Pressing the "V" button in game provides particular attributes for skills and weapon levelling, much of which is done at the training grounds.
There seem to be three OK ways to level up the defense skill. Discussion below.
1. Savage Lands - those weird ugly things swarm and can level up the defense slowly even if there's 20 on you. At some point if afk, I die. If there's a macro to save me when I sleep that'd be awesome, but dead people don't level weapons. Unless you're a zombie. Not that zombie use weapons. Anyways, moving on.
2. Defense encyclopdia, um, encyloprediu, er, encylopaedago, er, defense book. This is slow, lucky to level up even a little bit, have to stay in house and stare at stuff. Not the best strategy but the only one that's sustainabubble.
3. Mirrorworld. Again, based on a swarm, but not sustainable due to time mostly.
Are there other ways to level up defense skill when away from keyboard and without dying?