this happening already, almost every run, even before all dps had their new weapons:



    In gorge we needed the new gear to run the instance more fluently and to reduce the rather long runtime the ini had back in the day. This isnt as much the case for RoFL as it was for gorge. By far.

    So if you want to buff the refined gear to let it make some difference, you would have to buff RoFL HM even more.

    And I didnt even mention the situation for tanks and heals. Here buffing their refined versions wouldnt make any difference at all in their gameplay.


    Edit: found a second example, these were 9th and 10th of May, so a few days after clear....

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

    Edited once, last by melodic ().

  • Hello everyone,

    Ultimate Gear

    Over all I like the idea to have a new rarity in game but you did not think good enough about the players and what they really want.

    Please DEV-Team no not only DEV-Team PLEASE PLAYERNET this Game has its origins in Runes of Magic and at least I (but also many others, I think) love how the gear system works. In my opinion it is also the only thing why I play this game, there is no other game that can offer me such kind a of a gearing system. And when it comes to other parts of the game there are other, a lot newer and better running games on the Market.

    So, and again this is my opinion but you guys (and I'm speaking to the whole PLAYERNETTEAM) have made the biggest mistake you could do with the ultimate gear system. THIS DOES NOT FEEL A SINGLE BIT LIKE THE GAME I LOVE. I can understand that you don’t want us get bored fast and crying for new content. But I don’t think that this is the right way to do it. Also, the fact that we don’t get any information from either the NPC or the DEV-Team on the number of cores needed to get the 100% chance of an upgrade is just poor. And the fact that we have to run OLD AND BORING content that we have done multiple times before, does not make the whole situation better.

    I do think that the suggestion of Melamania is a great idea.

    Greetings, Varondil

  • hmm ... we dont know either if we make the Red to Golden Gear do we keep + Tier and Stats would be nice to know this ..

    because if we keep them it would be rly nice so you can make your red gear perfect

    otherwise this all is big garbage

  • In general its a great idea that you have to upgrade your red gear to ultimate gear. The tough part is though that it can fail but thats completely new and hasnt been in RoM before so I think thats a great idea. The only thing I dislike about it is that you dont have ANY clue on how to obtain these items there are no numbers given when its a 100% chance to upgrade the item successfully. I think if we had numbers given that whole conversation wouldve turned differently.

    Talking about peace whilst spilling blood, it’s something that only humans can do.

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “The truth about ultimate gear” to “Ultimate gear”.

  • We believe conversation is granting enough information about success rate.


    To be honest this post is irrelevant since you only obtain that text once you have 15x Almighty Cores in your inventory. At this state of game not a single player has 15x Almighty Cores so we all were clueless and had no numbers to work with. But thanks for the information thats atleast something.

    Talking about peace whilst spilling blood, it’s something that only humans can do.

  • In my opinion, there is enough information given, if you try to upgrade you will always see the text saying you can sepnd max. 15 cores.

    Also you have the line saying something about the chance of success and while it says that it won't work, its rather obvious that you will need more and up to 15 to increase your chances, especially after you have reached the first threshold thats informing you of a higher chance than zero.

    You only can't know from the beginning if you will have a 100% chance while spending 15 cores, but once you have enough cores, you will know that you have a 100% chance....so where exactly is your problem?!

    Furthermore saying...

    To be honest this post is irrelevant...

    ...and just two sentences later...

    But thanks for the information thats atleast something

    is just incomprehensible for me...

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

    Edited once, last by melodic ().

  • It’s hard for me to say anything about gold equipment, we still don’t understand the system of exchanging cores for the final core.

    What would I do, I would leave more clues in the game about getting the final equipment, now there are no clues or it is very difficult to find them, it is the unknown that annoys everyone.

    Players who already understand how to make the finished equipment are annoyed by the required number of trips to other dungeons, which I don’t want to remember, so it may be worth making the cores untied, anyway, as I understand it, you can get only one gold core per day, this ensures that you don't make the final gear too fast.

    You just have to consider that many people want to have time to make gold equipment for other classes, and many more want to earn diamonds on it by selling gold equipment, in the near future this is out of the question.

    Players who for certain reasons will not be able to get new equipment will want to buy it, replenish diamonds and that's it, no one will sell it in sufficient quantities for a very long time, or will sell it for 1 item at the price of an average set from the gorge.

    But in general, I really liked the system, you just need to modify it a bit.

  • Hi all,

    I will detail my feedback below on the ultimate gear.

    First, many thanks again to the devs team for making new content, hope the feedback from the whole community will be considered.

    Golden (ultimate-final form) gear:

    a) in general need ALOT more description how to get, VERY hard to figure things out

    b) how does it work should be very clearly explained by the npc - i.e. does refining red to golden produces new golden item or tiers/stats stay and item becomes golden? Would be great to add that in the description for the red-golden refining; also please add how many golden cores are needed - you do it for explicitly for the red gear (need 10), why not explain for golden gear too - please address it

    c) cores - was suggested before, make them unbound (except almighty) , as things are economy is a mess, prices are down, cores will allow ppl to farm and trade, good for the server; limit ultimate cores to once per day per account(IP) and if ppl abuse you can easily find them and remove extras and warn not do it, with how hard it will be to get golden gear it wont be hard to track it. That way even if cores are not bound (except almighty) then still require at least XX days before can refine 1 item to golden (I assume its 15 days but again 0 info - assuming it is indeed 15 I would also cut it to 10 days, 15 is just too much). I note you just added an option (via recipe) to craft cores using other cores, but I still think this requires way too much grinding, it should be bit more reasonable for people who can only invest few hours a day and cant play 24/7.

    I hope the feedback was constructive and could be useful.

    Kind regards,


  • To above - forgot to add - in general I actually like the idea of having cores and that you need them to obtain golden gear, its just the extent of grinding required is brutal for most people who can not afford to spend most of their time gaming. Please consider some revisions to decrease the grinding aspect at least some, thank you :)

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.