New Golden Wings

  • Hey, when will the new Wings with movement speed mod be available.

    Everyone that have read latest patchnotes and I have spoken to was ecpecting them in todays weekend promo

  • If i remember correctly, none of the new implemented items in the last few month were available with the directly upcoming promo, but 1-2 weeks afterwards.

    I'm talking about the new crafting furniture, the pet tp potions, weaponskins i guess it will be about the same with the new wings... :/;)

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

    • Official Post

    We did not published a statement about the way, and day of implementation yet.

    As soon as it will be decided, you will notice for sure.

    Please be patient.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.