Warlock: Item Set Skill Revamp and Balancing

    • Official Post

    Item Set Skill Revamp and Balancing

    This dedicated sub-thread is for suggestions and feedback on the Lv 75+ Item set skills; it is not intended for discussion or debates on other players suggestions or the current state of Item Set Skills.

    All posts within this threads must follow this format or they will be removed:

    Skill Name:
    ISS Level:
    Suggested changes:
    Reasoning for these changes:

  • Skill Name: Psychic Power of the Ant Queen
    ISS Level: 75
    Suggested changes: instead of 3 psi after 25 secs i think 4 is better
    Reasoning for these changes: because you need 2 psi for severed and warlock needs a boost scouts is too op compared to it

    Skill Name: Chaos Guide
    ISS Level: 80
    Suggested changes: Increases your dark attribute magic power by 100% and decreases received healing by 50.0% (75% ?) for 15.0 to 20 seconds.
    Reasoning for these changes: wl is too weak compared to scouts and melee classes it would be more enjoyable if classes ppl enjoyed got a chance to do more dps in inferno it lacks on trash and bosses compared to scouts also 10 secs is too little to work with.

    Skill Name: Shield of the otherworld
    ISS Level: 85
    Suggested changes: make it 5 secs instead of 3 secs
    Reasoning for these changes: 3 secs is to little to work with

    Skill Name: Path of Anguish
    ISS Level: 90
    Suggested changes: Increases movement speed by 30.0% and grants you the [Steps of Anguish] effect during the movement which increases dark magic power by 6.0% for 5.0 seconds. Can be stacked a maximum of 10 times. The [Path of Anguish] effect lasts 25.0 seconds.
    Reasoning for these changes: it is not that much of a change from the lvl 58 iss and the speed isn't that much important imo i rather have more time to work with and more dark magic power wl lacks compared to the other fotm classes this imo will make wl more useful and make inferno more friendly for wls instead of all scouts

    Skill Name: Spatial Rift
    ISS Level: 98
    Suggested changes: maybe instead of the skill itself damage increase by 33% but maybe make it increase you mdam by or damage on your skills by 20 to 30 % for 6 to 10 secs
    Reasoning for these changes: wl needs more powered compared to most of the classes even sustain is lacking compared to other classes

    Skill Name: Traces of the void
    ISS Level: 99
    Suggested changes: instead of 60% movement speed maybe increase in dark damage or crit mdam by 20 to 40%
    Reasoning for these changes: as my previous reasonings can't compare to melees or scouts with these changes it will it can put it on par with other classes or atleast close its not fun being limited to classes to play or not being able to comes runs because something else is needed more to clear faster and not all have money to reroll or want to reroll classes

  • Skill Name: Szczeliny Przestrzeni
    ISS Level: 98
    Suggested changes: Zamienić 2400 obrażeń magicznych na obrażenia od mroku i dostosować ich wartość liczbową.
    Reasoning for these changes: Obecnie skill zadaje zbyt mały dmg by opłacało się go używać, 3-sekundowe ogłuszenie nie sprawia, że jest on opłacalny, dlatego sądzę, że zwiększenie obrażeń dla tego skilla zwiększyłoby jego użyteczność.
    Other: -

    Skill Name: Ochrona Przed Duchami Zmarłych
    ISS Level: 95
    Suggested changes: Proponuję przerobić ten skill całkowicie zmieniając go na pasywny skill, który zmniejszałby koszty fokusu od wszystkich skilli o 30%
    Reasoning for these changes: Ochrona Przed Duchami Zmarłych nie wnosi praktycznie żadnych zmian w stosunku do setskilla Bariera Wchłonięcia Duszy. Zmniejszenie wymagań fokusu dla czarnoksiężnika byłaby napewno lepszą opcją, gdyż skille których używa czarnoksiężnik wymagają znacznej ilości fokusu i często bywa tak, że go brakuje (nawet pomimo użycia Mikstury Skupionej Woli)
    Other: -

  • Skill Name: Path of Anguish
    ISS Level: 90
    Suggested changes: Increases movement speed by 30.0% and grants you the [Steps of Anguish] effect during the movement which increases dark magic power by 4.0% for 6.0 seconds. Can be stacked a maximum of 10 times. The [Path of Anguish] effect lasts 25.0 seconds.
    Reasoning for these changes: Warlock is a casting class, so sometimes playing event and having the buff increase can be hard even though it is otherwise a nice skill.
    Other: Please do not remove the movement speed (also from other setskills) as those are very nice to have! :)

    Skill Name:Dead Spirit Protection
    ISS Level: 95
    Suggested changes: Increase absorbed damage to 15 or 20%
    Reasoning for these changes: As far as I know the damage absorbed is the same as lvl 60 setskill, only time of fear is increased

    Skill Name: Spatial rift
    ISS Level: 98
    Suggested changes: Causes 1080 dark damage on single enemy. If it hit successfully increases the magical damage for 10 seconds for 20%. Cast time: 3 seconds!!, cd of skill: 12 seconds, cd of 20% damage increase: 40 sec.
    Reasoning for these changes: It would give warlock additional useful damage skill that also increases the damage of all following skills.